7 Subject Areas

Subject Areas

This chapter provides information on the subject areas with data you maintain in Oracle Analytics for Advertising and Customer Experience (CX). These subject areas, with their corresponding data, are available for you to use when creating and editing analyses and reports. The information for each subject area includes:

This section provides information on the subject areas with data you maintain in Oracle Fusion CX Analytics. These subject areas, with their corresponding data, are available for you to use when creating and editing analyses and reports. The information for each subject area includes:

  • Description of the subject area.

  • Business questions that can be answered by data in the subject area, with a link to more detailed information about each business question.

  • Job roles and duty roles that can be used to secure access to the subject area, with a link to more detailed information about each job role and duty role.

  • Primary navigation to the work area that is represented by the subject area.

  • Time reporting considerations in using the subject area, such as whether the subject area reports historical data or only the current data. Historical reporting refers to reporting on historical transactional data in a subject area. With a few exceptions, all dimensional data are current as of the primary transaction dates or system date.

  • The lowest grain of transactional data in a subject area. The lowest transactional data grain determines how data are joined in a report.

  • Special considerations, tips, and things to look out for in using the subject area to create analyses and reports.


Download this ZIP file that contains available subject areas that apply to the current version of Oracle Fusion CX Analytics. Once the file downloads, extract the file, open the folder, and then open the release-specific HTML file. For example, click 22.R2_May2022_Fusion_CX_Analytics_SubjectAreas.html.


Job roles are the same as job-specific groups.

Offerings and Functional Areas

This table shows the offerings in Oracle Fusion CX Analytics and their source.

Offering Functional Area Activation Dependency * Subject Areas Covered Source Initial Release
Customer Experience Sales Analytics Sales Pipeline None
  • CX - Opportunity
  • CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
  • CX - Activity
  • CX - Opportunity Activity
  • CX - Lead Activity
  • CX - Leads
Oracle CX Cloud (Fusion Sales) 22R2
Customer Experience Sales Analytics Sales Pipeline Snapshot Sales Pipeline
  • CX - Opportunity Snapshot
  • CX - Opportunity Revenue Line Snapshot
  • CX - Opportunity Stage Progression
Oracle CX Cloud (Fusion Sales) 22R2
Customer Experience Sales Analytics Sales CPQ Integrated Analytics Sales Pipeline
  • CX - Opportunity Quote
  • CX - Opportunity Quote Line
Oracle CX Cloud (Fusion Sales)+ 22R2
Customer Experience Marketing Analytics Marketing Campaign Closed Loop Analytics None
  • CX - Campaign Members
  • CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue Line
Oracle CX Cloud (Fusion Sales)# 22R2
Customer Experience Service Analytics B2B Service Analytics None
  • CX - B2B Service Request
Oracle CX Cloud (Fusion B2B Service) 22R2
Subscription Analytics Subscription Management Analytics None
  • CX - Opportunity
Oracle Subscription Management 22R2

* The functional area listed must be activated.

+ The pipeline or functional area is applicable when there's integration between Oracle CX Sales and Oracle Configure, Price, Quote, otherwise the subject area won't have data.

# The pipeline or functional area is applicable when there's integration between Oracle CX Sales and Oracle Eloqua Marketing Automation, otherwise the subject area won't have data.

Business Questions

For each business question in this section, links are provided for more detailed information about the subject areas, job roles, and duty roles associated with the business question.


This section provides business questions that can be answered by data in the subject area, with a link to more detailed information about each business question..

Download this ZIP file that contains available business questions that apply to the current version of Oracle Fusion CX Analytics. Once the file downloads, extract the file, open the folder, and then open the release-specific HTML file. For example, click 22.R2_May2022_Fusion_CX_Analytics_BQs.html.


Job roles are the same as job-specific groups.

Job Roles

For each job role in this section, links are provided for more detailed information about the duty roles, subject areas, and business questions associated with the job role.


This section provides job roles that can be used to secure access to the subject area, with a link to more detailed information about each job role.

Download this ZIP file that contains available job roles that apply to the current version of Oracle Fusion CX Analytics. Once the file downloads, extract the file, open the folder, and then open the release-specific HTML file. For example, click 22.R2_May2022_Fusion_CX_Analytics_JobRoles.html.


Job roles are the same as job-specific groups.

Duty Roles

For each duty role in this chapter, links are provided for more detailed information about the job roles, subject areas, and business questions associated with the duty role.


This section provides duty roles that can be used to secure access to the subject area, with a link to more detailed information about each duty role.

Download this ZIP file that contains available duty roles that apply to the current version of Oracle Fusion CX Analytics. Once the file downloads, extract the file, open the folder, and then open the release-specific HTML file. For example, click 22.R2_May2022_Fusion_CX_Analytics_DutyRoles.html.


Job roles are the same as job-specific groups.

Subject Area Metric Details


This is the start of your topic.

CX Activity

This table describes the Activity Metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
# of Activities The total Activities
# of Open Activities The total Open Activities (Status not equal to Complete/Cancelled)
# of Completed Activities The total Completed Activities (Status = Complete)
# of Expired Activities The total Expired Activities (Status not equal to Complete/Cancelled & Current Date > Activity Due Date)
# of Tasks The total Tasks (Activity function = Task)
# of Appointments The total Appointments (Activity function = Appointments)
# of Call Reports The total Call Reports (Activity function = Call Reports)
Average Activity Duration For Completed Activities Average time to Complete the Activity
Average Number of Activities Per Team Member Average number of Activity per Team Member. This metric is compurted as follows: # of Activities/# of Resources

CX Campaign Members

These metrics will be used in the Analytics Currency (AC) and Document Currency (DC) fact folder in Subject Area.

