Apply Top Bottom N Filters

Use the Top Bottom N filter to filter a measure or attribute and display its highest or lowest values.

  1. To apply the Top Bottom N filter to the canvas and all visualizations in the workbook:
    1. On the Home page, select a workbook, click the Actions menu, and then select Open.
    2. In the Data panel of the visualization, select the attribute or measure that you want to filter on and drag and drop it to the filter bar.
    3. Click the filter menu and select Filter Type, then click Top Bottom N. You can only convert a range filter to Top Bottom N filter.
  2. To apply the Top Bottom N filter to a specific visualization in the workbook:
    1. In the canvas, select the visualization that you want to filter.
    2. In the Data Panel, locate the attribute or measure that you want to filter on and drag and drop it to the Filter drop target in the Grammar Panel.
    3. In the Filter drop target, click the attribute or measure's name, hover over the Filter Type option, then click Top Bottom N.
  3. To apply the Top Bottom N filter to an on-canvas filter:
    1. With the canvas selected, go to the Data Panel and click Visualizations, then click the List Box filter.
    2. In the Data Panel, locate the attribute or measure that you want to filter on, and drag and drop it to the List Box visualization that you just created.
    3. In the General Properties tab for the List Box, scroll down and select Type, and then click Top Bottom N.
  4. To change the filter method (top or bottom), go to the Method value and click Top or Bottom to choose the method you want.
  5. To specify the number of rows that are displayed, click the Count field and enter the number of rows.
  6. To change which attribute or measure column to limit by, click the By field and select an attribute or measure or custom calculation included on the canvas. Or click Plus (+) to locate and select the attribute or measure or metric that you want to limit by.
  7. Click outside of the filter to close the filter panel.