Transform Data Using Column Menu Options

You can use column menu options to modify the data’s format.

You can upload or open an existing data set to transform the data using column menu options. After making the changes to the data set, you can create a project or open an existing project and add the data set to the project.

The data transform changes update the column data using the selected option or add a new column to the data set.

The list of available menu options for a column depends on the type of data in that column.

If you don’t apply the transformation script and close the project or the data set, you lose all the data transform changes you’ve performed.

  1. Open a project, and click Prepare. In the Preview data panel, select a column to transform.
  2. Click Options, and select a transformation option.
  3. In the step editor, update the fields to configure the changes. You can review the changes in the data preview table.
  4. Click Add Step to apply the data changes, close the step editor, and add a step to the Preparation Script Panel.
  5. Continue implementing data transform changes in the data set.
  6. Click Apply Script in the Preparation Script Panel to apply the data transform changes to the entire data set.
  7. Optional: Click Save, and then click Visualize to see the transformed columns.