8 Prebuilt


This chapter provides information on all the prebuilt KPIs, decks, cards, and analyses that are shipped as the standard offering along with the product.

Prebuilt Analyses

Prebuilt Analyses are the functional analyses defined using the data visualization functionality in Oracle Analytics Cloud platform.

Only Analytic Currency metrics are used in these analyses. These tables shows the summary of predefined analysis available for each module.

Cost Management

Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
Item Cost Analysis Analyze the item cost by cost organization, cost book, valuation unit, etc. SCM - Item Cost
Inventory Valuation Analysis Analyze the inventory valuation by cost organization, cost book, valuation unit, etc. SCM - Inventory Valuations


Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
Inventory Transactions Analysis Analyze the Inventory Transactions by inventory organization, product category, issuance, and receipt. SCM - Inventory Transactions
Inventory Balances Analysis Analyze the Inventory Balances by inventory organization and product category.

SCM - Inventory Balances

Order Management

Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
Open Sales Order Analysis Analyze the Open Sales Orders by Sales Business Unit, inventory organization, product category, Customer, Fulfillment Line Status etc. SCM - Sales Orders, SCM - Sales Orders Holds
Sales Order Fulfillment Analysis Analyze the Sales Order Fulfillment by Sales Business Unit, inventory organization, product category, Customer, Fulfillment Line Status etc. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Analysis Provides summary of Perfect Orders by Sales Business Unit, Category and Period. And covers other metrics like Order Amount, Returned Amount, Cancelled Amount and Open Hold Orders Amount in the analysis. SCM - Sales Orders, SCM - Sales Orders Holds


Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
Procurement Spend Overview Provides an overview of Spend, Non-PO matched spend, and Non-agreement spend along with entities who are spending and are non-compliant. Procurement - Spend
Procument Spend Supplier Overview Provides an overview of suppliers in terms of Key suppliers spend, Supplier Tail spend, and Suppliers Count. Procurement - Spend
Procurement Spend Category Overview Provides an overview of categories spend, counts, and other details. Procurement - Spend
Procurement Department Efficiency Analysis Provides insights on procurement department efficiency with metrics like approval counts, amendment counts and cycle time in days. Procurement - Purchase Orders
Supplier Shipment Analysis Provides insights on supplier shipments by early shipment, late shipment, ASN receipts and other details. Procurement - Receipts
Purchase Agreement Analysis Summarizes the analysis on purchase agreement for both contract purchase agreements and blanket purchase agreements. Provides insights on agreement trends, expiring agreement, cycle time and release amount range. Procurement - Agreements
Procurement Performance Analysis Summarizes the performance analysis from requisitions to receipts. Provides insights on past due, rejections, cancellations and over received quantity % by different dimensions. Procurement - Purchase Orders, Procurement - Requisitions

Prebuilt KPIs

KPIs are measurements that define and track specific business goals and objectives that often roll up into larger organizational strategies that require monitoring, improvement, and evaluation. KPI can be used as an analysis in cards and decks to allow a user to view KPI performance and drill into the details to understand why a KPI value may be off the target. KPIs can also be used to automatically trigger alerts to specific users when KPI target values reach critical status levels. Only Analytic Currency metrics are used in the prebuilt KPIs.

Cost Management

KPI Name KPI Description Related Subject Areas
Item Unit Cost Shows unit cost for a given period. SCM - Item Cost
Material Cost Shows material cost for a given period. SCM - Item Cost
Material Overhead Cost Shows material overhead cost for a given period. SCM - Item Cost
Resource Cost Shows resource cost for a given period. SCM - Item Cost
Overhead Cost Shows overhead cost for a given period. SCM - Item Cost
Profit in Inventory Shows profit in inventory cost for a given period. SCM - Item Cost
Percentage of Material Cost Shows average material cost percentage of the average unit cost for a given period. SCM - Item Cost
Percentage of Material Overhead Cost Shows average material overhead cost percentage of the average unit cost for a given period. SCM - Item Cost
Percentage of Resource Cost Shows average resource cost percentage of the average unit cost for a given period. SCM - Item Cost
Percentage of Overhead Cost Shows average overhead cost percentage of the average unit cost for a given period. SCM - Item Cost
Percentage of Profit in Inventory Shows average profit in inventory cost percentage of the average unit cost for a given period. SCM - Item Cost
Onhand Value Shows costed onhand balance for a given period. SCM - Inventory Valuations


