7 Subject Areas

Subject Areas


This chapter provides information on the subject areas with data you maintain in Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics.

Download this ZIP file that contains available subject area information that applies to the current version of Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics. Once the file downloads, extract the file, open the folder, and then open the release-specific HTML file. For example, click 22.R2_May2022_Fusion_ERP_Analytics_SubjectAreas.html.

These subject areas, with their corresponding data, are available for you to use when creating and editing analyses and reports. The information for each subject area includes:

  • Description of the subject area.

  • Business questions that can be answered by data in the subject area, with a link to more detailed information about each business question.

  • Job roles and duty roles that can be used to secure access to the subject area, with a link to more detailed information about each job role and duty role.

  • Primary navigation to the work area that is represented by the subject area.

  • Time reporting considerations in using the subject area, such as whether the subject area reports historical data or only the current data. Historical reporting refers to reporting on historical transactional data in a subject area. With a few exceptions, all dimensional data are current as of the primary transaction dates or system date.

  • The lowest grain of transactional data in a subject area. The lowest transactional data grain determines how data are joined in a report.

  • Special considerations, tips, and things to look out for in using the subject area to create analyses and reports.


Job roles are the same as job-specific groups.

Business Questions


For each business question in this section, click the links for more detailed information about the subject areas, job roles, and duty roles associated with the business question.

Download this ZIP file that contains available business questions that apply to the current version of Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics. Once the file downloads, extract the file, open the folder, and then open the release-specific HTML file. For example, click 22.R2_May2022_Fusion_ERP_Analytics_BusinessQuestions.html.


Job roles are the same as job-specific groups.

Job Roles


For each job role in this section, click the links for more detailed information about the duty roles, subject areas, and business questions associated with the job role.

Download this ZIP file that contains available job roles that apply to the current version of Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics. Once the file downloads, extract the file, open the folder, and then open the release-specific HTML file. For example, click 22.R2_May2022_Fusion_ERP_Analytics_JobRoles.html.


Job roles are the same as job-specific groups.

Duty Roles


For each duty role in this section, click the links for more detailed information about the job roles, subject areas, and business questions associated with the duty role.

Download this ZIP file that contains available duty roles that apply to the current version of Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics. Once the file downloads, extract the file, open the folder, and then open the release-specific HTML file. For example, click 22.R2_May2022_Fusion_ERP_Analytics_DutyRoles.html.


Job roles are the same as job-specific groups.

Subject Area Metric Details



These tables describe Assets metrics.

Financials — Assets Analysis

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) and Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder in Subject Area. Analytics Currency and Exchange Rate Type are configured during product implementation. Exchange Rate date basis uses Period End Date to convert to analytics currency. Metrics in these folders show amounts in their respective currencies.

Metric Metric Definition
Asset Life - Months Total life converted in months from Asset Financials Summary.
Asset Life - Years Total life converted in years from Asset Financials Summary.
Avg Asset Original Life (Yrs) Calculated in years based on 'Asset Life - Months' / 'Current Units'
Avg Asset Remaining Life (Yrs) Calculated In years based on 'Remaining Life Prorate Date - Years' / 'Current Units'
Bonus Depreciation Bonus Depreciation from Asset Inquiry
Current Cost Current Cost from Assets Inquiry
Current Units Current units available from Asset Assignment details.
Depreciation Expense Depreciation Expense from Assets Inquiry
Depreciation Reserve Depreciation Reserve from Assets Inquiry
Depreciation Reserve Ratio Depreciation Reserve Ratio from Assets Inquiry
Impairment Reserve Impairment Reserve from Assets Inquiry
Lifespan Reached Calculated In years as 1 - ('Remaining Life Prorate Date - Years' / 'Asset Life - Years')
Lifespan Remaining Calculated In years as 'Remaining Life Prorate Date - Years' / 'Asset Life - Years'
Net Book Value Net Book Value from Assets Inquiry
Original Cost Original Cost from Assets Inquiry
Recoverable Cost Recoverable Cost from Assets Inquiry
Remaining Life in Service Date - Months Remaining life calculated in months from In Service date available in Asset Financials Summary.
Remaining Life in Service Date - Years Remaining life calculated in years from In Service date available in Asset Financials Summary.
Remaining Life Prorate Date - Months Remaining life calculated in months from Prorate date available in Asset Financials Summary.
Remaining Life Prorate Date - Years Remaining life calculated in years from Prorate date available in Asset Financials Summary.
Revaluation Reserve Revaluation Reserve from Assets Inquiry
Salvage Value Salvage Value from Assets Inquiry
YTD Bonus Depreciation YTD Bonus Depreciation from Asset Inquiry
YTD Depreciation YTD Depreciation from Assets Inquiry
YTD Impairment YTD Impairment from Assets Inquiry
Financials — Assets Transactions

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) and Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder in Subject Area. Analytics Currency and Exchange Rate Type are configured during product implementation. Exchange Rate date basis uses Transaction Date to convert to analytics currency. Metrics in these folders show amounts in their respective currencies.

Metric Metric Definition
Adjustment Depreciation Expense Sum of transaction amount where Account Class Code = ' 'DEPRECIATION EXPENSE' and Transaction Type Code = 'Adjustment'
Asset Distribution Amount Assets Distribution Amount metric for transactions excluding depreciation related distribution details.
Depreciation Distribution Amount Depreciation Distribution Amount metric specifically captures depreciation related distribution details.
Bonus Depreciation Adjustment Sum of transaction amount where Account Class Code = 'BONUS DEPRECIATION EXPENSE' and Transaction Type Code = 'Adjustment'
Bonus Depreciation Reserve Sum of transaction amount where Account Class Code = 'BONUS DEPRECIATION RESERVE'
CIP Cost Sum of transaction amount where Adjustment Type = 'CIP COST'
Cost Sum of transaction amount where Adjustment Type = 'COST'.
Cost Clearing Sum of transaction amount where Adjustment Type = 'COST CLEARING'
Cost of Removal Sum of transaction amount where Adjustment Type = 'REMOVALCOST'.
Depreciation Expense Sum of transaction amount where Account Class Code = 'DEPRECIATION EXPENSE'
Depreciation Reserve Sum of transaction amount where Account Class Code = 'DEPRECIATION RESERVE'
Impairment Expense Sum of transaction amount where Adjustment Type = 'IMPAIR EXPENSE'
Impairment Reserve Sum of transaction amount where Adjustment Type = 'IMPAIR RESERVE'
Net Book Value Retired Sum of transaction amount where Adjustment Type = ''NBV RETIRED'
Proceeds of Sale Sum of transaction amount where Adjustment Type = 'PROCEEDS'.
Revaluation Reserve Sum of transaction amount where Adjustment Type = 'REVAL RESERVE'.
Revaluation Reserve Retired Sum of transaction amount where Adjustment Type = 'REVAL RSV RET'.
Units Assigned Shows number of units assigned at the distribution level.

General Ledger


These tables describe GL metrics.

Financials—GL Account Analysis

These metrics will be used in the Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in subject areas. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies.


Metric Metric Definition
Credit Amount (Accounted) Shows the subledger credit amount for transactions with subledger details and for other journals it shows the journal credit amount.
Debit Amount (Accounted) Shows the subledger debit amount for transactions with subledger details and for other journals it shows the journal debit amount.
Journal Credit Amount (Accounted) Shows the sum of credit journal entries amount for specified accounts.
Journal Debit Amount (Accounted) Shows the sum of debit journal entries amount for specified accounts.
Journal Net Amount (Accounted) Shows the activity amount of the specified accounts. Where Activity Amount = Sum of Journal Debit Amount (Accounted) - Sum of Journal Credit Amount (Accounted).
Net Amount (Accounted) Shows the activity amount of the specified accounts. Where Activity Amount = Sum of Debit Amount (Accounted) - Sum of Credit Amount (Accounted).
Financials—GL Balance Sheet

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder and Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder in Subject Areas. Analytics currency details will be configured during product implementation and will be taken from there. Metrics in the analytics currency folder will show amounts in the analytics currency and metrics in the ledger currency folder will show amounts in the ledger currency.

Use this spreadsheet to view a list of out-of-the-box Financial Categories used in GL Metrics and KPIs.


