Load Customization Data to the Autonomous Data Warehouse

You can load your customization data to the autonomous data warehouse provisioned with your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse instance.

  1. Connect to the autonomous data warehouse corresponding to your Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse instance.

    You need the autonomous data warehouse wallet and credentials of the administrator. The credentials of the administrator are same as what you had mentioned for the autonomous data warehouse resource while creating the Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse instance. See Create an Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Subscription Instance.

  2. Create a custom schema to store the customization data.

    Syntax: create user <custom_schema-name> identified by <custom_schema-password>;

    Example: create user example_schema identified by abcDEF123654;

  3. Create one or more tables in the custom schema that you created.

    Syntax: CREATE TABLE <custom_schema-name>.<custom_extent_table_name> (<parameters>));

    Example: CREATE TABLE example_schema.ABC_EXTN ("DATE" DATE, "CATEGORY" VARCHAR2(1024 BYTE) , "MANAGER" VARCHAR2(1024 BYTE) );

  4. Populate the required data and grant select permissions to the OAX$OAC schema in the autonomous data warehouse using this script:

    Syntax: grant select on <custom_schema-name> to OAX$OAC;

    Example: grant select on example_schema.ABC_EXTN to OAX$OAC;

  5. Commit the changes to the autonomous data warehouse and disconnect.