Data Sources and Measure Columns

You can work with data sources that either include or don't include a measure column.

  • You can match tables with measures to other tables with a measure, a dimension, or both.

  • When you match tables to other tables with measures, the tables don’t need to be at the same grain. For example, you can match a table of daily sales table to a sales by quarter table.

A table with no measures is treated as a dimension.

  • Matches can be between single or composite columns. A single column match might be the product key in one table matching the product key in another. A composite column match might be where company and business unit in one table matches company and business unit in the other table.

  • All other columns must be attributes.

Dimension tables can be matched to other dimensions or they can be matched to tables with measures. For example, a table with Customer attributes can be matched to a table with demographic attributes provided both dimensions have unique Customer key columns and Demographic key columns.