  • Document Currency is the currency used while entering the data in the application.
  • Analytics Currency is the currency defined in the Fusion Analytics Warehouse.
  • Analytics Currency and Exchange Rate Type are configured during product implementation.
  • Exchange Rate date basis uses Campaign Creation Date to convert to analytics currency.
  • Metrics in these folders show amounts in their respective currencies.
Metric Metric Definition
# of Campaign Members The total Campaign Members
# of Contacts The total Contacts associated to Campaigns
# of Leads The total Leads associated to Campaigns
# of Responses The total Campaign Responses
# of Active Campaigns The total Active Campaigns
# of Campaigns The total Campaigns
# of Campaign Owners The total Campaign Owners
Actual Cost The Actual Cost of the Campaign
Budgeted Cost The Budgeted Cost of the Campaign

CX Campaign Opportunity Revenue Line

These metrics will be used in the Document Currency (DC), CX Currency (CC) and Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder in Subject Area.

  • Document Currency is the currency used while entering the data in the application.
  • CX Currency is the currency defined in the CRM/CX application.
  • Analytics Currency is the currency defined in the Fusion Analytics Warehouse.
  • Analytics Currency and Exchange Rate Type are configured during product implementation.
  • Exchange Rate date basis uses Opportunity Expected Close Date to convert to analytics currency.
  • Metrics in these folders show amounts in their respective currencies.
Metric Metric Definition
# of Campaigns The total Campaigns
# of Campaign Owners The total Campaign Owners
# of Campaign Targeted Sales Accounts The total Sales Accounts associated to Campaigns
Campaign Budgeted Cost The Budgeted Cost of the Campaign
Campaign Actual Cost The Actual Cost of the Campaign
# of Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Opportunity Revenue Lines associated to Campaigns
# of Open Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Open Opportunity Revenue Lines associated to Campaigns
# of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Won Opportunity Revenue Lines associated to Campaigns
# of Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines The total lost Opportunity Revenue Lines associated to Campaigns
# of No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines The total No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines associated to Campaigns
# of Opportunities with Revenue Line The total Opportunities with Revenue Lines
Revenue Line Won Rate The Campaign Opportunity Revenue Line Won Rate. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Won Revenue Lines/# of Won+Lost Revenue Lines
Revenue Line Loss Rate The Campaign Opportunity Revenue Line Loss Rate. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Lost Revenue Lines/# of Won+Lost Revenue Lines
Open Opportunity Line Revenue The total Open Opportunity Line Revenue (for Opportunities associated to Campaigns)
Won Opportunity Line Revenue The total Won Opportunity Line Revenue (for Opportunities associated to Campaigns)
Lost Opportunity Line Revenue The total Lost Opportunity Line Revenue (for Opportunities associated to Campaigns)
No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue The total No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue (for Opportunities associated to Campaigns)
Campaign Attributed Pipeline Revenue The total Campaign Opportunity Line Revenue (for Opportunities associated to Campaigns)
Campaign ROI The Campaign ROI. This metric is computed as follows: (Campaign Attributed Pipeline Revenue - Campaign Actual Cost)/Campaign Actual Cost
Campaign Cost Per Opportunity Revenue Line The Campaign Cost per Opportunity Revenue Line. This metric is computed as follows: Campaign Actual Cost/# of Opportunity Revenue Lines
Campaign Cost Per Won Opportunity Revenue Line The Campaign Cost per Won Opportunity Revenue Line. This metric is computed as follows: Campaign Actual Cost/# of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines
Campaign Actual Vs Budgeted Cost The ratio of Campaign Actual and Budgeted cost. This metric is computed as follows: Campaign Actual Cost/Campaign Budgeted Cost
Campaign Cost Per Attributed Revenue The Campaign Cost per Attributed Revenue. This metric is computed as follows: Campaign Actual Cost/Campaign Attributed Pipeline Revenue
Average Won Opportunity Line Revenue The average Won Opportunity Line Revenue. This metric is computed as follows: Won Opportunity Line Revenue/# of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines
Campaign Cost Per Opportunity The Campaign cost per Opportunity. This metric is computed as follows: Campaign Actual Cost/# of Opportunities with Revenue Lines
Campaign Cost Per Won Opportunity Line Revenue The Campaign cost per Won Opportunity Line Revenue. This metric is computed as follows: Campaign Actual Cost/# of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines

CX Lead Activity

This table describes the Lead Activity Metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
# of Lead Activities The total Activities associated to Leads
# of Open Lead Activities The total Open Activities associated to Leads (Activity Status not equal to Complete/Cancelled)
# of Completed Lead Activities The total Completed Activities associated to Leads (Activity Status = Complete)
# of Expired Lead Activities The total Expired Activities associated to Leads (Activity Status not equal to Complete/Cancelled & Current Date > Activity Due Date)
# of Lead Appointments The total Appointments associated to Leads (Activity function = Appointments)
# of Lead Call Reports The total Call Reports associated to Leads (Activity function = Call Reports)
# of Lead Tasks The total Tasks associated to Leads (Activity function = Task)
# of Lead Activities for Highly Ranked Leads The total Activities for highly ranked Leads (Lead Rank = Hot)
Activity Rate - Converted Leads The rate of Activities for Converted Leads. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Activities for Converted Leads/# of Converted Leads
Activity Rate - Qualified Leads The rate of Activities for Qualified Leads. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Activities for Qualified Leads/# of Qualified Leads
Activity Rate - Rejected Leads The rate of Activities for Rejected Leads. This metric is computed as follows:100 * # of Activities for Rejected Leads/# of Rejected Leads
Activity Rate - Retired Leads The rate of Activities for Retired Leads. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Activities for Retired Leads/# of Retired Leads
Activity Rate - Unaccepted Leads The rate of Activities for Unaccepted Leads. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Activities for Unaccepted Leads/# of Unaccepted Leads
Activity Rate - Unassigned Leads The rate of Activities for Unassigned Leads. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Activities for Unassigned Leads/# of Unassigned Leads
Activity Rate - Unconverted Leads The rate of Activities for Unconverted Leads. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Activities for Unconverted Leads/# of Unconverted Leads
Average Activity Duration For Completed Activities The average time taken to complete an activity. This metric is computed as follows: Activity duration for completed activity/# of Completed Activities
Lead First Response Time The time to respond to an assigned Lead. This metric is computed as follows: Date of first Lead Activity - Lead assigned date
Average Number of Lead Activities Per Team Member The average number of Lead Activities per Team member.
Lead Activity Rate The rate of Activities for Leads. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Lead Activities/# of Leads
Lead Idle Days The days since the last Lead Activity. This metric is computed as follows: Current Date - Last Lead Activity Date

CX Leads

These metrics will be used in the Document Currency (DC), CX Currency (CC) and Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder in Subject Area.

  • Document Currency is the currency used while entering the data in the application.
  • CX Currency is the currency defined in the CRM/CX application.
  • Analytics Currency is the currency defined in the Fusion Analytics Warehouse.
  • Analytics Currency and Exchange Rate Type are configured during product implementation.
  • Exchange Rate date basis uses Lead Creation Date to convert to analytics currency.
  • Metrics in these folders show amounts in their respective currencies.
Metric Metric Definition
# of Leads The total number of Leads
# of Leads Converted The total Converted Leads (Lead Status = Converted)
# of Leads Generated from Marketing Source The total Leads generated from Marketing Source (Lead Source = Marketing)
# of Leads Generated from Non Marketing Source The total Leads generated from Non- marketing Source (Lead Source not equal to Marketing)
# of Assigned Leads The total assigned leads (Assignment status = Assigned)
# of Sales Accounts with Leads The total Sales Accounts with Leads
# of Contacts with Leads The total Contacts with Leads
# of Accepted Leads The total Accepted Leads (Accepted Flag = Y)
# of Rejected Leads The total Rejected Leads (Assignment Status = Rejected)
# of Retired Leads The total Retired Leads (Lead Status = Retired)
# of Unaccepted Leads The total Unaccepted Leads (Accepted Flag = N)
# of Unassigned Leads The total Unassigned Leads. This metric is computed as follows: # of Leads - # of Assigned Leads
# of Uncovered Leads The total Unconverted Leads. This metric is computed as follows: # of Leads - # of Converted Leads
# of Unqualified Leads The total Unqualified leads (Lead Status = Unqualified)
# of Leads from Sales Account The total leads from Sales Account (Sales Account Type = Customer)
# of Leads from Prospect Sales Account The total leads from Prospect (Sales Account Type = Prospect)
# of Prospect Leads Converted The total Converted Leads from Prospect(Lead Status = Converted, Sales Account Type = Prospect)
# of Sales Accounts Leads Converted The total Converted Leads from Sales Account(Lead Status = Converted, Sales Account Type = Customer)
# of Qualified Leads The total Qualified Leads (Lead Status = Qualified)
# Partner Assigned Leads The total leads assigned to a Partner
# of highly Ranked Qualified Leads The total Qualified Hot Leads (Lead Status = Qualified, Rank Name = Hot)
# of Low Ranked Qualified Leads The total Qualified Cool Leads (Lead Status = Qualified, Rank Name = Cool)
# of Qualified Expired Leads The total Qualified Expired Leads (Lead Status = Qualified, Current Date > Lead Expiry Date)
# of Medium Ranked Qualified Leads The total Qualified Warm Leads (Lead Status = Qualified, Rank Name = Warm)
Ratio of Highly Ranked Qualified Leads to Qualified Leads Ratio of Highly Ranked Qualified Leads to Qualified Leads
Ratio of Medium Ranked Qualified Leads to Qualified Leads Ratio of Medium Ranked Qualified Leads to Qualified Leads
Ratio of Retired Leads to Ratio of Unqualified Leads Ratio of Retired Leads to Unqualified Leads
Ratio of Converted Leads to Qualified Leads Ratio of Converted Leads to Qualified Leads
Ratio of Low Ranked Qualified Leads to Qualified Leads Ratio of Low Ranked Qualified Leads to Qualified Leads
Ratio of Qualified Leads to Unqualified Leads Ratio of Qualified Leads to Unqualified Leads
Lead Qualification Rate (%) Rate of Qualified Leads to the total Leads. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Qualified Leads/# of Leads
Leads to Opportunity Conversion (%) Rate of Converted Leads to the total Leads. This metric is computed as follows: # of Converted Leads/# of Leads
Rejected Leads (%) Rate of Rejected Leads to the total Leads. This metric is computed as follows: # of Rejected Leads/# of Leads
Retired Leads (%) Rate of Retired Leads to the total Leads. This metric is computed as follows: # of Retired Leads/# of Leads
Leads Conversion % (Across Levels in Lead Owner Resource Hierarchy) Lead to Opportunity Conversion % calculated at the total level of lead owner hierarchy
Leads Conversion % (Across Levels in Primary Partner Hierarchy) Lead to Opportunity Conversion % calculated at the total level of primary partner hierarchy
Leads Conversion %(Across Levels in Sales Account Hierarchy) Lead to Opportunity Conversion % calculated at the total level of sales account hierarchy
Lead Idle Days The total days the Active Lead is idle (Lead Status not equal to Retired/Rejected). This metric is computed as follows: Current Date - Last Activity Date
Average Lead Age (Days) The average age of the Leads. This metric is computed as follows: For Converted or Retired Leads, the day when it was converted/Retired - Lead Created date. For others it is the Current Date - the Lead created date
Average Number of Days to Convert Leads The Average number of days to Convert a lead. This metric is computed as follows: Total Lead Age of Converted leads/ # of Converted Leads
Average Number of Days Open for Unqualified Leads The Average number of days to Qualify a lead. This metric is computed as follows: Total Lead Age of Unqualified leads/ # of Unqualified Leads
Lead Qualification to Conversion Velocity Rate of Converting the Qualified Leads. This metric is computed as follows: Lead Converted Date - Lead Qualified Date / # of Converted Leads
Lead Qualification Velocity Rate of Qualifying the Leads. This metric is computed as follows: Lead Qualified Date - Lead Created Date/# of Qualified Leads
Potential Revenue The total Lead Revenue
Total Market Potential The total Lead Revenue for Qualified or Unqualified Leads
Budget Amount The total Budget Amount
Raw Lead Amount The total Raw Lead Amount