Metric Metric Definition
Activity (STAT) Shows the activity amount of the specified accounts in STAT currency. Where Activity (STAT) = Sum of Debit (STAT) - Sum of Credit (STAT).
Asset Turnover Ratios. AP turnover This metric is computed as follows : Daily Purchases for the Period * 365 / AP Amount. Where: Daily Purchases for the Period = Purchases / Number for days for the selected period.
Asset Turnover Ratios. AR turnover This metric is computed as follows : Daily Revenue for the Period * 365 / AR Amount. Where: Daily Revenue for the Period = Revenue / Number for days for the selected period.
Asset Turnover Ratios. Avg Inventory Days This metric is computed as follows : Inventories / Daily Cost of Revenue. Where: Daily Cost of Revenue = Cost of Revenue / Number for days from beginning day to till date of the fiscal year.
Asset Turnover Ratios. Cash Cycle This metric is computed as follows : Days Sales Outstanding - YTD Revenue (+) Avg Inventory Days (-) Days Payables Outstanding - YTD Purchase. Where: Days Sales Outstanding - YTD Revenue = AR Amount / Daily Revenue. Days Payables Outstanding - YTD Purchase = AP Amount / Daily Purchases.
Asset Turnover Ratios. Days Payable Outstanding This metric is computed as follows: Accounts Payable / Daily Cost Of Revenue. Where: Daily Cost of Revenue = Cost of Revenue YTD/ Cumulative Number of Days.
Asset Turnover Ratios. Days Sales outstanding This metric is computed as follows : Accounts Receivable / Daily Revenue. Where: Daily Revenue = Revenue YTD /Number of Cumulative Elapsed Days.
Asset Turnover Ratios. Fixed Assets Turnover This metric is computed as follows : Daily Revenue * 365 / Net PPE. Where: Daily Revenue = Revenue / Number for days from beginning day to till date of the fiscal year.
Asset Turnover Ratios. Inventory Turnover This metric is computed as follows : Daily Cost of Revenue * 365 / Inventories. Where: Daily Cost of Revenue = Cost of Revenue / Number for days from beginning day to till date of the fiscal year.
Asset Turnover Ratios. LT Assets Turnover This metric is computed as follows : Daily Revenue * 365 / Long Term Assets. Where: Daily Revenue = Revenue / Number for days from beginning day to till date of the fiscal year.
Asset Turnover Ratios. Operating Cycle This metric is computed as follows : Days Sales Outstanding + Avg Inventory Days.
Asset Turnover Ratios. Total Assets Turnover This metric is computed as follows : Daily Revenue * 365 / Total Assets.
Asset Turnover Ratios. Working Capital Turnover This metric is computed as follows : Daily Revenue * 365 / (Current Assets - Current Liabilities).
Balance Sheet Ratios. CAPEX Activities for a period range for financial category for property, plant, and equipment (PPE).
Balance Sheet Ratios. Capex Ratio This metric is computed as follows : Operating Cash Flow / CAPEX. Where: Operating Cash Flow = Net Income + Depreciation Expenses - Inventories - Accounts Receivable + Accounts Payable + Accrued Liabilities + Other Current Liabilities - Prepaid Expenses - Other Current Assets
Balance Sheet Ratios. Current Ratio This metric is computed as follows : Current Assets / Current Liabilities.
Balance Sheet Ratios. Days Cash in Hand This metric is computed as follows : Cash / (Daily Total Operating Expenses - Daily Depreciation Expenses). Where: Daily Total Operating Expenses = Total Operating Expenses / Number for days from beginning day to till date of the fiscal year. Daily Depreciation Expenses = Depreciation Expenses / Number for days from beginning day to till date of the fiscal year.
Balance Sheet Ratios. Debt To Equity This metric is computed as follows : Total Liabilities / Total Shareholders Funds Where: Total Liabilities = Current Liabilities + Long Term Liabilities
Balance Sheet Ratios. EBIT YTD This metric is computed as follows: Revenue YTD - Cost of Revenue YTD - Sales & Marketing Expenses YTD - Other Operating Expenses YTD - R&D Expenses YTD - Depreciation Expenses YTD.
Balance Sheet Ratios. Interest Expense YTD Activities for Year To Date for the INT EXP financial category.
Balance Sheet Ratios. NWC to Assets This metric is computed as follows : (Current Assets - Current Liabilities) / Total Assets.
Balance Sheet Ratios. Quick Ratio This metric is computed as follows : (Cash + AR Amount + Prepaid Expenses + Deferred Cost of Goods Sold+ Other Current Assets) / Current Liabilities.
Balance Sheet Ratios. Times interest Earned This metric is computed as follows : EBIT YTD / Interest Expense.
Balance Sheet Statement. Accounts Payable Shows the Accounts Payable balance for a particular time period for the AP financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Accounts Receivable Shows the Accounts Receivable balance for a particular time period for the AR financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Accrued Liabilities Shows the Accrued Liabilities for a particular time period for the ACC LIAB financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Accumulated Depreciation Shows the Accumulated Depreciation for a particular time period for the ACC DEPCN financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Cash Shows the cash balance for a particular time period for the CASH financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Common Stock Shows the Common Stock for a particular time period for the CMMN STOCK financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Current Assets This metric is computed as follows : Cash + Inventories + Prepaid Expenses + Other Current Assets + Accounts Receivable + Deferred Cost of Goods Sold.
Balance Sheet Statement. Current Liabilities This metric is computed as follows : Accrued Liabilities + Short Term Borrowing + Other Current Liabilities + Accounts Payable + Deferred Revenue +Tax Liabilities.
Balance Sheet Statement. Deferred Cost of Goods Sold Shows the Deferred Cost of Goods Sold balance for a particular time period for the DEFERRED COGS financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Deferred Revenue Shows the Deferred Revenue for a particular time period for the DEFERRED REVENUE financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Finished Goods inventory Shows the Finished Goods inventory balance for a particular time period for the FG INV financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Goodwill Shows the Goodwill for a particular time period for the GOODWILL financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Inventories The metric is computed as follows: Raw Material Inventory + Work in Process Inventory + Finished Goods Inventory.
Balance Sheet Statement. Long Term Assets This metric is computed as follows : Net PPE + Goodwill + Other Asset.
Balance Sheet Statement. Long term Debt Shows the Long term Debt for a particular time period for the LT DEBT financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Long Term Liabilities This metric is computed as follows : Long Term Debt + Other Liabilities.
Balance Sheet Statement. Net PPE This metric is computed as follows : PPE - Accumulated Depreciation.
Balance Sheet Statement. Net Working Capital This metric is computed as follows : Current Assets - Current Liabilities.
Balance Sheet Statement. Other Assets Shows the Other Assets for a particular time period for the OTHER ASSET financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Other Current Assets Shows the Other Current Assets balance for a particular time period for the OTHER CA financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Other Current Liabilities Shows the Other Current Liabilities during a particular time period for the OTHER CL financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Other Equity Shows the Other Equity balance for a particular time period for the OTHER EQUITY financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Other Liabilities Shows the Other Liabilities for a particular time period for the OTHER LIAB financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. PPE Shows the Property, Plant, and Equipment (PPE) for a particular time period for the PPE financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Preferred Stock Shows the Preferred Stock for a particular time period for the PREF STOCK financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Prepaid Expenses Shows the Prepaid Expenses balance for a particular time period for the PPAID EXP financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Raw Material Inventory Shows the raw material inventory balance for a particular time period for the RM INV financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Retained Earnings Shows the Retained Earnings balance for a particular time period for the RET EARNING financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Short Term Borrowing Shows the Short Term Borrowing for a particular time period for the ST BORR financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Tax Liabilities Shows the Tax Liabilities for a particular time period for the TAX LIAB financial category.
Balance Sheet Statement. Total Assets This metric is computed as follows : Long Term Assets + Current Assets.
Balance Sheet Statement. Total Liabilities This metric is computed as follows : Current Liabilities + Long Term Liabilities.
Balance Sheet Statement. Total Liabilities Shareholders Funds This metric is computed as follows : Total Liabilities + Total Shareholders Funds.
Balance Sheet Statement. Total Shareholders Funds This metric is computed as follows: Preferred Stock + Common Stock + Retained Earnings + Other Equity.
Balance Sheet Statement. Work in Process inventory Shows the Work in Process inventory balance for a particular time period for the WIP INV financial category.
Closing (STAT) Shows the closing balance of the specified accounts in STAT currency.
Credit (STAT) Shows the sum of credit entries amount for specified accounts in STAT currency.
Debit (STAT) Shows the sum of debit entries amount for the specified accounts in STAT currency.
GL Balance. Absolute Activity Amount Shows the absolute activity amount of the specified accounts. Activity Amount = Sum of Debit Amount - Sum of Credit Amount.
GL Balance. Absolute Balance Amount Shows the absolute balance amount of the specified accounts.
GL Balance. Activity Amount Shows the activity amount of the specified accounts. Where Activity Amount = Sum of Debit Amount - Sum of Credit Amount.
GL Balance. Balance Amount Shows the balance of the specified accounts.
GL Balance. Closing Amount Shows the closing balance of the specified accounts. The closing amount will show zero if the balance amount is null, this is the only difference between the balance amount and closing amount.
GL Balance. Credit Amount Shows the sum of credit entries amount for specified accounts.
GL Balance. Debit Amount Shows the sum of debit entries amount for the specified accounts.
GL Balance. Opening Amount Shows the opening balance of the specified accounts. This metric is computed as follows : Balance Amount - Activity Amount.
Opening (STAT) Shows the opening balance of the specified accounts in STAT currency.
Financials—GL Budgets

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder and Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder in Subject Areas. Analytics Currency and exchange rate type will be configured during product implementation. Exchange rate date basis will be Creation Date to convert to Analytics currency. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies.


Metric Metric Definition
Budget Absolute Activity Amount Shows the absolute activity amount of the specified accounts. Activity Amount=sum of Debit Amount-sum of Credit Amount.
Budget Activity (STAT) Shows the activity amount of the specified accounts in STAT currency. Where Budget Activity (STAT) = Sum of Debit (STAT) - Sum of Credit (STAT).
Budget Activity Amount Shows the activity amount of the specified accounts. Activity Amount = Sum of Debit Amount - Sum of Credit Amount.
Budget Credit (STAT) Shows the sum of credit entries amount for specified accounts in STAT currency.
Budget Credit Amount Shows sum of credit entries amount for specified accounts.
Budget Debit (STAT) Shows the sum of debit entries amount for the specified accounts in STAT currency.
Budget Debit Amount Shows the sum of debit entries amount for the specified accounts.
Financials—GL Detail Transactions

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder, Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Areas. Analytics Currency and exchange rate type will be configured during product implementation. Exchange rate date basis will be Currency Conversion Date and if not available Accounting date will be used to convert to Analytics currency. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies. Currently we support only posted journal details.


Metric Metric Definition
Credit (STAT) Shows the sum of credit entries amount for specified accounts in STAT currency.
Debit (STAT) Shows the sum of debit entries amount for the specified accounts in STAT currency.
GL Detail Transactions. Credit Amount Shows the sum of credit entries amount for specified accounts.
GL Detail Transactions. Debit Amount Shows the sum of debit entries amount for specified accounts.
GL Detail Transactions. Net Amount Shows the net amount of the specified accounts. Where Net Amount = Sum of Debit Amount - Sum of Credit Amount.
Total (STAT) Shows the activity amount of the specified accounts in STAT currency.. Where Total (STAT) = Sum of Debit (STAT) - Sum of Credit (STAT).
Financials—GL Profitability

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder and Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder in Subject Areas. Analytics Currency and exchange rate type will be configured during product implementation. Exchange rate date basis will be Period End Date to convert to Analytics currency. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies.

Use this spreadsheet to view a list of out-of-the-box Financial Categories used in GL Metrics and KPIs.