KPI Name KPI Description Related Subject Areas
Inventory Onhand Quantity Shows inventory quantity for a given period in primary unit of measure. SCM - Inventory Balances
Inventory Transaction Primary Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of primary quantity. SCM - Inventory Transactions
Inventory Transaction Secondary Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of secondary quantity. SCM - Inventory Transactions
Inventory Transaction Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of transaction quantity. SCM - Inventory Transactions
Inventory Transaction Issuance Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of issue quantity. SCM - Inventory Transactions
Inventory Transaction Receipts Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of receipt quantity. SCM - Inventory Transactions
Inventory Transaction Consignment Received Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of consignment received quantity. SCM - Inventory Transactions
Inventory Transaction Transferred Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of consignment transferred quantity. SCM - Inventory Transactions

Order Management

KPI Name KPI Description Related Subject Areas
Fulfillment Lines on Holds Count This KPI is calculated as count of fulfillment lines on hold, considering holds only at fulfillment lines. SCM - Sales Orders Holds
Average Hold Time This KPI is calculated as average of difference between hold released date and hold applied date. SCM - Sales Orders Holds
Sales Order Cancelled Lines Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of amount for lines which are cancelled. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Returned Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of returned quantity from lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Lines Shipped in Full % This KPI is calculated as lines shipped in full divided by count of lines shipped. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Shipped in Full Count This KPI is calculated as orders which are closed and have all shipped line as shipped in full. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Shipped in Full % This KPI is calculated as count of shipped in full orders divided by count of closed orders. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order On Time Shipment Lines Count This KPI is calculated as count of lines which are shipped on time. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order On Time Shipment Lines % This KPI is calculated as count of lines shipped on time divided by count of shipped lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order On Time Shipment Lines (RD) Count This KPI is calculated as count of lines which are shipped on time based on requested delivery date. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order On Time Shipment Lines (RD) % This KPI is calculated as count of lines shipped on time based on requested delivery date divided by count of shipped lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order To Shipment Lines Cycle Times This KPI is calculated as average of difference between actual ship date and submitted date. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Delayed Scheduled Lines This KPI is calculated as average of difference between schedule ship date and requested ship date. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Received Return Lines Count This KPI is calculated as count of return order lines where material is received. SCM - Sales Orders
Closed Sales Order Count Count of distinct order headers where orders are closed. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Shipped Lines Count Count of shipped order lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Orders Count Count of distinct sales orders. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Lines Count Count of fulfillment lines with line category as order. SCM - Sales Orders
Open Sales Orders Count Count of distinct order headers where orders are open. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Open Lines Count Count of fulfillment lines with line category of order and lines are open. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Return Lines Count Count of fulfillment lines with line category as return. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Quantity Ordered This KPI is calculated as sum of ordered quantity from lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Reserved Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of reserved quantity from lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order RMA Delivered Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of RMA delivered quantity from lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Cancelled Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of canceled quantity from lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Shipped Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of shipped quantity from lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Fulfilled Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of fulfilled quantity from lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Lines Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of lines amount for line category as order. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Open Lines Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of lines amount for line category as order for open sales orders. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Past Due Lines Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of amount for lines where scheduled ship date is less than system date and line are not shipped and for line category as order. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Shipped Lines Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of amount for lines which are shipped. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order On Time Shipment Lines Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of amount for lines which are shipped on time. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Late Shipped Lines Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of amount for lines which are not shipped on time. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Perfect Order Lines Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of amount for lines which are perfect order lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Lines Shipped in Full Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of amount for lines which are shipped in full. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Billed Lines Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of lines billing amount for line category as order. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Return Lines Open Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of lines amount for line category as return for open sales orders. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Return Lines Closed Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of lines amount for line category as return for closed sales orders. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Unit List Price This KPI is calculated as average of unit list price. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Unit Selling Price This KPI is calculated as average of unit selling price. SCM - Sales Orders
Perfect Sales Order Lines Count This KPI is calculated as count of lines with line category as order, lines are shipped and met following conditions: Scheduled ship date is greater than or equal to actual ship date; Line is shipped in full; Line does not have a return order referenced. SCM - Sales Orders
Perfect Sales Order Lines % This KPI is calculated as perfect order lines divided by lines which are shipped. SCM - Sales Orders
Perfect Sales Order Count This KPI is calculated as orders which are closed and have all shipped line as perfect order line. SCM - Sales Orders
Perfect Sales Order % This KPI is calculated as count of perfect orders divided by count of closed orders. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Lines Shipped in Full Count This KPI is calculated as count of lines shipped in full where line is not split. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Lines Shipped in Full % This KPI is calculated as lines shipped in full divided by count of lines shipped. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Shipped in Full Count This KPI is calculated as orders which are closed and have all shipped line as shipped in full. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Shipped in Full % This KPI is calculated as count of shipped in full orders divided by count of closed orders. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order To Shipment Lines Cycle Times This KPI is calculated as average of difference between actual ship date and submitted date. SCM - Sales Orders
Delayed Sales Order Scheduled Lines This KPI is calculated as average of difference between schedule ship date and requested ship date. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Received Return Lines Count This KPI is calculated as count of return order lines where material is received. SCM - Sales Orders
Closed Sales Order Count Count of distinct order headers where orders are closed. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Shipped Lines Count Count of shipped order lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Orders Count Count of distinct sales orders. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Lines Count Count of fulfillment lines with line category as order. SCM - Sales Orders
Open Sales Orders Count Count of distinct order headers where orders are open. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Open Lines Count Count of fulfillment lines with line category of order and lines are open. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Return Lines Count Count of fulfillment lines with line category as return. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Quantity Ordered This KPI is calculated as sum of ordered quantity from lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Reserved Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of reserved quantity from lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order RMA Delivered Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of RMA delivered quantity from lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Cancelled Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of cancelled quantity from lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Shipped Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of shipped quantity from lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Fulfilled Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of fulfilled quantity from lines. SCM - Sales Orders
Sales Order Return Lines Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of lines amount for line category as return. SCM - Sales Orders