CX Opportunity

This table describes the Opportunity Metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
# of Opportunities The total number of Opportunities
# of Open Opportunities The total Open Opportunities (Opportunity Status = Open)
# of Won Opportunities The total Won Opportunities (Opportunity Status = Won)
# of Lost Opportunities The total Lost Opportunities (Opportunity Status = Lost)
# of No Sale Opportunities The total No Sale Opportunities (Opportunity Status = No Sale)
# of Competitive Opportunities The total Opportunities with atleast one Competitor
# of Competitive Won Opportunities The total Won Opportunities with atleast one Competitor
# of Competitive Lost Opportunities The total Lost Opportunities with atleast one Competitor
# of Competitive Open Opportunities The total Open Opportunities with atleast one Competitor
# of Competitive No Sale Opportunities The total No Sale Opportunities with atleast one Competitor
# of Sales Accounts with Won Opportunities The total Sales Accounts with Won Opportunities
# of Expired Opportunities The total Expired Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: Opportunity Status = Open, Current Date > Opportunity Expected Close Date)
Average # of Days to Close Average number of days to Close an Opportunity. This metric is computed as follows: Total days needed to close Opportunities/# of closed Opportunities
Average # of Days to Open Average number of days the Opportunity is Open. This metric is computed as follows: Total days the Opportunity is Open/# of Open Opportunities
Average Opportunity Win Probability Average probability to Win the Opportunity. This metric is computed as follows: Total win probabilities/# of Opportunities
Average Age of Closed Opportunities Average Age of Closed Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: Total Closed Opportunities Age/# of Closed Opportunities
Average Age of Won Opportunities Average Age of Won Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: Total Won Opportunities Age/# of Won Opportunities
Average Age of Lost Opportunities Average Age of Lost Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: Total Lost Opportunities Age/# of Lost Opportunities
Average Age of No Sale Opportunities Average Age of No Sale Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: Total No Sale Opportunities Age/number of No Sale Opportunities
Win Rate Rate of Winning Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * Total Won Opportunities/Total Won and Lost Opportunities
Loss Rate Rate of Losing Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * Total Lost Opportunities/Total Won and Lost Opportunities
Conversion Rate Rate of Converting Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * Total Won Opportunities/Total Opportunities
Competitor Win Rate Rate of Winning Competitive Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * Total Competitive Won Opportunities/Total Competitive Won and Lost Opportunities
Competitive Loss Rate Rate of Losing Competitive Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * Total Competitive Lost Opportunities/Total Competitive Closed Opportunities
Competitor Conversion Rate Rate of Converting Competitive Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * Total Competitive Won Opportunities/Total Competitive Opportunities