Metric Metric Definition
Activity (STAT) Shows the activity amount of the specified accounts in STAT currency. Where Activity (STAT) = Sum of Debit (STAT) - Sum of Credit (STAT).
Closing (STAT) Shows the closing balance of the specified accounts in STAT currency.
Cost Details. Cost Ratios. Cost of revenue to Revenue % This metric is computed as follows : (Cost of Revenue / Revenue) * 100.
Cost Details. Cost Ratios. Interest Expenses to Revenue % This metric is computed as follows : (Interest Expense / Revenue) * 100.
Cost Details. Cost Ratios. Other Operating Expenses to Revenue % This metric is computed as follows : (Other Operating Expenses / Revenue) * 100.
Cost Details. Cost Ratios. R&D Expenses to Revenue % This metric is computed as follows : (R&D Expenses / Revenue) * 100.
Cost Details. Cost Ratios. Sales & Marketing Expenses to Revenue % This metric is computed as follows : (Sales & Marketing Expense / Revenue) * 100.
Cost Details. Cost Ratios. Total Operating Expenses to Revenue % This metric is computed as follows : (Total Operating Expenses / Revenue) * 100.
Cost Details. Other Operating Expenses. Contracting Expenses Activities for a period range for the CONT EXP financial category.
Cost Details. Other Operating Expenses. Depreciation Expenses Activities for a period range for the DEPCN financial category.
Cost Details. Other Operating Expenses. Employee Benefits Related Expenses Employee Benefits Related Expenses metric is the activities for a period range for the financial category 'EMP BENFT'
Cost Details. Other Operating Expenses. Employee Overtime Expenses Activities for a period range for the EMP OVERTIME financial category.
Cost Details. Other Operating Expenses. Employee Support Expenses Activities for a period range for the EMP SUPP financial category.
Cost Details. Other Operating Expenses. General Admin and Other Payroll Activities for a period range for the GEN PAYROLL financial category.
Cost Details. Other Operating Expenses. Miscellaneous Operating Expenses Activities for a period range for the MISC OPER EXP financial category.
Cost Details. Other Operating Expenses. Product Variance Expenses Activities for a period range for the VARIANCE EXP financial category.
Cost Details. R&D Expenses. Other R&D Expenses Activities for a period range for the OTHER R&D EXP financial category.
Cost Details. R&D Expenses. R&D Expenses Activities for a period range for sum of Financial Categories with these values OTHER R&D EXP, and R&D PAYROLL.
Cost Details. R&D Expenses. R&D Payroll Expenses Activities for a period range for the R&D PAYROLL financial category.
Cost Details. Sales and Marketing Expenses. Freight Expenses Activities for a period range for the FREIGHT financial category.
Cost Details. Sales and Marketing Expenses. Marketing Payroll Expenses Activities for a period range for the MKTG PAYROLL financial category.
Cost Details. Sales and Marketing Expenses. Other Marketing Expenses Activities for a period range for the OTHER MKTG EXP financial category.
Cost Details. Sales and Marketing Expenses. Other Sales Expenses Activities for a period range for the OTHER SLS EXP financial category.
Cost Details. Sales and Marketing Expenses. Sales & Marketing Expenses Activities for a period range for sum of Financial Categories with these values: MKTG PAYROLL, SLS PAYROLL, OTHER MKTG EXP, FREIGHT, OTHER SLS EXP, and TRAVEL & ENT EXP.
Cost Details. Sales and Marketing Expenses. Sales Payroll Expenses Activities for a period range for the SLS PAYROLL financial category.
Cost Details. Sales and Marketing Expenses. Travel & Entertainment Expenses Activities for a period range for the TRAVEL & ENT EXP financial category.
Credit (STAT) Shows the sum of credit entries amount for specified accounts in STAT currency.
Debit (STAT) Shows the sum of debit entries amount for the specified accounts in STAT currency.
GL Balance. Absolute Activity Amount Shows the absolute activities amount of the specified accounts. Where Activity Amount = Sum of Debit Amount - Sum of Credit Amount.
GL Balance. Absolute Balance Amount Shows the absolute balance amount of the specified accounts.
GL Balance. Activity Amount Shows the activity amount of the specified accounts. Where Activity Amount = Sum of Debit Amount - Sum of Credit Amount.
GL Balance. Balance Amount Shows the balance of the specified accounts.
GL Balance. Closing Amount Shows the closing balance of the specified accounts. The closing amount will show zero if the balance amount is null, this is the only difference between the balance amount and closing amount.
GL Balance. Credit Amount Shows the sum of credit entries amount for specified accounts.
GL Balance. Debit Amount Shows the sum of debit entries amount for specified accounts.
GL Balance. Opening Amount Shows the opening balance of the specified accounts. This metric is computed as follows : Balance Amount - Activity Amount.
Opening (STAT) Shows the opening balance of the specified accounts in STAT currency.
Profit and Loss. Cost of Revenue Activities for a period range for the COGS, PURCH, and RM CONS financial category.
Profit and Loss. Depreciation Expenses Activities for a period range for the DEPCN financial category.
Profit and Loss. EBIT This metric is computed as follows : Revenue - Cost of Revenue - Sales & Marketing Expenses - Other Operating Expenses - R&D Expenses - Depreciation Expenses.
Profit and Loss. EBIT Margin % This metric is computed as follows : (EBIT / Revenue) * 100.
Profit and Loss. EBITDA This metric is computed as follows : Revenue - Cost of Revenue - Sales & Marketing Expenses - Other Operating Expenses - R&D Expenses.
Profit and Loss. EBITDA Margin % This metric is computed as follows : (EBITDA / Revenue) * 100.
Profit and Loss. EBT This metric is computed as follows : Revenue - Cost of Revenue - Sales & Marketing Expenses - Other Operating Expenses - R&D Expenses - Interest Expense - Depreciation Expenses.
Profit and Loss. EBT Margin % This metric is computed as follows : (EBT / Revenue) * 100.
Profit and Loss. Gross Margin % This metric is computed as follows : (Gross Profit / Revenue) * 100.
Profit and Loss. Gross Profit This metric is computed as follows : Revenue - Cost of Revenue.
Profit and Loss. Income Tax Expense Income Tax Expense metric is the activities for a period range for the INC TAX financial category.
Profit and Loss. Interest Expense Activities for a period range for the INT EXP financial category.
Profit and Loss. Net Income This metric is computed as follows : Revenue + Other Income - Cost of Revenue - Sales & Marketing Expenses - Other Operating Expenses - R&D Expenses - Interest Expense - Income Tax Expense - Depreciation Expenses.
Profit and Loss. Net Income Margin % This metric is computed as follows : (Net Income / Revenue) * 100.
Profit and Loss. Operating Margin % This metric is computed as follows : (Operating Profit / Revenue) * 100.
Profit and Loss. Operating Profit This metric is computed as follows : Revenue - Cost of Revenue - Total Operating Expenses.
Profit and Loss. Other Income Activities for a period range for the OTHER INC financial category.
Profit and Loss. Other Operating Expenses Activities for a period range for sum of Financial Categories with these values: EMP BENFT, GEN PAYROLL, EMP SUPP, CONT EXP, EMP OVERTIME, VARIANCE EXP, MISC OPER EXP and OTHER OPER EXP.
Profit and Loss. Payroll Cost Activities for a period range for sum of Financial Categories with these values: MKTG PAYROLL, SLS PAYROLL, R&D PAYROLL, and GEN PAYROLL.
Profit and Loss. R&D Expenses Activities for a period range for sum of Financial Categories with these values: OTHER R&D EXP and R&D PAYROLL.
Profit and Loss. Revenue Activities for a period range for the REVENUE financial category.
Profit and Loss. Sales & Marketing Expenses Activities for a period range for sum of Financial Categories with these values: MKTG PAYROLL, SLS PAYROLL, OTHER MKTG EXP, FREIGHT, OTHER SLS EXP, and TRAVEL & ENT EXP.
Profit and Loss. Total Operating Expenses This metric is computed as follows : R&D Expenses + Sales & Marketing Expenses + Other Operating Expenses.
Profit and Loss YTD. Cost of Revenue YTD YTD activities for a period range for the COGS, PURCH, and RM CONS financial category.
Profit and Loss YTD. Depreciation Expenses YTD Depreciation Expenses metric is the YTD activities for a period range for the DEPCN financial category.
Profit and Loss YTD. EBIT Margin YTD % This metric is computed as follows : (EBIT YTD / Revenue YTD )* 100.
Profit and Loss YTD. EBIT YTD This metric is computed as follows: Revenue YTD - Cost of Revenue YTD - Sales & Marketing Expenses YTD - Other Operating Expenses YTD - R&D Expenses YTD - Depreciation Expenses YTD.
Profit and Loss YTD. EBITDA Margin YTD % This metric is computed as follows : (EBITDA YTD / Revenue YTD) * 100.
Profit and Loss YTD. EBITDA YTD This metric is computed as follows : Revenue YTD - Cost of Revenue YTD - Sales & Marketing Expenses YTD - Other Operating Expenses YTD - R&D Expenses YTD.
Profit and Loss YTD. EBT Margin YTD % This metric is computed as follows : (EBT YTD / Revenue YTD) * 100.
Profit and Loss YTD. EBT YTD This metric is computed as follows : Revenue YTD - Cost of Revenue YTD - Sales & Marketing Expenses YTD - Other Operating Expenses YTD - R&D Expenses YTD - Interest Expense YTD - Depreciation Expenses YTD.
Profit and Loss YTD. Gross Margin YTD % This metric is computed as follows : (Gross Profit YTD / Revenue YTD) * 100.
Profit and Loss YTD. Gross Profit YTD This metric is computed as follows : Revenue YTD - Cost of Revenue YTD.
Profit and Loss YTD. Income Tax Expense YTD Income Tax Expense metric is the YTD activities for a period range for the INC TAX financial category.
Profit and Loss YTD. Interest Expense YTD Interest Expense metric is the YTD activities for a period range for the INT EXP financial category.
Profit and Loss YTD. Net Income Margin YTD % This metric is computed as follows : (Net Income YTD / Revenue YTD) * 100.
Profit and Loss YTD. Net Income YTD This metric is computed as follows : Revenue YTD + Other Income YTD - Cost of Revenue YTD - Sales & Marketing Expenses YTD - Other Operating Expenses YTD - R&D Expenses YTD - Interest Expense YTD - Income Tax Expense YTD.
Profit and Loss YTD. Operating Margin YTD % This metric is computed as follows : (Operating Profit YTD / Revenue YTD) * 100.
Profit and Loss YTD. Operating Profit YTD This metric is computed as follows : Revenue YTD - Cost of Revenue YTD - Total Operating Expenses YTD.
Profit and Loss YTD. Other Income YTD Other Income metric is the YTD activities for a period range for the OTHER INC financial category.
Profit and Loss YTD. Other Operating Expenses YTD Other Operating Expenses metric is the YTD activities for a period range for sum of Financial Categories with these values: EMP BENFT, GEN PAYROLL, EMP SUPP, CONT EXP, EMP OVERTIME, VARIANCE EXP, MISC OPER EXP and OTHER OPER EXP.
Profit and Loss YTD. R&D Expenses YTD This metric is computed as follows : R&D Payroll Expenses YTD + Other R&D Expenses YTD.
Profit and Loss YTD. Revenue YTD YTD activities for a period range for the REVENUE financial category.
Profit and Loss YTD. Sales & Marketing Expenses YTD This metric is computed as follows : Marketing Payroll Expense YTD + Other Marketing Expenses YTD + Sales Payroll Expenses YTD + Freight Expenses YTD + Other Sales Expenses YTD + Travel & Entertainment Expenses YTD.
Profit and Loss YTD. Total Operating Expenses YTD This metric is computed as follows : Sales & Marketing Expense YTD + R&D Expense YTD + Other Operating Expense YTD.
Return on Investment. Current Assets This metric is computed as follows : Cash + Inventories + Prepaid Expenses + Other Current Assets + Accounts Receivable + Deferred Cost of Goods Sold.
Return on Investment. Current Liabilities This metric is computed as follows : Accrued Liabilities + Short Term Borrowing + Other Current Liabilities + Accounts Payable + Deferred Revenue +Tax Liabilities.
Return on Investment. Retained Earnings Shows the Retained Earnings balance for a particular time period for the RET EARNING financial category.
Return on Investment. ROA This metric is computed as follows : (Daily Net Income * 365 / Total Assets) * 100.
Return on Investment. ROA (Pre-Interest) This metric is computed as follows : (((Daily Net Income + Daily Interest Expense) * 365) / Total Assets) * 100.
Return on Investment. ROCE (EBIT Basis) This metric is computed as follows : (Daily Net Income + Daily Interest Expense + Daily Income Tax Expense) * 365 / (Common Stock + Long Term Debt + Retained Earnings + Preferred Stock + Other Equity + Other Liabilities) * 100.
Return on Investment. ROCE (Pre-Interest) This metric is computed as follows : (Daily Net Income + Daily Interest Expense) * 365 / (Common Stock + Long Term Debt + Retained Earnings + Preferred Stock + Other Equity + Other Liabilities) * 100.
Return on Investment. ROE This metric is computed as follows : Daily Net Income * 365 / (Common Stock + Retained Earnings + Other Equity) * 100.
Return on Investment. ROE (Pre-Interest) This metric is computed as follows : (((Daily Net Income + Interest Expense ) * 365) / (Common Stock + Retained Earning + Other Equity)) * 100. Where: Common Stock = Ending Balance for the CMMN STOCK financial category. Retained Earning = Ending Balance for the RET EARNING financial category. Other Equity = Ending Balance for the OTHER EQUITY financial category.
Return on Investment. Total Assets This metric is computed as follows : Long Term Assets + Current Assets.
Return on Investment. Total Liabilities This metric is computed as follows : Current Liabilities + Long Term Liabilities.
Return on Investment. Total Shareholders Funds This metric is computed as follows : Preferred Stock + Common Stock + Retained Earnings + Other Equity.



These tables describe Expenses metrics.

Financials — EXM Employee Expenses

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder, Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder, Document Currency (DC) fact folder and Reimbursement Currency fact folder in Subject Area. Analytics Currency and Exchange Rate Type are configured during product implementation. Exchange Rate date basis uses Transaction Date to convert to analytics currency. Metrics in these folders show amounts in their respective currencies. Currently we support only Expense Reports that are invoiced, paid or partially paid.

Metric Metric Definition
Audit Adjustment Amount This metric is supported only in Reimbursement currency and is calculated as follows: Original Reimbursement Amount - Expense Amount.
Auto Audit Percentage This metric shows the percentage of expense reports with Audit type equal to Automatic Approval.
Average Days Late This metric is calculated as follows: Days Late/ Expense Reports Count where Days Late is the number of days between Expense Report Submission date and Transaction date.
Average Expense Amount This metric is calculated as follows: Total Expense Amount/Expense Reports Count.
Cash Expense Amount This metric shows the Expense Amount for lines with Expense source as Cash.
Cash Expense Reimbursement Cycle Time (Days) This metric is calculated as follows: Total Cash Expense Days/ Expense Distribution Count where Total Cash Expense days is the number of days between Cash Expense Report Paid date and Submission date.
Credit Card Expense Amount This metric shows the Expense Amount for lines with Expense source as Credit card.
Expense Approval Cycle Time (Days) This metric is calculated as follows: Total Approval Days/ Expense Distribution Count where Total Approval days is the number of days between Expense Report Final approval date and Submission date.
Expense Distribution Count This metric shows count of distinct Expense report distributions.
Expense Filing Cycle Time (Days) This metric is calculated as follows: Total Filing Days/ Expense Distribution Count where Total Filing days is the number of days between Expense Report Submission date and Creation date.
Expense Lines Count This metric shows count of distinct Expense report lines.
Expense Reports Count This metric shows count of distinct Expense reports.
Manual Audit Percentage This metric shows the percentage of expense reports with Audit type not equal to Automatic Approval.
Total Expense Amount This metric shows the Expense Amount.