KPI Name KPI Description Related Subject Areas
Spend Shows the Spend amount during a period. Procurement - Spend
Addressable Spend Shows the Addressable amount during a period. Procurement - Spend
PO Matched Spend Shows PO Matched amount during a period. Procurement - Spend
Agreement Spend Shows Agreement Spend amount during a period. Procurement - Spend
Non Agreement Spend Shows Non Agreement Spend amount during a period. Procurement - Spend
Negotiated Spend Shows Negotiated Spend amount during a period. Procurement - Spend
Non Negotiated Spend Shows Non Negotiated Spend amount during a period. Procurement - Spend
Agreement Leakage Spend Shows Agreement Leakage Spend amount during a period. Procurement - Spend
Suppliers Count Distinct Count of Suppliers on Invoices. Procurement - Spend
Buyer Count Distinct Count of Buyers on Purchase Orders. Procurement - Spend
Others Non Agreement Spend Others Non Agreement Spend amount during a period. Procurement - Spend
Average Spend Per Invoice Average Spend per Invoice amount during a period. Procurement - Spend
Electronic Invoices Count Invoices Count where Invoices aren't created manually. Procurement - Spend
Invoices Count Invoices Count during a period. Procurement - Spend
Manual Invoices Count Invoices Count where Invoices are created manually. Procurement - Spend
Purchase Orders Count Purchase Order Count during a period. Procurement - Spend
PO Matched Invoices Count Invoices Count with Purchase Order reference. Procurement - Spend
PO Matched Spend % Shows PO Matched Spend % during a period. Procurement - Spend
Agreement Spend % Shows Agreement Spend by PO Matched Spend % during a period. Procurement - Spend
Negotiated Spend % Shows Negotiated Spend by PO Matched Spend % during a period. Procurement - Spend
PO Ordered Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of quantity net of cancelled quantity at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Cancelled Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of cancelled quantity at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Consignment Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of consigned quantity at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Billed Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of billed quantity at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Delivered Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of delivered quantity at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Received Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of received quantity at schedule level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Shipped Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of shipped quantity at schedule level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Accepted Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of accepted quantity at schedule level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Rejected Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of rejected quantity at schedule level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Over Receipt Quantity This metric shows quantity that is received more that purchase order quantity. Procurement - Purchase Orders
Purchase Order Count Count of distinct purchase order headers. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Amendments Count This metric is calculated as average amendments done for a purchase order. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Internal Amendments Count This metric is calculated as average number of internal amendments for a purchase order. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Supplier Amendments Count This metric is calculated as average number of supplier initiated amendments for a purchase order. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Pre Processing Lead Time This metric is calculated as average difference between purchase order approval date and purchase order creation date for version zero. Procurement - Purchase Orders
Approvers Count This metric is calculated as average number of approvers in a purchase order. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PR to PO Cycle Time This metric is calculated as average difference between purchase order creation date and requisition line approval date. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Open Cycle Time This metric is calculated as average difference between purchase order implement date for version zero and purchase order creation date. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Close Cycle Time This metric is calculated as average difference between purchase order close date and purchase order creation date. Procurement - Purchase Orders
Negotiation to PO Cycle Time This metric is calculated as average difference between purchase order approval date for version zero and negotiation line creation date for purchase orders created from negotiations. Procurement - Purchase Orders
Requisition Based PO % This metric is calculated as count of distribution with requisition references divided by count of total distributions. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Buyers Count Count of distinct buyers. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Payment Terms Count Count of distinct payment terms. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Ordered Amount This metric is calculated as sum of ordered amount at distribution level inclusive of inclusive taxes. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Total Exclusive Tax Amount This metric is calculated as sum of total exclusive tax amount at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Total Amount This metric is calculated as sum of total amount at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Non Recoverable Tax Amount This metric is calculated as sum of non recoverable tax amount at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Recoverable Tax Amount This metric is calculated as sum of recoverable tax amount at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Non Recoverable Inclusive Tax Amount This metric is calculated as sum of non recoverable inclusive tax amount at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Delivered Amount This metric is calculated as sum of delivered amount at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Billed Amount This metric is calculated as sum of billed amount at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Cancelled Amount This metric is calculated as sum of cancelled amount at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Accepted Amount This metric is calculated as sum of accepted amount at schedule level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Accepted Rate This metric is calculated as sum of accepted amount divided by sum of received amount at schedule level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Received Amount This metric is calculated as sum of received amount at schedule level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Avg Unit Price This metric is calculated as sum of ordered amount excluding inclusive taxes divided by sum of ordered quantity. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Max Unit Price This metric is calculated as maximum of ordered amount excluding inclusive taxes divided by sum of ordered quantity at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Min Unit Price This metric is calculated as minimum of ordered amount excluding inclusive taxes divided by sum of ordered quantity at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
Average Amount Per PO This metric is calculated as sum of ordered amount divided by count of distinct purchase orders. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Negotiated Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of negotiated amount at distribution level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
Over Receipt Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of over receipt amount at schedule level. Procurement - Purchase Orders
PO Invoice Price Variance This KPI is calculated by deducting the purchase order price from the invoice price. Procurement - Purchase Orders, Procurement - Spend
PO Receipt Received Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of received quantity. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Accepted Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of accepted quantity. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Delivered Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of delivered quantity. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Rejected Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of rejected quantity. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Retuned Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of returned quantity. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Consumed Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of consumed quantity. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Headers Count Count of distinct receipt headers. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Count Count of distinct receipt lines. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Schedule Count Count of distinct purchase order schedule. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Shipped Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of shipped quantity. Procurement - Receipts
PO Received Lines On Time % This metric is calculated as count of lines received on time divided by count of receipt lines. Procurement - Receipts
PO Received Lines Late % This metric is calculated as count of lines received late divided by count of receipt lines. Procurement - Receipts
PO Received Lines Early % This metric is calculated as count of lines received early divided by count of receipt lines. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Lines with Correction Count This metric is calculated as count of receipt lines with atleast one correction transaction. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Lines with Correction % This metric is calculated as receipt corrected count divided by receipt line count. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Lines Rejected Count This metric is calculated as count of receipt lines with rejected quantity greater than zero. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Lines Rejected % This metric is calculated as receipt rejected count divided by receipt lines count. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Lines Accepted Count This metric is calculated as count of receipt lines with accepted quantity greater than zero. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Lines Accepted % This metric is calculated as receipt accepted count divided by receipt lines count. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Lines Returned Count This metric is calculated as count of receipt lines with returned quantity greater than zero. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Lines Returned % This metric is calculated as receipt returned count divided by receipt lines count. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Post Processing Time This metric is calculated as average difference between deliver date and receipt date. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Processing Time This metric is calculated as average difference between receipt date and purchase order approval date for version zero. Procurement - Receipts
PO Receipt Transportation Days This metric is calculated as average difference between receipt header creation date and shipment date for advance shipment notice based receipts. Procurement - Receipts
ASN Receipts % This metric is calculated as count of advanced shipment notice based receipts divided by count of receipt headers. Procurement - Receipts
PO Agreement Header Count Count of distinct agreement headers. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Approval Cycle Time This metric is calculated as average difference between agreement approval date for version zero and creation date. Procurement - Agreements