CX Opportunity Activity

This table describes the Opportunity Activity Metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
# of Opportunity Activities The total Activities associated to Opportunities
# of Open Opportunity Activities The total Open Activities associated to Opportunities (Activity Status not equal to Complete/Cancelled)
# of Completed Opportunity Activities The total Completed Activities associated Opportunities (Activity Status = Complete)
# of Expired Opportunity Activities The total Expired Activities associated to Opportunities (Activity Status not equal to Complete/Cancelled & Current Date > Activity Due Date)
# of Opportunity Tasks The total Tasks associated to Opportunities (Activity function = Task)
# of Opportunity Appointments The total Tasks associated to Appointments (Activity function = Appointments)
# of Opportunity Call Reports The total Tasks associated to Call Reports (Activity function = Call Reports)
Average Activity Duration For Open Activities The average time of an activity. This metric is computed as follows: Activity duration for Activities not in Cancelled or Complete status/# of Activities not in Cancelled or Complete status
Average Activity Duration for Completed Activities The average time taken to complete an activity. This metric is computed as follows: Activity duration for completed activity/# of Completed Activities
Activity Rate - Opportunities The rate of Activities for Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Opportunity Activities/# of Opportunities
Activity Rate - Open Opportunities The rate of Activities for Open Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Activities for Open Opportunities/# of Open Opportunities
Activity Rate - Won Opportunities The rate of Activities for Won Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Activities for Won Opportunities/# of Won Opportunities
Activity Rate - Lost Opportunities The rate of Activities for Lost Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Activities for Lost Opportunities/# of Lost Opportunities
Activity Rate - No Sale Opportunities The rate of Activities for No Sale Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Activities for No Sale Opportunities/# of No Sale Opportunities
Task Rate - Open Opportunities The rate of Tasks for Open Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Tasks for Open Opportunities/# of Open Opportunities
Task Rate - Won Opportunities The rate of Tasks for Won Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Tasks for Won Opportunities/# of Won Opportunities
Task Rate - Lost Opportunities The rate of Tasks for Lost Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Tasks for Lost Opportunities/# of Lost Opportunities
Task Rate - No Sale Opportunities The rate of Tasks for No Sale Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Tasks for No Sale Opportunities/# of No Sale Opportunities
Appointment Rate - Open Opportunities The rate of Appointments for Open Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Appointments for Open Opportunities/# of Open Opportunities
Appointment Rate - Won Opportunities The rate of Appointments for Won Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Appointments for Won Opportunities/# of Won Opportunities
Appointment Rate - Lost Opportunities The rate of Appointments for Lost Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Appointments for Lost Opportunities/# of Lost Opportunities
Appointment Rate - No Sale Opportunities The rate of Appointments for No Sale Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Appointments for No Sale Opportunities/# of No Sale Opportunities
Call Report Rate - Open Opportunities The rate of Call Reports for Open Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Call Reports for Open Opportunities/# of Open Opportunities
Call Report Rate - Won Opportunities The rate of Call Reports for Won Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Call Reports for Won Opportunities/# of Won Opportunities
Call Report Rate - Lost Opportunities The rate of Call Reports for Lost Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Call Reports for Lost Opportunities/# of Lost Opportunities
Call Report Rate - No Sale Opportunities The rate of Call Reports for No Sale Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Call Reports for No Sale Opportunities/# of No Sale Opportunities
Average Number of Emails Sent for Won Opportunities The average number of Emails sent for Won Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: # of Activities of type code = Email for Won Opportunities/# of Won Opportunities
Average Number of Emails Sent for Lost Opportunities The average number of Emails sent for Lost Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: # of Activities of type code = Email for Lost Opportunities/# of Lost Opportunities
Average Number of Meetings for Won Opportunities The average number of Meetings for Won Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: # of Activities of type code = Meetings for Won Opportunities/# of Won Opportunities
Average Number of Meetings for Lost Opportunities The average number of Meetings for Lost Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: # of Activities of type code = Meetings for Lost Opportunities/# of Lost Opportunities
Average Number of Demos for Won Opportunities The average number of Demos for Won Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: # of Activities of type code = Demos for Won Opportunities/# of Won Opportunities
Average Number of Demos for Lost Opportunities The average number of Demos for Lost Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: # of Activities of type code = Demos for Lost Opportunities/# of Lost Opportunities
Average Number of Calls for Won Opportunities The average number of Calls for Won Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: # of Activities of type code = Calls for Won Opportunities/# of Won Opportunities
Average Number of Calls for Lost Opportunities The average number of Calls for Lost Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: # of Activities of type code = Calls for Lost Opportunities/# of Lost Opportunities
Average Number of Opportunity Activities Per Team Member The average number of Opportunity Activities per Team member