These table describe Payables metrics.

Financials—AP Aging

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder, Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Areas.

Analytics Currency and exchange rate type will be configured during product implementation. Exchange rate date basis will be Invoice date to convert to Analytics currency. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies.


Metric Metric Definition
Aging Amount - Invoice Date Basis Shows the aging amount for the open invoices based on Invoice open date grouped by selected aging period.
Aging Amount - Schedule Date Basis Shows the aging amount for the open invoices based on Schedule date grouped by selected aging period.
Aging Count - Invoice Date Basis Shows the aging count for the open invoices based on Invoice open date grouped by selected aging period. The grain for this is invoice payment schedule.
Aging Count - Schedule Date Basis Shows the aging count for the open invoices based on Schedule date grouped by selected aging period. The grain for this is invoice payment schedule.
Amount Due Next 30 Days This metric is computed as follows: Overdue Amount + Upcoming dues for 30 days for open invoices.
AP Balances. Activity Amount Shows the activities amount of the specified accounts that can be aggregated by Business Unit, Supplier, Supplier Site, and Time.
AP Balances. Closing Amount Shows the closing balance (end of period balance) of the specified accounts that can be aggregated by Business Unit, Supplier, Supplier Site, and Time. This metric is available only at a monthly granularity.
AP Balances. Opening Amount Shows the opening balance (beginning of period balance) of the specified accounts that can be aggregated by Business Unit, Supplier, Supplier Site, and Time. This metric is available only at a monthly granularity.
AP Turnover. AP Turnover This metric is computed as follows : ((Invoice Amount - Credit Memo Amount - Debit Memo Amount )* 365) / (Closing Amount * Number of days in a selected period). This metric will provide correct value only when used with common or pillar specific dimensions.
AP Turnover. Days Payables Outstanding This metric is computed as follows : (Closing Amount * Number of days in a selected period) / (Invoice Amount - Credit Memo Amount - Debit Memo Amount). This metric will provide correct value only when used with common or pillar specific dimensions.
Avg Invoice Days Current This metric is computed as follows: Total number of days before due date / Current Invoices Count. This is based on schedule date.
Avg Invoice Days Outstanding This metric is computed as follows: Total number of days invoice outstanding / Total outstanding Invoices Count. This is based on Invoice date.
Avg Invoice Days Overdue This metric is computed as follows: Total number of days invoice overdue / Overdue Invoices Count. This is based on schedule date.
Current Amount Shows the invoices amount which are yet to cross the schedule due date.
Current Amount to Total Outstanding % This metric is computed as follows: (Current Amount / Total Outstanding Amount) * 100.
Current Count to Total Outstanding % This metric is computed as follows: (Current Invoices Count / Total Outstanding Invoices Count) * 100.
Current Invoices Count Shows the invoices count which are yet to cross the schedule due date. The grain for this is invoice payment schedule.
Open Invoices Amount Shows the total invoice amount for the invoices that are fully open and partially open.
Overdue Amount Shows the invoices amount which has crossed the schedule due date. The grain for this is invoice payment schedule.
Overdue Amount to Total Outstanding % This metric is computed as follows: (Overdue Amount / Total Outstanding Amount) * 100.
Overdue Count to Total Outstanding % This metric is computed as follows: (Overdue Invoices Count / Total Outstanding Invoices Count) * 100.
Overdue Invoices Count Shows the invoices count which has crossed the schedule due date. The grain for this is invoice payment schedule.
Total Outstanding Amount Shows the outstanding invoice amount which includes current and overdue invoices.
Total Outstanding Invoices Count Shows the count of outstanding invoices computed as follows: (Current Invoices Count + Overdue Invoices Count)
Financials—AP Expenses

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder, Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Areas.

Analytics Currency and exchange rate type will be configured during product implementation. Exchange rate date basis will be Expense Distribution Accounting date to convert to Analytics currency. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies. Currently we support only accounted invoices.


Metric Metric Definition
Expense Distribution Amount Shows the invoice expense distribution amount for AP Invoices and considers all invoice types. Excludes cancelled distributions.
Expense Distribution Count Shows the invoice expense distribution count for AP Invoices and considers all invoice types. Excludes cancelled distributions.
Financials—AP Holds

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder, Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Areas.

Analytics Currency and exchange rate type will be configured during product implementation. Exchange rate date basis will be Invoice date to convert to Analytics currency. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies.


Metric Metric Definition
Average Days on Hold This metric is computed as follows: (Sum (Release Date - Hold Date) / Total number of holds applied on invoice headers and lines considering active and release holds). The active holds are without release details and use the system date if the release date is not available.
Header Holds Count Shows the header hold count which has header level hold and considers all invoice types. This metrics considers only active holds which are without release details.
Invoice Header on Hold Release Amount Shows the invoice amount and considers all invoice types that have Header Level Hold. This metrics considers active holds that are released.
Invoice Headers on Hold Amount Shows the invoice amount and considers all invoice types that have Header Level Hold. This metrics considers only active holds that are without release details.
Invoice Headers on Hold Count Shows the invoice header count which has header level hold and considers all invoice types. This metrics considers only active holds which are without release details.
Invoice Lines on Hold Amount Shows the invoice line amount which has line level hold and considers all invoice types. This metrics considers only active holds which are without release details.
Invoice Lines on Hold Count Shows the invoice line count which has line level hold and considers all invoice types. This metrics considers only active holds which are without release details.
Invoice Lines on Hold Release Amount Shows the invoice line amount which had line level hold and considers all invoice types. This metrics considers active holds that are released.
Invoices on Hold Amount Shows the invoice amount and considers all invoice types that have either Header Level Hold, Line Level Hold, or a combination. This metrics considers only active holds that are without release details.
Invoices on Hold Count Shows the invoice count and considers all invoice types that have either Header Level Hold, Line Level Hold, or a combination. This metrics considers only active holds that are without release details.
Invoices on Hold Release Amount Shows the invoice amount and considers all invoice types that have either header level hold, line level hold, or a combination. This metrics considers only active holds that are released.
Line Holds Count Shows the line hold count which has line level hold and considers all invoice types. This metrics considers only active holds which are without release details.
Total Holds Count Shows the total number of holds applied on invoice headers and lines. This metrics considers only active holds which are without release details.
Financials—AP Invoices

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder, Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Areas.

Analytics Currency and exchange rate type will be configured during product implementation. Exchange rate date basis will be Invoice date to convert to Analytics currency. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies.


Metric Metric Definition
Avg Credit Memos Amount This metric is computed as follows: Credit Memos Amount / Credit Memos Count.
Avg Debit Memos Amount This metric is computed as follows: Debit Memos Amount / Debit Memos Count.
Avg Invoices Amount This metric is computed as follows: Invoices Amount / Invoices Count.
Credit Memos Amount Shows the invoice amount for the Credit Memo invoice type.
Credit Memos Count Shows the invoices count for Credit Memo invoice type.
Credit Memos to Invoices Amount % This metric is computed as follows: (Credit Memos Amount / Invoices Amount) * 100.
Debit Memos Amount Shows the invoice amount for the Debit Memo invoice type.
Debit Memos Count Shows the invoices count for Debit Memo invoice type.
Discount Offered % This metric is computed as follows: (Discount Offered Amount / Total Transaction Amount) * 100.
Discount Offered Amount Shows the discount offered amount for all transactions.
Invoices Amount Shows the invoice amount excluding the Credit Memo and Debit Memo invoice type.
Invoices Count Shows the invoices count excluding the Credit Memo and Debit Memo invoice type.
Total Transaction Amount Shows the sum of Invoice amount, Debit Memos Amount and Credit Memos Amount.
Total Transaction Count Shows the sum of Invoice Count, Debit Memos Count and Credit Memos Count.
Financials—AP Liabilities

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder, Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Areas.

Analytics Currency and exchange rate type will be configured during product implementation. Exchange rate date basis will be Invoice Accounting date to convert to Analytics currency. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies. Currently we support only accounted invoices.


Metric Metric Definition
Liability Balance Amount This metric shows balance of AP liability account as of the selected time.
Liability Distribution Amount Shows the Liability distribution amount.
Financials—AP Payments

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder, Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Areas.

Analytics Currency and exchange rate type will be configured during product implementation. Exchange rate date basis will be Payment Accounting date to convert to Analytics currency. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies. Currently we support only accounted payments.


Metric Metric Definition
% Electronic Payment Amount This metric is computed as follows: (Electronic Payment Amount / Payments Amount) * 100.
% Interest Penalties Paid This metric is computed as follows: (Interest Penalties Paid / Payment amount) * 100.
Avg Payments Amount This metric is computed as follows: (Payments Amount / Payments Count) * 100. And grain is payments or check number.
Avg Supplier Payment Days This metric is computed as follows: Total Payment Days / Total Payment Count.
Discount Lost % This metric is computed as follows: (Discount Lost Amount / Total Transaction Amount) * 100. This metric is supported only in Document Currency, and will provide correct value only when used with common or pillar specific dimensions.
Discount Lost Amount Shows the discount amount lost for the invoice payments. This metric is supported only in Document Currency.
Discount Remaining Amount This metric is computed as follows: Discount Offered Amount - Discount Taken Amount - Discount Lost Amount. This metric is supported only in Document Currency, and will provide correct value only when used with common or pillar specific dimensions.
Discount Taken % This metric is computed as follows: (Discount Taken Amount / Total Transaction Amount) * 100. This metric will provide correct value only when used with common or pillar specific dimensions.
Discount Taken Amount Shows the discount amount taken for the invoice payments
Discount Taken Exchange Loss(Gain) Amount Shows the discount taken exchange loss or gain amount for the invoices and grain is payments or check number.
Electronic Payment Amount Shows the paid invoice amount using electronic payment method.
Interest Penalties Paid Shows the payment amount for invoices with the Interest invoice type.
On Time Payment Performance % This metric is computed as follows: (On Time Payments Count / Total Payments Count) * 100.
On Time Payments Amount Shows the amount of payment transactions where the payment date is lesser than or equal to the scheduled payment date and payment schedule is fully paid. Excludes cancelled payments and considers all invoice types. The grain for this is metric is Payment Schedules.
On Time Payments Count Shows the count of payment transactions where payment date is lesser than or equal to scheduled payment date and payment schedule is fully paid. Excludes cancelled payments and considers all invoice types. The grain for this is metric is Payment Schedules.
Overdue Payments Amount Shows the amount of payment transactions where the payment date exceeds the scheduled payment date and the payment schedule status is fully paid or partly paid. Excludes cancelled payments and considers all invoice types. The grain for this is metric is Payment Schedules.
Overdue Payments Count Shows the count of payment transactions where the payment date exceeds the scheduled payment date and the payment schedule status is fully paid or partly paid. Excludes cancelled payments and considers all invoice types. The grain for this is metric is Payment Schedules.
Payment Distribution Amount Shows the payment distribution amount for AP Payments.
Payment Exchange Loss(Gain) Amount Shows the payment exchange loss or gain amount for the invoices and grain is payments or check number.
Payments Amount Shows the total payments amount for the invoices and grain is payments or check number.
Payments Document Count Shows the payments document count and grain is payments or check number.
Total Paid Installments Count This metric is computed as follows: Overdue Payments Count + On Time Payments Count.
Total Payment Days Shows the total payment days for fully paid invoices and considers all invoice types. Payment days is computed as follows: Payment date - Invoice date.
Weighted Avg Supplier Payment Days This metric is computed as follows: Total Payment Days times Payment Amount / Total Payment Amount.