Negotiation to Agreement Approval Cycle Time This metric is calculated as average difference between agreement approval date for version zero and negotiation line creation date. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Approvers Count This metric is calculated as average approvers for version zero of an agreement. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Item Count Count of distinct items. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Supplier Count Count of distinct suppliers. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Supplier Site Count Count of distinct supplier sites. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Buyer Count Count of distinct buyers. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Header Expiring Days This metric is calculated as average difference between end date and system date where agreement header end date is not null. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Line Expiring Days This metric is calculated as average difference between expiration date and system date where either of agreement lines expiration date is not null or header end date is not null. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Average Number of Revisions This metric is calculated as average of agreement versions. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Amendments Count This metric is calculated as average amendments done for an agreement. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Internal Amendments Count This metric is calculated as average number of internal amendments for an agreement. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Supplier Amendments Count This metric is calculated as average number of supplier initiated amendments for an agreement. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Line Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of agreement line quantity. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Header Agreed Amount This metric is calculated as sum of header agreed amount. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Header Released Amount This metric is calculated as sum of header released amount. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Header Released % This metric is calculated as total agreement released amount divided by agreement amount. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Line Agreed Amount This metric is calculated as sum of line agreed amount. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Line Released Amount This metric is calculated as sum of line released amount. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Line Released Amount % This metric is calculated as sum of line released amount divided by line agreed amount. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Remaining Header Amount This metric is calculated as header agreed amount minus header released amount where agreement amount is not null and agreed amount is greater than released amount. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Remaining Header Amount % This metric is calculated as remaining header amount divided by total header agreed amount. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Remaining Line Amount This metric is calculated as sum of agreed line amount minus sum of line released amount where agreement line agreed amount is not null and agreed amount is greater than released amount. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Remaining Line Amount % This metric is calculated as sum of remaining line amount divided by sum of agreed amount. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Expired Header Released % This metric is calculated as header released amount divided by header agreed amount where agreement amount is not null and considering headers which are expired. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Expired Line Released % This metric is calculated as line released amount divided by line agreed amount where agreement amount is not null and considering lines which are expired. Procurement - Agreements
PO Agreement Unit Price Average of unit price at lines. Procurement - Agreements
Requisition Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of amount at distribution level and excludes reinstate, split, and replaced line status. Procurement - Requisitions
Processed Requisition Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of amount at distribution level with requisition lines with processed status. This KPI excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status. Procurement - Requisitions
Unfulfilled Requisition Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of amount at distribution level with requisition lines with unfulfilled status. This KPI excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status. Procurement - Requisitions
Fulfilled Requisition Amount This KPI is calculated as sum of amount at distribution level with requisition lines with fulfilled status. This KPI excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status. Procurement - Requisitions
Requisition Quantity This KPI is calculated as sum of quantity at distribution level and excludes reinstate, split, and replaced line status. Procurement - Requisitions
Requisition Count Count of distinct requisitions. Procurement - Requisitions
Requisition Approval Cycle Time Days This KPI is calculated as average difference between requisition approval date and requisition submitted date for version zero. Procurement - Requisitions
Requisition Fulfilled Cycle Time Days This KPI is calculated as average difference between purchase order line fulfill date and requisition line last submitted date. This KPI excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status. Procurement - Requisitions
Requisition Unprocessed Average Aging Days This KPI is calculated as average difference between system date and uprocess requisition line last approval date. This KPI excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status. Procurement - Requisitions

Prebuilt Decks and Cards

A deck is a top-level object for executive consumption with multiple KPI cards added to a deck. Each deck can contain up to 8 cards. A card is a visual presentation of a KPI with a drill down capability to Data Visualization content.

Prebuilt Decks and Cards — Supply Chain Management

Prebuilt Decks and Cards

Deck Name Deck Description
Order Management Provides visibility into few KPIs associated with Order Management.
Inventory Valuations Provides visibility into few KPIs associated with inventory value and item cost.
Sales Order Fulfillment Provides visibility into few KPIs associated with Order fulfillment.

Prebuilt Decks and Cards - Procurement

Prebuilt Decks and Cards

Deck Name Deck Description
Procurement - Spend Provides visibility into the top-level KPI cards associated with the Spend of an organization.
Procurement Efficiency Provides visibility into the top-level KPI cards associated with the Procurement Efficiency of an organization.