CX Opportunity Quote

This table describes the Opportunity Quotes Metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
# of Active Quotes The total number of Active Quotes
# of Expired Quotes  The total number of Expired Quotes
# of Quotes The total number of Quotes
# of Unique Quotes The total number of Unique Quotes (based on External Quote number, ignores Quotes versions and treats Quotes with same Quote id as one)
Average # of Quotes for Open Opportunities  The average number of Quotes for Open Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: # of Quotes/# of Open Opportunities
Average # of Quotes for Won Opportunities  The average number of Quotes for Won Opportunities.This metric is computed as follows: # of Quotes/# of Won Opportunities
Average # of Quotes for Lost Opportunities The average number of Quotes for Lost Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: # of Quotes/# of Lost Opportunities
Average # of Quotes for No-Sale Opportunities The average number of Quotes for No Sale Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: # of Quotes/# of No-Sale Opportunities
Average Active Quote Cycle Time The average Quote Cycle Time. This metric is computed as follows: (Quote Order Placed on Date - Quote Creation Date)/# of Active Quotes
Average Length of Contract (Active Quote) The average Length of the Contract. This metric is computed as follows: (Contract End Date - Contract Start Date)/# of Active Quotes
Average Opportunity to Current Active Quote Time The average time between Opportunity and Quote creation date. This metric is computed as follows: (Quote Creation Date - Opportunity Creation Date)/# of Active Quotes
Active Quote To Won Opportunity Time The average time between Won Opportunity Close Date and Quote creation date. This metric is computed as follows: (Opportunity Close Date - Quote Creation Date)/# of Active Quotes for Won Opportunities
Active Quote To Lost Opportunity Time The average time between Lost Opportunity Close Date and Quote creation date. This metric is computed as follows: (Opportunity Close Date - Quote Creation Date)/# of Active Quotes for Lost Opportunities
Active Quote to Contract Start Time The time to start the Contract after the Quote is created. This metric is computed as follows: (Contract Start Date - Quote Creation Date)/# of Active Quotes
Average Number of Active Quote Iterations  The average number of Quotes created per Active Quote. This metric is computed as follows: # of Quotes/# of Active Quotes
# of Won Active Quotes The total number of Active Quotes Won
# of Lost Active Quotes The total number of Active Quotes Lost
# of In-Progress Active Quotes The total number of Active In-Progress Quotes
# of Closed Active Quotes The total number of Active Quotes Closed (Won+Lost)
Active Quote Win Rate The rate of winning Active Quotes. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Won Quotes/# of Closed Quotes
Active Quote Loss Rate The rate of losing Active Quotes. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Lost Quotes/# of Closed Quotes
Active Quote Conversion Rate The rate of converting the Active Quotes. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Closed Quotes/# of Active Quotes
# of Active Quotes with Proposal The total number of Active Quotes with Proposal
Contract Value (Active Quotes) The total Quote Contract value in Active Quotes
Average Contract Value (Active Quotes) The average Contract value per Active Quote. This metric is computed as follows: Total Contract Value/# of Active Quotes
Recurring Revenue Amount (Active Quotes) The total Recurring Revenue Amount from Active Quotes
Average Recurring Revenue (Active Quotes) The average Recurring Revenue Amount from Active Quotes. This metric is computed as follows: Total Recurring Revenue Amount/# of Active Quotes
Non-Recurring Revenue Amount (Active Quotes) The total Non-Recurring Revenue Amount from Active Quotes
Average Non-Recurring Revenue (Active Quotes) The average Non-Recurring Revenue Amount from Active Quotes. This metric is computed as follows: Total Non-Recurring Revenue Amount/# of Active Quotes
Usage Revenue Amount (Active Quotes) The total Usage Revenue Amount from Active Quotes
Average Usage Revenue (Active Quotes) The average Usage Revenue Amount from Active Quotes. This metric is computed as follows: Total Usage Revenue Amount/# of Active Quotes
Raw Quote Contract Value The total Quote Contract value in all Quotes
Raw Quote Recurring Revenue Amount The total Recurring Revenue Amount from all Quotes
Raw Quote Non Recurring Revenue Amount The total Non-Recurring Revenue Amount from all Quotes
Raw Quote Usage Revenue Amount The total Usage Revenue Amount from all Quotes

CX Opportunity Quote Lines

This table describes the Opportunity Quote Line Metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
# of Lines for Active Quotes The total Quote Lines from Active Quotes
# of Unique Quotes with Lines The Unique Quotes with atleast one Quote Line
# of Active Quotes with Lines The total Active Quotes with atleast one Quote Line
# of Quotes with Lines The total Quotes with atleast one Quote Line
# of Won Lines for Active Quotes The total Won Quote Lines from Active Quotes
# of Lost Lines for Active Quotes The total Lost Quote Lines from Active Quotes
# of In-Progress Lines for Active Quotes The total In-Progress Quote Lines from Active Quotes
# of Closed Lines for Active Quotes The total Closed (Won+Lost) Quote Lines from Active Quotes
Line Win Rate for Active Quotes The Quote Line Win Rate (# of Won Lines for Active Quotes) /( # of Closed Lines for Active Quotes) *100
Line Loss Rate for Active Quotes The Quote Line Loss Rate (# of Lost Lines for Active Quotes) / ( # of Closed Lines for Active Quotes) *100
Line Conversion Rate for Active Quotes The Quote Line Conversion Rate (# of Won Lines for Active Quotes / # of Lines for Active Quotes *100)
Average Line Cycle Time for Active Quotes The average Quote Line Cycle Time. This metric is computed as follows:  (Quote Order Placed on Date - Quote Creation Date)/(# of Lines for Active Quotes)
Average Length of the Contract for Active Quote Lines The average Length of the Contract. This metric is computed as follows:  (Quote Line Contract End Date - Quote Line Contract Start Date) / (# of Lines for Active Quotes)
Contract Line Value for Active Quotes The total Contract value (Sum of Recurring Revenue, Non-Recurring Revenue and Usage Revenue) of Qutoe Lines from Active Quotes
Non-Recurring Line Revenue for Active Quotes The total Non-Recurring Revenue of a Quote Line from Active Quotes
Recurring Line Revenue for Active Quotes The total Recurring Revenue of a Quote Line from Active Quotes
Usage Line Revenue for Active Quotes The total Usage Revenue of a Quote Line from Active Quotes
Average Contract Line Value for Active Quotes The Average Contract Value (Total Contract Value / # of Quote Lines)
Average Recurring Line Revenue for Active Quotes The Average Recurring Revenue (Total Recurring Revenue Amount / # of Quote Lines)
Average Non-Recurring Line Revenue for Active Quotes The Average Non-Recurring Revenue (Total Non-Recurring Revenue Amount / # of Quote Lines)
Average Usage Line Revenue for Active Quotes The Average Usage Revenue Amount (Total Usage REvenue/ # of Quote Lines)
Raw Quote Line Contract Value Total Contract Value of Quote Lines
Raw Quote Line Non-Recurring Revenue Total Non Recurring Revenue amount of Quote Lines
Raw Quote Line Recurring Revenue Total Recurring Revenue amount of Quote Lines
Raw Quote Line Usage Revenue Total Usage Revenue amount of Quote Lines