These tables describe Receivables metrics.

Financials—AR Adjustments

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder, Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Areas. Analytics Currency and exchange rate type will be configured during product implementation. Exchange rate date basis will be Adjustment date to convert to Analytics currency. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies. Currently we support only posted adjustments.


Metric Metric Definition
Adjustments Distribution Amount Shows the adjustments distribution amount.
Adjustments Amount Shows the adjustments amount that is adjusted to the invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, onaccount credits, deposits, and guarantees.
Adjustments Count Shows the adjustments count that is adjusted to the invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, onaccount credits, deposits, and guarantees.
Financials—AR Aging

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder, Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Areas. Analytics Currency and exchange rate type will be configured during product implementation. Exchange rate date basis will be Transaction date to convert to Analytics currency. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies. Currently we support only posted transactions.


Metric Metric Definition
Risk Amount Shows the receipt amount for which cash is not cleared or risk is not elimiated
Activity Amount  Shows the activities amount of the specified accounts and can be aggregated by Business Unit, Customer, Customer Account, and Time.
Aging Amount - Invoice Date Basis Shows the aging amount for the open invoices and unapplied receipts based on transaction date grouped by selected aging period.
Aging Amount - Schedule Date Basis Shows the aging amount for thefor the open invoices and unapplied receipts based on Schedule date grouped by selected aging period.
Aging Count  - Invoice Date Basis Shows the aging count for the open invoices and unapplied receipts based on transaction date grouped by selected aging period.
Aging Count  - Schedule Date Basis Shows the aging count for the for the open invoices and unapplied receipts based on Schedule date grouped by selected aging period.
Avg Invoice Days Current This metric is computed as follows: Total number of days before due date / Current Invoices Count. This is based on schedule date.
Avg Invoice Days Outstanding This metric is computed as follows: Total number of days invoice outstanding / Total outstanding Invoices Count. This is based on Invoice date.
Avg Invoice Days Overdue This metric is computed as follows: Total number of days invoice overdue / Overdue Invoices Count. This is based on schedule date.
Closing Amount  Shows the ending balance of the specified accounts and can be aggregated by Business Unit, Customer, Customer Account and, Time.
Current Amount Shows the invoices amount which are yet to cross the schedule due date.
Current Amount to Total Outstanding % This metric is computed as follows: (Current Amount / Total Outstanding Amount) * 100.
Current Count to Total Outstanding % This metric is computed as follows: (Current Invoices Count / Total Outstanding Invoices Count) * 100.
Current Invoices Count Shows the invoices count which are yet to cross the schedule due date.
Opening Amount Shows the opening balance of the specified accounts and can be aggregated by Business Unit, Customer, Customer Account, and Time.
Overdue Amount Shows the invoices and unapplied receipts amount which has crossed the schedule due date.
Overdue Amount to Total Outstanding % This metric is computed as follows: (Overdue Amount / Total Outstanding Amount) * 100.
Overdue Count to Total Outstanding % This metric is computed as follows: (Overdue Invoices Count / Total Outstanding Invoices Count) * 100.
Overdue Invoices Count Shows the invoices and unapplied receipts count which has crossed the schedule due date.
Total Outstanding Amount Shows the outstanding amount which includes current and overdue invoices and receipts.
Total Outstanding Invoices Count Shows the count of outstanding invoices and unapplied receipts.
Financials—AR Credit Memo Applications

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder, Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Areas. Analytics Currency and exchange rate type will be configured during product implementation. Exchange rate date basis will be Credit Memo Accounting date to convert to Analytics currency. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies. Currently we support only posted credit memo applications.


Metric Metric Definition
Credit Memo Applications Amount Shows the credit memo applications amount. This consider Credit Memo with Application Status as Applied and Credit Memo Reversals with Application Status as Activity.
Credit Memo Applications Count Shows the credit memo applications count. This consider Credit Memo with Application Status as Applied and Credit Memo Reversals with Application Status as Activity.
Application Distribution Amount Shows the credit memo application distribution amount
Financials—AR Receipts and Applications

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder, Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Areas. Analytics Currency and exchange rate type will be configured during product implementation. Exchange rate date basis will be Receipt date for Receipts and Transaction date for Applications to convert to Analytics currency. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies. Currently we support only posted receipts and applications.


Metric Metric Definition
Credit Card Chargeback Amount Shows the Credit Card Chargeback amount.
Credit Card Refund Amount Shows the Credit Card Refund amount.
Receipt Distribution Amount Shows the receipt and application distribution amount.
Receipt Refund Amount Shows the Receipt refund amount.
Receipt to Receipt Application Amount Shows the Receipt to Receipt Application amount.
Receipt Write-Off Amount Shows the Receipt Write-off amount.
Avg Receipts Amount This metric is computed as follows: Receipts Amount / Receipts Count.
Discounts Taken Amount Shows the total discount amount that was taken.
Discounts Taken of Applied Receipts % This metric is computed as follows: (Discounts Taken Amount / Receipts Applications Amount) * 100.
Earned Discounts Amount Shows the total earned discount amount that was taken.
Earned Discounts of Total Discount % This metric is computed as follows: (Earned Discounts Amount / Discounts Taken Amount) * 100.
Exchange Gain or Loss Amount Shows the exchange gain or loss amount incurred at the time of receipt.
On account Amount Shows the receipt amount applied to On account activity when customer is found.
Other Receipt Application Amount Shows receipt amount that is applied to prepayment, claim investigations activities.
Receipts Amount Shows the receipts amount from the customers.
Receipts Applications Amount Shows receipt amount from the customers that are applied against outstanding invoices.
Receipts Transaction Count Shows the distinct count of receipt numbers.
Unapplied Receipts Amount Shows receipt amount from the customers that are unapplied against outstanding invoices.
Unearned Discounts Amount Shows the total unearned discount amount that was taken.
Unearned Discounts of Total Discount % This metric is computed as follows: (Unearned Discounts Amount / Discounts Taken Amount) * 100.
Unidentified Amount Shows the unidentified receipts transaction amount.
Financials—AR Revenue

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder, Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Areas. Analytics Currency and exchange rate type will be configured during product implementation. Exchange rate date basis will be Transaction date to convert to Analytics currency. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies. Currently we support only posted transactions.


Metric Metric Definition
Distribution Amount Shows the distribution amount.
Freight Amount Shows the freight distribution amount.
Line Amount Shows the transaction line amount.
Long Term Deferred Revenue Shows the Deferred or Unearned Revenue distribution amount that will be recognized after 365 days from current system date.
Revenue Amount Shows the revenue distribution amount that is recognized.
Short Term Deferred Revenue Shows the Deferred or Unearned Revenue distribution amount that will be recognized within 365 days from current system date.
Tax Amount Shows the tax distribution amount.
Transaction Amount Shows the transaction header amount.
Unbilled Receivable Amount Shows the unbilled receivable amount.
Unearned Revenue Amount Shows the unearned revenue distribution amount that is yet to be recognized.
Financials—AR Transactions

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder, Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Areas. Analytics Currency and exchange rate type will be configured during product implementation. Exchange rate date basis will be Transaction date to convert to Analytics currency. Metrics in these folders will show amounts in their respective currencies. Currently we support only posted transactions.


Metric Metric Definition
Avg Credit Memos Amount This metric is computed as follows: Credit Memos Amount / Credit Memos Count.
Avg Debit Memos Amount This metric is computed as follows: Debit Memos Amount / Debit Memos Count.
Avg Invoices Amount This metric is computed as follows: Invoices Amount / Invoices Count.
Credit Memos Amount Shows the invoice amount for the Credit Memo transaction type.
Credit Memos Count Shows the invoices count for Credit Memo transaction type.
Debit Memos Amount Shows the invoice amount for the Debit Memo transaction type.
Debit Memos Count Shows the invoices count for Debit Memo transaction type.
Invoices Amount Shows the invoice amount which includes Chargeback, Deposits, Guarantee, Invoices invoice types and excludes the Credit Memo and Debit Memo transaction type.
Invoices Count Shows the invoices count which includes Chargeback, Deposits, Guarantee, Invoices invoice types and excludes the Credit Memo and Debit Memo transaction type.
Total Transactions Amount Shows the sum of invoice amount, Debit Memos Amount and Credit Memos Amount.
Total Transactions Count Shows the distinct count of invoice numbers.



These tables describe Procurement metrics.


These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Area. Analytics Currency and Exchange Rate Type are configured during product implementation. Exchange Rate date basis uses Purchase Order Agreement Creation Date to convert to analytics currency. Metrics in these folders show amounts in their respective currencies.


Metric Metric Definition
Agreement Line Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of agreement line quantity in primary and transaction UOM.
Header Agreed Amount This metric is calculated as sum of header agreed amount.
Header Released Amount This metric is calculated as sum of header released amount.
Header Released % This metric is calculated as total agreement released amount divided by agreement amount.
Line Agreed Amount This metric is calculated as sum of line agreed amount.
Line Released Amount This metric is calculated as sum of line released amount.
Line Released Amount % This metric is calculated as sum of line released amount divided by line agreed amount.
Remaining Header Amount This metric is calculated as header agreed amount minus header released amount where agreement amount is not null and agreed amount is greater than released amount.
Remaining Header Amount % This metric is calculated as remaining header amount divided by total header agreed amount.
Remaining Line Amount This metric is calculated as sum of agreed line amount minus sum of line released amount where agreement line agreed amount is not null and agreed amount is greater than released amount.
Remaining Line Amount % This metric is calculated as sum of remaining line amount divided by sum of agreed amount.
Expired Header Released % This metric is calculated as header released amount divided by header agreed amount where agreement amount is not null and considering headers are expired.
Expired Line Released % This metric is calculated as line released amount divided by line agreed amount where agreement amount is not null and considering lines which are expired.
Average Unit Price Average of unit price at lines.
Header Agreement Count by Release % Count of agreement header release percent in different bucket percentages.
Header Agreement Count Expired in Days Count of agreement header which will expire in different bucket days.
Agreement Header Count Count of distinct agreement headers.
Agreement Lines Count Count of distinct blanket agreement lines.
Agreement Approval Cycle Time This metric is calculated as average difference between agreement approval date for version zero and creation date.
Negotiation to Agreement Approval Cycle Time This metric is calculated as average difference between agreement approval date for version zero and negotiation line creation date.
Approvers Count This metric is calculated as average approvers for version zero of an agreement.
Item Count Count of distinct items.
Supplier Count Count of distinct suppliers.
Supplier Site Count Count of distinct supplier sites.
Buyer Count Count of distinct buyers.
Header Expiring Days This metric is calculated as average difference between end date and system date where agreement header end date is not null.
Line Expiring Days This metric is calculated as average difference between expiration date and system date where either of agreement lines expiration date is not null or header end date is not null.
Average Number of Revisions This metric is calculated as average of agreement versions.
Amendments Count This metric is calculated as average amendments done for an agreement.
Internal Amendments Count This metric is calculated as average number of internal amendments for an agreement.
Supplier Amendments Count This metric is calculated as average number of supplier initiated amendments for an agreement.
Agreement Line Primary Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of agreement line quantity in primary UOM.
Average Unit Price (Primary UOM) Average of unit price at lines in primary UOM.
Procurement—Purchase Orders

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Area. Analytics Currency and Exchange Rate Type are configured during product implementation. Exchange Rate date basis uses Purchase Order Creation Date to convert to analytics currency. Metrics in these folders show amounts in their respective currencies.