CX Opportunity Revenue Line

These metrics will be used in the Document Currency (DC), CX Currency (CC) and Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder in Subject Area.

  • Document Currency is the currency used while entering the data in the application.
  • CX Currency is the currency defined in the CRM/CX application. Analytics Currency is the currency defined in Fusion Analytics Warehouse.
  • Analytics Currency and Exchange Rate Type are configured during product implementation.
  • Exchange Rate date basis uses Opportunity Expected Close Date to convert to analytics currency.
  • Metrics in these folders show amounts in their respective currencies.
Metric Metric Definition
# of Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Opportunity Revenue Lines
# of Open Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Open Opportunity Revenue Lines (Revenue Status = Open)
# of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Won Opportunity Revenue Lines (Revenue Status = Won)
# of Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines (Revenue Status = Lost)
# of No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines The total No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines (Revenue Status = No Sale)
# of Competitive Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Opportunity Revenue Lines with atleast one Competitor
# of Open Competitive Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Open Opportunity Revenue Lines with atleast one Competitor
# of Won Competitive Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Won Opportunity Revenue Lines with atleast one Competitor
# of Lost Competitive Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines with atleast one Competitor
# of No Sale Competitive Opportunity Revenue Lines The total No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines with atleast one Competitor
# of Expired Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Expired Opportunity Revenue Lines with atleast one Competitor
Opportunity Line Revenue The total Opportunity Line Revenue
Expected Opportunity Line Revenue The total Expected Opportunity Line Revenue
Open Opportunity Line Revenue The total Open Opportunity Line Revenue (Revenue Status = Open)
Won Opportunity Line Revenue The total Won Opportunity Line Revenue (Revenue Status = Won)
Lost Opportunity Line Revenue The total Lost Opportunity Line Revenue (Revenue Status = Lost)
No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue The total No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue (Revenue Status = No Sale)
Competitive Opportunity Line Revenue The total Opportunity Line Revenue with atleast one competitor
Open Competitive Opportunity Line Revenue The total Open Opportunity Line Revenue with atleast one competitor
Won Competitive Opportunity Line Revenue The total Won Opportunity Line Revenue with atleast one competitor
Lost Competitive Opportunity Line Revenue The total Lost Opportunity Line Revenue with atleast one competitor
No Sale Competitive Opportunity Line Revenue The total No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue with atleast one competitor
Opportunity Line Split Revenue The total Opportunity Line Split Revenue
Expired Opportunity Line Revenue The total Expired Opportunity Line Revenue (status = Open and Current Date > Expected Close date for Revenue Line)
Revenue Line Conversion Rate The Revenue Line conversion rate. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines/# of Opportunity Revenue Lines
Revenue Line Won Rate The Revenue Line Win rate. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines/# of Won+Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines
Revenue Line Loss Rate The Revenue Line Loss rate. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines/# of Won+Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines
Revenue Line Competitive Conversion Rate The Competitive Revenue Line conversion rate. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Won Competitive Revenue Lines/# of Competitive Opportunity Revenue Lines
Revenue Line Competitive Won Rate The Competitive Revenue Line Win rate. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Won Competitive Revenue Lines/# of Won+Lost Competitive Revenue Lines
Revenue Line Competitive Loss Rate The Competitive Revenue Line Loss rate. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Lost competitive Revenue Lines/# of Won+Lost Competitive Revenue Lines
Average Won Opportunity Line Revenue The average Won Opportunity Line Revenue. This metric is computed as follows: Won Opportunity Line Revenue/# of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines
Average Age of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines The average age of the Won Opportunity Revenue Lines. This metric is computed as follows: sum(Won Revenue Line Close Date - Won Revenue Line Created Date))/# of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines
Average Age of Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines The average age of the Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines. This metric is computed as follows: sum(Lost Revenue Line Close Date - Lost Revenue Line Created Date))/# of Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines
Average Age of No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines The average age of the No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines. This metric is computed as follows: sum(No Sale Revenue Line Close Date - No Sale Revenue Line Created Date))/# of No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines
Average Age of Opportunity Revenue Lines The average age of the Opportunity Revenue Lines. This metric is computed as follows: sum(Won/Lost/No Sale Revenue Line Close Date - Won/Lost/No Sale Revenue Line Created Date))/# of Won+Lost+No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines
Average # of Days Open The average number of days an Opportunity Revenue Line is Open. This metric is computed as follows: (Current Date - Open Opportunity Revenue Line Creation Date)/# of Open Opportunity Revenue Lines
# of Raw Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Raw Opportunity Revenue Lines
Raw Opportunity Line Revenue The total Raw Opportunity Line Revenue
Weighted Open Opportunity Line Revenue The total Weighted Opportunity Line Revenue. This metric is computed as follows: Open Opportunity Revenue * Win Probability
% Change Open Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Year The % change in Open Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Year, at this time
% Change Open Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Quarter The % change in Open Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Quarter, at this time
% Change Open Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Period The % change in Open Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Period, at this time
% Change Won Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Year The % change in Won Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Year, at this time
% Change Won Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Quarter The % change in Won Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Quarter, at this time
% Change Won Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Period The % change in Won Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Period, at this time
% Change Lost Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Year The % change in Lost Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Year, at this time
% Change Lost Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Quarter The % change in Lost Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Quarter, at this time
% Change Lost Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Period The % change in Lost Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Period, at this time
% Change No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Year The % change in No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Year, at this time
% Change No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Quarter The % change in No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Quarter, at this time
% Change No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Period The % change in No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Period, at this time
% Change Weighted Open Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Year The % change in Weighted Open Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Year, at this time
% Change Weighted Open Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Quarter The % change in Weighted Open Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Quarter, at this time
% Change Weighted Open Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Period The % change in Weighted Open Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Period, at this time
% Change Average Won Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Year The % change in Average Won Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Year, at this time
% Change Average Won Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Quarter The % change in Average Won Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Quarter, at this time
% Change Average Won Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Period The % change in Average Won Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Period, at this time