Metric Metric Definition
Ordered Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of quantity net of cancelled quantity at distribution level in primary and transaction UOM.
Original Ordered Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of quantity including cancelled quantity at distribution level in primary and transaction UOM.
Cancelled Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of cancelled quantity at distribution level in primary and transaction UOM.
Consignment Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of consigned quantity at distribution level in primary and transaction UOM.
Billed Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of billed quantity at distribution level in primary and transaction UOM.
Delivered Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of delivered quantity at distribution level in primary and transaction UOM.
Received Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of received quantity at schedule level in primary and transaction UOM.
Shipped Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of shipped quantity at schedule level in primary and transaction UOM.
Accepted Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of accepted quantity at schedule level in primary and transaction UOM.
Rejected Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of rejected quantity at schedule level in primary and transaction UOM.
Over Receipt Quantity This metric shows quantity that is received more that purchase order quantity in primary and transaction UOM.
Purchase Order Count Count of distinct purchase order headers.
Purchase Order Lines Count Count of distinct purchase order lines.
Requisition Lines Count Count of distinct requisition lines associated in purchase order distributions.
Average Number of Revisions This metric is calculated as average of revision numbers of a purchase order.
Amendments Count This metric is calculated as average amendments done for a purchase order.
Internal Amendments Count This metric is calculated as average number of internal amendments for a purchase order.
Supplier Amendments Count This metric is calculated as average number of supplier initiated amendments for a purchase order.
Pre Processing Lead Time This metric is calculated as average difference between purchase order approval date and purchase order creation date for version zero.
Approvers Count This metric is calculated as average number of approvers in a purchase order.
PR to PO Cycle Time This metric is calculated as average difference between purchase order creation date and requisition line approval date.
PO Open Cycle Time This metric is calculated as average difference between purchase order implement date for version zero and purchase order creation date.
PO Close Cycle Time This metric is calculated as average difference between purchase order close date and purchase order creation date.
Negotiation to PO Cycle Time This metric is calculated as average difference between purchase order approval date for version zero and negotiation line creation date for purchase orders created from negotiations.
Requisition Based PO % This metric is calculated as count of distribution with requisition references divided by count of total distributions.
Buyers Count Count of distinct buyers.
Payment Terms Count Count of distinct payment terms.
Ordered Amount This metric is calculated as sum of ordered amount at distribution level inclusive of inclusive taxes.
Total Exclusive Tax Amount This metric is calculated as sum of total exclusive tax amount at distribution level.
Total Amount This metric is calculated as sum of total amount at distribution level.
Non Recoverable Tax Amount This metric is calculated as sum of non recoverable tax amount at distribution level.
Recoverable Tax Amount This metric is calculated as sum of recoverable tax amount at distribution level.
Non Recoverable Inclusive Tax Amount This metric is calculated as sum of non recoverable inclusive tax amount at distribution level.
Recoverable Inclusive Tax Amount This metric is calculated as sum of recoverable inclusive tax amount at distribution level.
Delivered Amount This metric is calculated as sum of delivered amount at distribution level.
Billed Amount This metric is calculated as sum of billed amount at distribution level.
Cancelled Amount This metric is calculated as sum of cancelled amount at distribution level.
Accepted Amount This metric is calculated as sum of accepted amount at schedule level.
Accepted Rate This metric is calculated as sum of accepted amount divided by sum of received amount at schedule level.
Received Amount This metric is calculated as sum of received amount at schedule level.
Shipped Amount This metric is calculated as sum of shipped amount at schedule level.
Avg Unit Price This metric is calculated as sum of ordered amount excluding inclusive taxes divided by sum of ordered quantity.
Max Unit Price This metric is calculated as maximum of ordered amount excluding inclusive taxes divided by sum of ordered quantity at distribution level.
Min Unit Price This metric is calculated as minimum of ordered amount excluding inclusive taxes divided by sum of ordered quantity at distribution level.
Average Amount Per PO This metric is calculated as sum of ordered amount divided by count of distinct purchase orders.
Supplier Count Count of distinct Supplier.
Open PO Count Count of purchase order header status equal to Open and Closed for Receiving.
Closed PO Count Count of purchase order header status equal to Closed for Invoicing, Closed, and Finally Closed.
Rejected Quantity % This metric shows Rejected Quantity percentage to overall Receipt Quantity for a given period.
Over Receipt Quantity % This metric shows Over Receipt Quantity percentage to overall Receipt Quantity for a given period.
Cancelled Quantity % This metric shows Cancelled Quantity percentage to overall Ordered Quantity for a given period.
Discounts Amount This metric shows discount amount for the purchase order lines which has discount type as amount or percentage.
Negotiated Amount This metric shows amount of the purchase order lines which has negotiated indicator as Y.
Open PO Amount This metric shows the sum of ordered amount at distribution level inclusive of inclusive taxes with status equal to Open and Closed for Receiving.
Closed PO Amount This metric shows the sum of ordered amount at distribution level inclusive of inclusive taxes with status equal to Closed for Invoicing, Closed, and Finally Closed.
Over Receipt Amount This metric shows amount that is received more than purchase order quantity at schedule level.
Avg Unit Price (Primary UOM) This metric is calculated as sum of ordered amount excluding inclusive taxes divided by sum of ordered quantity in primary UOM.
Max Unit Price (Primary UOM) This metric is calculated as maximum of ordered amount excluding inclusive taxes divided by sum of ordered quantity at distribution level in primary UOM.
Min Unit Price (Primary UOM) This metric is calculated as minimum of ordered amount excluding inclusive taxes divided by sum of ordered quantity at distribution level in primary UOM.

These fact folder in this subject area shows below metrics details.


Metric Metric Definition
Received Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of received quantity in primary and transaction UOM.
Accepted Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of accepted quantity in primary and transaction UOM.
Delivered Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of delivered quantity in primary and transaction UOM.
Rejected Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of rejected quantity in primary and transaction UOM.
Returned Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of returned quantity in primary and transaction UOM.
Consumed Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of consumed quantity in primary and transaction UOM.
Shipped Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of shipped quantity in primary and transaction UOM.
Receipt Headers Count Count of distinct receipt headers.
Receipt Lines Count Count of receipt lines.
Purchase Order Count Count of distinct purchase orders.
Purchase Order Schedule Count Count of distinct purchase order schedule.
Received Lines On Time % This metric is calculated as count of lines received on time divided by count of receipt lines.
Received Lines Late % This metric is calculated as count of lines received late divided by count of receipt lines.
Received Lines Early % This metric is calculated as count of lines received early divided by count of receipt lines.
Receipt Lines with Correction Count This metric is calculated as count of receipt lines with atleast one correction transaction.
Receipt Lines with Correction % This metric is calculated as receipt corrected count divided by receipt line count.
Receipt Lines Rejected Count This metric is calculated as count of receipt lines with rejected quantity greater than zero.
Receipt Lines Rejected % This metric is calculated as receipt rejected count divided by receipt lines count.
Receipt Lines Accepted Count This metric is calculated as count of receipt lines with accepted quantity greater than zero.
Receipt Lines Accepted % This metric is calculated as receipt accepted count divided by receipt lines count.
Receipt Lines Returned Count This metric is calculated as count of receipt lines with returned quantity greater than zero.
Receipt Lines Returned % This metric is calculated as receipt returned count divided by receipt lines count.
Post Processing Time This metric is calculated as average difference between deliver date and receipt date.
Processing Time This metric is calculated as average difference between receipt date and purchase order approval date for version zero.
Transportation Days This metric is calculated as average difference between receipt header creation date and shipment date for advance shipment notice-based receipts.
ASN Receipts % This metric is calculated as count of advanced shipment notice-based receipts divided by count of receipt headers.
Received Amount This metric is calculated as sum of received quantity multiplied by unit price from purchase order in primary UOM.
Accepted Amount This metric is calculated as sum of accepted quantity multiplied by unit price from purchase order in primary UOM.
Delivered Amount This metric is calculated as sum of delivered quantity multiplied by unit price from purchase order in primary UOM.
Rejected Amount This metric is calculated as sum fo rejected quantity multiplied by unit price from purchase order in primary UOM.
Returned Amount This metric is calculated as sum of returned quantity multiplied by unit price from purchase order in primary UOM.
Avg Unit Price (Primary UOM) Average of unit price at purchase order lines in primary UOM.

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Area. Analytics Currency and Exchange Rate Type are configured during product implementation. Exchange Rate date basis uses Requisition Creation Date to convert to analytics currency. Metrics in these folders show amounts in their respective currencies.


Metric Metric Definition
Requisition Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of quantity at distribution level and excludes reinstate, split, and replaced line status. This shows quantity in primary and transaction UOM.
Requisition Count Count of distinct requisitions.
Requisition Line Count Count of requisition lines excluding reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Rejected Requisition Count Count of distinct requisition with rejected status.
Rejected Requisition Lines Count Count of requisition lines with rejected status and excludes reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Pending Approval Requisition Lines Count Count of requisition lines with pending approval status and excludes reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Unprocessed Requisition Lines Count Count of requisition lines which are yet to get converted to purchase order or purchase order header without processed date (version 0). This metrics excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Approved Requisition Lines Count Count of requisition lines with approved status and excludes reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Processed Requisition Lines Count Count of requisition lines which got converted to purchase order and purchase order header having processed date (version 0). This metrics excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Unfulfilled Requisition Lines Count Count of requisition lines for which purchase order got processed and has purchase order line fulfilled flag value as N. This metrics excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Unfulfilled Overdue Requisition % This metric shows Unfulfilled Overdue Requisition Amount percentage of the overall Requisition Amount for a given period.
Fulfilled Requisition Lines Count Count of requisition lines for which purchase order got processed and has purchase order line fulfilled flag value as Y. Purchase order line fulfilled flag will have value as Y only when all the schedule lines for that purchase order line is closed for receiving or invoicing. The fulfilled date is maximum of the schedule receipt dates or invoice dates. This metrics excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Requisition Approval Cycle Time Days This metric is calculated as average difference between requisition approval date and requisition submitted date for version zero.
PR to PO Cycle Time This metric is calculated as average difference between purchase order creation date and requisition line approval date. This metrics excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Fulfilled Cycle Time Days This metric is calculated as average difference between purchase order line fulfill date and requisition line last submitted date. The fulfilled date is maximum of the schedule receipt dates or invoice dates. This metrics excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Requisition Approval to PO Fulfillment Time This metric is calculated as average difference between purchase order line fulfill date and requisition line last approval date. And fulfilled date is maximum of the schedule receipt dates or invoice dates. This metrics excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split and replaced line status.
Unprocessed Average Aging Days This metric is calculated as average difference between system date and requisition line last approval date for requisition lines which are yet to get converted to purchase order or purchase order header without processed date (version 0). This metrics excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status. .
Requisition Amount This metric is calculated as sum of amount at distribution level and excludes reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Unprocessed Overdue Requisition Amount This metric is calculated as sum of amount at distribution level with requisition lines with unprocessed status and crossed the requested delivery date and the unprocessed status requisition lines which are yet to get converted to purchase order or purchase order header without processed date (version 0). This metrics excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Approved Requisition Amount This metric is calculated as sum of amount at distribution level with requisition lines with approved status. This metrics excludes reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Processed Requisition Amount This metric is calculated as sum of amount at distribution level with requisition lines with processed status. The processed status requisition lines are those that got converted to purchase order and purchase order header having processed date (version 0). This metrics excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Unfulfilled Requisition Amount This metric is calculated as sum of amount at distribution level with requisition lines with unfulfilled status. The unfulfilled status requisition lines are those purchase orders that got processed and have purchase order line fulfilled flag value as N. This metrics excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Unfulfilled Overdue Requisition Amount This metric is calculated as sum of amount at distribution level with requisition lines with unfulfilled status and crossed the requested delivery date. The unfulfilled status requisition lines are those purchase orders that got processed and has purchase order line fulfilled flag value as N. This metrics excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Fulfilled Requisition Amount This metric is calculated as sum of amount at distribution level with requisition lines with fulfilled status. The fulfilled status requisition lines are those that have purchase order line fulfilled flag value as Y. Purchase order line fulfilled flag will have value as Y only when all the schedule lines for that purchase order line is closed for receiving or invoicing. The fulfilled date is maximum of the schedule receipt dates or invoice dates. This metrics excludes internal requisition and reinstate, split, and replaced line status.
Requisition Primary Quantity This metric is calculated as sum of quantity at distribution level and excludes reinstate, split and replaced line status. This shows quantity in primary UOM.

These metrics are used in the Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder, Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder, and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Areas.

Analytics Currency and Exchange Rate Type are configured during product implementation. Exchange Rate date basis uses Expense Distribution accounting date to convert to analytics currency. Metrics in these folders show amounts in their respective currencies. Currently we support only accounted invoices.


Metric Metric Definition
Quantity Invoiced This metric is calculated as the sum of Quantity Invoiced from Invoice distributions in primary and transaction UOM.
Invoice Amount This metric is calculated as Sum of Amounts from the Invoice Accounting distribution lines for an invoice distribution.
Avg Invoice Unit Price This metric is calculated as Sum of Invoice Amounts divided by Sum of Invoiced Quantity where Quantity Invoiced is not zero. This metric is calculated for Invoice distributions conforming as Addressable Spend.
Max Invoice Unit Price This metric is calculated as Maximum of Invoice Amounts divided by Invoiced Quantity where Quantity Invoiced is not zero. This metric is calculated for Invoice distributions conforming as Addressable Spend.
Min Invoice Unit Price This metric is calculated as Minimum of Invoice Amounts divided by Invoiced Quantity where Quantity Invoiced is not zero. This metric is calculated for Invoice distributions conforming as Addressable Spend.
Spend This metric is calculated as Sum of Invoice Amounts where invoice is approved and invoice distribution is validated. This metric excludes Invoice Distributions for withholding tax invoices and lines, prepayment invoices, and prepayment application lines.
Addressable Spend This metric is calculated as the sum of Spend, where invoice distribution has a Purchase Order reference, and Invoice Line types are either Item or Misc, and excludes any tax-related lines in invoices.
PO Matched Spend This metric is calculated as the sum of Invoice Amounts, where Invoice distributions has a Purchase Order Reference.
Agreement Spend This metric is calculated as the sum of Spend, where Invoice Distributions has a Purchase Order reference, and the corresponding Purchase Order Line has a Blanket Purchase Agreement or Contract Purchase Agreement reference.
Non Agreement Spend This metric is calculated as the sum of Spend where Invoice Distributions has a Purchase Order reference, and Purchase Order Line does not have a Blanket Purchase Agreement or Contract Purchase agreement reference.
Agreement Leakage Spend This metric is calculated as the sum of Spend where Invoice Distributions has a Purchase Order reference, and the Purchase Order Line does not have an agreement associated with it, although an open Blanket agreement is available for the item in Purchase order. This metric works only for Inventory Item-based purchase orders.
Other Non Agreement Spend This metric is calculated as Non Agreement Spend minus Agreement Leakage Spend.
Negotiated Spend This metric is calculated as PO Matched Spend where the Negotiated Flag is checked for the corresponding Purchase Orders Lines.
Non Negotiated Spend This metric is calculated as PO Matched Spend where the Negotiated Flag is not checked for the corresponding Purchase Orders Lines.
Average Spend Per invoice This metric is calculated as the sum of Spend divided by the Count of Spend Invoices.
Electronic Invoices Count This metric is calculated as the Count of Distinct Invoice Headers where Invoice Header source is not equal to Manual Invoice Entry.
Invoice Lines Count This metric is calculated as the Count of Distinct invoice Lines.
Invoices Count This metric is calculated as the Count of Distinct invoice Headers.
Purchase Order Lines Count This metric is calculated as the Count of Distinct Purchase Order Lines referenced in Invoice Distributions.
Purchase Orders Count This metric is calculated as the Count of Distinct Purchase Order Headers referenced in Invoice Distributions.
Manual Invoices Count This metric is calculated as the Count of Distinct Invoice Headers where Invoice Header source is equal to Manual Invoice Entry.
Suppliers Count This metric is calculated as the Count of Distinct Suppliers on Invoice Headers.
PO Matched Invoices Count This metric is calculated as the Count of Distinct invoices headers which are fully or partially matched to the purchase order.
Invoices Before PO Creation Count This metric is calculated as the Count of invoice Headers where Invoice date is greater than the purchase order Creation date.
Paid Invoices Count This metric is calculated as Count of Distinct Invoice headers where invoice header is already paid.
Open Invoices Count This metric is calculated as Count of Distinct Invoice headers where invoice header is not paid yet.
Perfect Invoices Count This metric is calculated as Count of Distinct Invoice headers where invoice header is partially or fully matched to Purchase Order with no price variance.
Invoices with IPV Count This metric is calculated as Count of Distinct Invoice headers where invoices have more than one distribution line status in Invoice Price Variance or Tax Invoice Price Variance.
Buyer Count This metric is calculated as Distinct Buyers on Invoice Headers.
Supplier Site Count This metric is calculated as Count of Distinct Supplier Sites on Invoice Headers.
Payables Invoicing Business Unit Count This metric is calculated as distinct count of Payables Invoicing Business Units on Invoice Headers.
Purchasing Category Count This metric is calculated as Count of Distinct Purchasing Category on Invoice Lines.
Payment Terms Count This metric is calculated as Count of Distinct Payment Terms on Invoice Headers.
Item Based Purchases % This metric is calculated as the percentage of Distinct Count of item-based Purchase Order Lines over Distinct Count of Purchase Order Lines.
PO Matched Spend % This metric is calculated as percentage of PO Matched Spend over Spend.
Non PO Matched Spend % This metric is calculated as percentage of Non PO Matched Spend over Spend.
Agreement Spend % This metric is calculated as percentage of Agreement Spend over Spend.
Non Agreement Spend % This metric is calculated as percentage of Non Agreement Spend over Spend.
Agreement Leakage Spend % This metric is calculated as percentage of Agreement Leakage Spend over Spend.
Negotiated Spend % This metric is calculated as percentage of Negotiated Spend over Spend.
Supplier Spend % This metric is calculated as percentage of Spend over Spend across all suppliers. This metric is used to analyze individual supplier Spend against Spend across all suppliers.
Category Spend % This metric is calculated as percentage of Spend over Spend across all categories. This metric is used to analyze individual category Spend against Spend across all categories.
Invoice Price Variance This metric is calculated as sum of amounts from Invoice distribution for Distribution Line status Invoice Price Variance.
Primary Quantity Invoiced This metric is calculated as Sum of Quantity Invoiced from Invoice distributions in primary UOM.
Avg Invoice Unit Price (Primary UOM) This metric is calculated as Sum of Invoice Amounts divided by Sum of Invoiced Quantity where Quantity Invoiced is not zero. This metric is calculated for Invoice distributions conforming as Addressable Spend in primary UOM.
Max Invoice Unit Price (Primary UOM) This metric is calculated as Maximum of Invoice Amounts divided by Invoiced Quantity where Quantity Invoiced is not zero. This metric is calculated for Invoice distributions conforming as Addressable Spend in primary UOM.
Min Invoice Unit Price (Primary UOM) This metric is calculated as Minimum of Invoice Amounts divided by Invoiced Quantity where Quantity Invoiced is not zero. This metric is calculated for Invoice distributions conforming as Addressable Spend in primary UOM.


These tables describe Projects metrics.

PPM - Project Costs

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC), Document Currency (DC), Project Currency (PC), Project Ledger Currency (PLC) and Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder in Subject Area. Analytics Currency and Exchange Rate Type are configured during product implementation. Exchange Rate date basis uses Ledger Currency Conversion Rate Date if this date is populated and if not available uses expenditure item date to convert to analytics currency. Metrics in these folders show amounts in their respective currencies.


Metric Metric Definition
Accounted Burden Cost Shows the Burden Cost Amount that is accounted. This metric is available in Ledger Currency, Document Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Accounted Burdened Cost Shows the Burdened Cost Amount that is accounted. This metric is available in Ledger Currency, Document Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Accounted Raw Cost Shows the Raw Cost Amount that is accounted. This metric is available in Ledger Currency, Document Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable and Capitalizable Burden Cost Shows the Billable and Capitalizable Burden Cost calculated as difference between Billable and Capitalizable Burdened Cost and Raw Cost.
Billable and Capitalizable Burden Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Billable and Capitalizable Burden cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable and Capitalizable Burden Cost - PTD Period to Date Billable and Capitalizable Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable and Capitalizable Burden Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Billable and Capitalizable Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable and Capitalizable Burden Cost - YTD Year to Date Billable and Capitalizable Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable and Capitalizable Cost Shows the Raw cost or Burdened Cost from Cost distribution lines flagged as Capitalizable and Billable based on whether Raw or Burdened cost is Capitalizable for the project type
Billable and Capitalizable Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Billable and Capitalizable Burdened cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable and Capitalizable Cost - PTD Period to Date Billable and Capitalizable Burdened Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable and Capitalizable Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Billable and Capitalizable Burdened Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable and Capitalizable Cost - YTD Year to Date Billable and Capitalizable Burdened Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable and Capitalizable Raw Cost Shows the actual raw cost from cost distribution lines flagged as both Billable and Capitalizable.
Billable and Capitalizable Raw Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Billable and Capitalizable Raw cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable and Capitalizable Raw Cost - PTD Period to Date Billable and Capitalizable Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable and Capitalizable Raw Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Billable and Capitalizable Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable and Capitalizable Raw Cost - YTD Year to Date Billable and Capitalizable Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable Burden Cost Shows the Billable Burden Cost calculated as difference between Billable cost and Billable Raw Cost
Billable Burden Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Billable Burden cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable Burden Cost - PTD Period to Date Billable Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable Burden Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Billable Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable Burden Cost - YTD Year to Date Billable Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency. only.
Billable Cost Shows the Actual Burdened Cost from Cost distribution lines flagged as billable.
Billable Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Billable Burdened cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable Cost - PTD Period to Date Billable Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Billable Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable Cost - YTD Year to Date Billable Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable Raw Cost Shows the Actual Raw Cost from Cost distribution lines flagged as billable
Billable Raw Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Billable Raw cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable Raw Cost - PTD Period to Date Billable Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable Raw Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Billable Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Billable Raw Cost - YTD Year to Date Billable Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Burden Cost Shows the Actual Burden Cost calculated as difference between Burdened Cost and Raw Cost.
Burden Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Burden cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Burden Cost - PTD Period to Date Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Burden Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Burden Cost - YTD Year to date Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Burdened Cost Shows the Actual Burdened Cost incurred
Burdened Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Burdened cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Burdened Cost - PTD Period to Date Burdened Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Burdened Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Burdened Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Burdened Cost - YTD Year to date Burdened Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Capitalizable Burden Cost Shows the Capitalizable Burden Cost calculated as difference between Capitalizable Cost and Capitalizable Raw Cost
Capitalizable Burden Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Capitalizable Burden cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Capitalizable Burden Cost - PTD Period to Date Capitalizable Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Capitalizable Burden Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Capitalizable Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Capitalizable Burden Cost - YTD Year to Date Capitalizable Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Capitalizable Cost Shows the Raw cost or Burdened Cost from Cost distribution lines flagged as Capitalizable based on whether Raw or Burdened cost is Capitalizable for the project type
Capitalizable Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Capitalizable Burdened cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Capitalizable Cost - PTD Period to Date Capitalizable Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Capitalizable Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Capitalizable Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Capitalizable Cost - YTD Year to Date Capitalizable Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Capitalizable Raw Cost Shows the Actual Raw cost from Cost distribution lines flagged as Capitalizable for Capitalizable projects
Capitalizable Raw Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Capitalizable Raw cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected.
Capitalizable Raw Cost - PTD Period to Date Capitalizable Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Capitalizable Raw Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Capitalizable Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Capitalizable Raw Cost - YTD Year to Date Capitalizable Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Credit Amount Shows the Credit Amount from Accounting for the Cost Distribution line. This metric is available in Ledger Currency, Document Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Debit Amount Shows the Debit Amount from Accounting for the Cost Distribution line. This metric is available in Ledger Currency, Document Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Equipment Cost Shows the Equipment Cost calculated as Burdened Cost that is associated with Resource Class 'EQUIPMENT'
Equipment Cost - ITD Cumulative sum of Equipment Cost is calculated as Burdened Cost that is associated with Resource Class 'EQUIPMENT' from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Equipment Cost - PTD Period to Date Equipment Cost is calculated as Burdened Cost that is associated with Resource Class 'EQUIPMENT' calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Equipment Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Equipment Cost is calculated as Burdened Cost that is associated with Resource Class 'EQUIPMENT' calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Equipment Cost - YTD Year to Date Equipment Cost is calculated as Burdened Cost that is associated with Resource Class 'EQUIPMENT' calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Equipment Effort Number of units of Equipment used.
Equipment Effort - ITD Cumulative sum of units of Equipment used from start of the project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar.
Equipment Effort - PTD Period to Date Number of units of Equipment used calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar.
Equipment Effort - QTD Quarter to Date Number of units of Equipment used calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar.
Equipment Effort - YTD Year to Date Number of units of Equipment used calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar.
Labor Cost Shows the Labor Cost calculated as Burdened Cost that is associated with Resource Class 'PEOPLE'.
Labor Cost - ITD Cumulative sum of Labor Cost is calculated as Burdened Cost that is associated with Resource Class 'PEOPLE' from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Labor Cost - PTD Period to Date Labor Cost is calculated as Burdened Cost that is associated with Resource Class 'PEOPLE' calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Labor Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Labor Cost is calculated as Burdened Cost that is associated with Resource Class 'PEOPLE' calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Labor Cost - YTD Year to Date Labor Cost is calculated as Burdened Cost that is associated with Resource Class 'PEOPLE' calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Labor Effort Number of Labor units related to an expenditure item.
Labor Effort - ITD Cumulative sum of Labor units from start of the project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar.
Labor Effort - PTD Period to Date Number of Labor units related to an expenditure item calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar.
Labor Effort - QTD Quarter to Date Number of Labor units related to an expenditure item calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar.
Labor Effort - YTD Year to Date Number of Labor units related to an expenditure item calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar.
Net Amount Shows the difference between Debit Amount and Credit Amount. This metric is available in Ledger Currency, Document Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Billable Burden Cost Shows the Non-Billable Burden Cost calculated as difference between Non-Billable cost and Non-Billable Raw Cost.
Non-Billable Burden Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Non-Billable Burden cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Billable Burden Cost - PTD Period to Date Non-Billable Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Billable Burden Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Non-Billable Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Billable Burden Cost - YTD Year to Date Non-Billable Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Billable Cost Shows the Actual Burdened Cost from Cost distribution lines flagged as not billable.
Non-Billable Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Non-Billable Burdened cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Billable Cost - PTD Period to Date Non-Billable Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Billable Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Non-Billable Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Billable Cost - YTD Year to Date Non-Billable Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Billable Raw Cost Shows the Actual Raw Cost from Cost distribution lines flagged as not billable.
Non-Billable Raw Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Non-Billable Raw cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Billable Raw Cost - PTD Period to Date Non-Billable Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Billable Raw Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Non-Billable Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Billable Raw Cost - YTD Year to Date Non-Billable Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Capitalizable Burden Cost Shows the Non-Capitalizable Burden Cost calculated as difference between Non-Capitalizable Cost and Non-Capitalizable Raw Cost.
Non-Capitalizable Burden Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Non-Capitalizable Burden cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Capitalizable Burden Cost - PTD Period to Date Non-Capitalizable Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Capitalizable Burden Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Non-Capitalizable Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Capitalizable Burden Cost - YTD Year to Date Non-Capitalizable Burden Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Capitalizable Cost Shows the actual burdened cost from cost distribution lines flagged as not Capitalizable for Capitalizable projects.
Non-Capitalizable Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Non-Capitalizable Burdened cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Capitalizable Cost - PTD Period to Date Non-Capitalizable Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Capitalizable Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Non-Capitalizable Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Capitalizable Cost - YTD Year to Date Non-Capitalizable Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Capitalizable Raw Cost Shows the actual raw cost from cost distribution lines flagged as not Capitalizable for Capitalizable projects.
Non-Capitalizable Raw Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Non-Capitalizable Raw cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Capitalizable Raw Cost - PTD Period to Date Non-Capitalizable Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Capitalizable Raw Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Non-Capitalizable Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Non-Capitalizable Raw Cost - YTD Year to Date Non-Capitalizable Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Projects Count Distinct Count of Projects with Cost Distribution Lines.
Quantity Number of units related to an expenditure item.
Raw Cost Shows the Actual Raw Cost incurred.
Raw Cost - ITD Cumulative Sum of Raw cost from start of the Project to the reporting time period selected calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Raw Cost - PTD Period to Date Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Raw Cost - QTD Quarter to Date Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Raw Cost - YTD Year to date Raw Cost calculated using the Receiver Fiscal Calendar. This metric is available in Project Ledger Currency, Project Currency, and Analytic Currency only.
Tasks Count Distinct Count of Tasks with Cost Distribution Lines.
Transfer Price Amount Shows the Amount charged by Provider Organization to the Receiver Organization including Transfer Price Markup.
Unaccounted CDL Count Count of Cost Distribution Lines that are not accounted.
PPM - Project Commitments

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC), Document Currency (DC), Project Currency (PC), Project Ledger Currency (PLC) and Ledger Currency (LC) fact folder in Subject Area. Analytics Currency and Exchange Rate Type are configured during product implementation. Exchange Rate date basis uses Ledger Currency Conversion Rate Date if this date is populated and if not available uses expenditure item date to convert to analytics currency. Metrics in these folders show amounts in their respective currencies.


Metric Metric Definition
Canceled Amount Shows the Canceled amount from the Commitment transaction. This metric is available only in Document Currency.
Canceled Quantity Total number of units canceled in the commitment transaction
Committed Burden Cost Shows the Burden Cost of the Commitment transaction
Committed Burdened Cost Shows the Burdened Cost of the Commitment transaction
Committed Raw Cost Shows the Raw Cost of the Commitment transaction
Delivered Amount Shows the Delivered amount from the Commitment transaction. This metric is available only in Document Currency.
Delivered Quantity Total number of units delivered in the commitment transaction
External Committed Burdened Cost Shows the Burdened cost of External Commitment transactions
External Committed Raw Cost Shows the Raw cost of External Commitment transactions
Invoiced Amount Shows the Invoiced amount from the Commitment transaction. This metric is available only in Document Currency.
Invoiced Quantity Total number of units invoiced in the commitment transaction
Ordered Amount Shows the Ordered amount from the Commitment transaction. This metric is available only in Document Currency.
Ordered Quantity Total number of units ordered in the commitment transaction
Original Ordered Amount Shows the Original Ordered amount from the Commitment transaction. This metric is available only in Document Currency.
Original Ordered Quantity Total number of units originally ordered in the commitment transaction
Outstanding Delivery Amount Shows the Outstanding Delivery amount from the Commitment transaction. This metric is available only in Document Currency.
Outstanding Delivery Quantity Total number of units to be delivered in the commitment transaction
Outstanding Invoice Amount Shows the Outstanding Invoice amount from the Commitment transaction. This metric is available only in Document Currency.
Outstanding Invoice Quantity Total number of units yet to be invoiced in the commitment transaction
Overbilled Amount Shows the Overbilled amount from the Commitment transaction. This metric is available only in Document Currency.
Overbilled Quantity Total number of units overbilled in the commitment transaction
Purchase Order Committed Burdened Cost Shows the Purchase Order Burdened Cost
Purchase Order Committed Raw Cost Shows the Purchase Order Raw Cost
Quantity Total number of units committed
Requisition Committed Burdened Cost Shows the Purchase Requisition Burdened Cost
Requisition Committed Raw Cost Shows the Purchase Requisition Raw Cost
Supplier Invoice Committed Burdened Cost Shows the Supplier Invoice Burdened Cost
Supplier Invoice Committed Raw Cost Shows the Supplier Invoice Raw Cost
Transfer Order Committed Burdened Cost Shows the Transfer Order Burdened Cost
Transfer Order Committed Raw Cost Shows the Transfer Order Raw Cost

Descriptive Flexfield (DFF)

General Ledger

These descriptive flexfields are supported by General Ledger subject areas.

Subject Area Name Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) Supported
Financials - GL Detail Transactions Supports Journal Headers, Journal Lines, and Journal Batches Descriptive Flexfields.


These descriptive flexfields are supported by Payables subject areas.

Descriptive Flexfield (DFF)

Subject Area Name Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) Supported
Financials - AP Invoices Supports Suppliers, Supplier Sites, Invoice Headers, and Invoice Installments Descriptive Flexfields.
Financials - AP Aging Supports Suppliers, Supplier Sites, Invoice Headers, and Invoice Installments Descriptive Flexfields.
Financials - AP Payments Supports Suppliers, Supplier Sites, and Invoice Payments Descriptive Flexfields.
Financials - AP Liabilities Supports Suppliers, Supplier Sites, and Invoice Headers Descriptive Flexfields.
Financials - AP Expenses Supports Suppliers, Supplier Sites, Invoice Headers, Invoice Lines, and Invoice Distributions Descriptive Flexfields.
Financials - AP Holds Supports Suppliers, Supplier Sites, Invoice Headers, Invoice Lines, Invoice Distributions, and Invoice Holds Descriptive Flexfields.


These descriptive flexfields are supported by Receivables subject areas.

Descriptive Flexfield (DFF)

Subject Area Name Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) Supported
Financials - AR Transactions Supports Customer, Customer Account, Transactions Headers, and Transactions Schedules Descriptive Flexfields.
Financials - AR Receipts and Applications Supports Customer, Customer Account, and Receipts Descriptive Flexfields.
Financials - AR Credit Memo Applications Supports Customer and Customer Account Descriptive Flexfields.
Financials - AR Adjustments Supports Customer and Customer Account Descriptive Flexfields.
Financials - AR Aging Supports Customer, Customer Account, Transactions Headers, and Transactions Schedules Descriptive Flexfields.
Financials - AR Revenue Supports Customer, Customer Account, Transactions Headers, Transactions Lines, and Transactions Distributions Descriptive Flexfields.


Subject Area Name Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) Supported
Procurement - Spend Supports Suppliers, Supplier Sites, Invoice Headers, Invoice Lines, Invoice Distributions, and Items
Procurement - Purchase Orders Supports Suppliers, Supplier Sites, and Items
Procurement - Receipts Receipt Headers, Receipt Lines, and Items
Procurement - Agreements Supports Suppliers, Supplier Sites, and Items
Procurement - Requisitions Supports Suppliers, Supplier Sites, Requisition Headers, Requisition Lines, Requisition Distributions, and Items


Subject Area Name Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) Supported
PPM - Project Costs Supports Project, Task Structure, Project Types, Expenditure Categories, Expenditure Types, Class Categories, Class Codes, Project Class Codes, Nonlabor Resource, Work Type, Project Expenditure Item, and Project Costing Details Descriptive Flexfields.
PPM - Project Commitments Supports Project, Task Structure, Project Types, Expenditure Categories, Expenditure Types, Class Categories, Class Codes, Project Class Codes, Nonlabor Resource and Work Type Descriptive Flexfields.


These descriptive flexfields are supported by Expenses subject areas.

Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
Employee Expense Analysis for Department Heads/Managers Analyze Employee Expense Trend for last 12 months, provides count of expense reports with policy violation by cost center and also expense amounts by manager for current quarter. Financials - EXM Employee Expenses
Employee Expense Audit Analysis Provides five quarter overview of Expense by Audit type and current quarter view by Receipt status and Source. Financials - EXM Employee Expenses
Employee Expense Analysis by Type Provides five quarter analysis of Expenses by Type and current quarter view of Expense by Cost center and Merchant. Financials - EXM Employee Expenses