CX Opportunity Revenue Line Snapshot

These metrics will be used in the Document Currency (DC), CX Currency (CC) and Analytics Currency (AC) fact folder in Subject Area.

  • Document Currency is the currency used while entering the data in the application.
  • CX Currency is the currency defined in the CRM/CX application.
  • Analytics Currency is the currency defined in Fusion Analytics Warehouse.
  • Analytics Currency and Exchange Rate Type are configured during product implementation.
  • Exchange Rate date basis uses Opportunity Expected Close Date to convert to analytics currency.
  • Metrics in these folders show amounts in their respective currencies.
Metric Metric Definition
# of Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Opportunity Revenue Lines
# of Open Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Open Opportunity Revenue Lines (Revenue Status = Open)
# of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Won Opportunity Revenue Lines (Revenue Status = Won)
# of Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines (Revenue Status = Lost)
# of No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines The total No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines (Revenue Status = No Sale)
# of Competitive Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Opportunity Revenue Lines with atleast one Competitor
# of Open Competitive Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Open Opportunity Revenue Lines with atleast one Competitor
# of Won Competitive Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Won Opportunity Revenue Lines with atleast one Competitor
# of Lost Competitive Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines with atleast one Competitor
# of No Sale Competitive Opportunity Revenue Lines The total No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines with atleast one Competitor
# of Expired Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Expired Opportunity Revenue Lines
Opportunity Line Revenue The total Opportunity Line Revenue
Open Opportunity Line Revenue The total Open Opportunity Line Revenue (Revenue Status = Open)
Won Opportunity Line Revenue The total Won Opportunity Line Revenue (Revenue Status = Won)
Lost Opportunity Line Revenue The total Lost Opportunity Line Revenue (Revenue Status = Lost)
No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue The total No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue (Revenue Status = No Sale)
Competitive Opportunity Line Revenue The total Opportunity Line Revenue with atleast one competitor
Open Competitive Opportunity Line Revenue The total Open Opportunity Line Revenue with atleast one competitor
Won Competitive Opportunity Line Revenue The total Won Opportunity Line Revenue with atleast one competitor
Lost Competitive Opportunity Line Revenue The total Lost Opportunity Line Revenue with atleast one competitor
No Sale Competitive Opportunity Line Revenue The total No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue with atleast one competitor
Expired Opportunity Line Revenue The total Expired Opportunity Line Revenue (status = Open and Current Date > Expected Close date for Revenue Line)
Expected Opportunity Line Revenue The total Expected Opportunity Line Revenue
Opportunity Line Split Revenue The total Opportunity Line Split Revenue
Revenue Line Conversion Rate The Revenue Line conversion rate. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines/# of Opportunity Revenue Lines
Revenue Line Won Rate The Revenue Line Win rate. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines/# of Won+Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines
Revenue Line Loss Rate The Revenue Line Loss rate. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines/# of Won+Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines
Revenue Line Competitive Conversion Rate The Competitive Revenue Line conversion rate. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Won Competitive Revenue Lines/# of Competitive Opportunity Revenue Lines
Revenue Line Competitive Won Rate The Competitive Revenue Line Win rate. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Won Competitive Revenue Lines/# of Competitive Won+Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines
Revenue Line Competitive Loss Rate The Competitive Revenue Line Loss rate. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Lost competitive Revenue Lines/# of Won+Lost Competitive Revenue Lines
Average Won Opportunity Line Revenue The average Won Opportunity Line Revenue. This metric is computed as follows: Won Opportunity Line Revenue/# of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines
Average Age of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines The average age of the Won Opportunity Revenue Lines. This metric is computed as follows: sum(Won Revenue Line Close Date - Won Revenue Line Created Date))/# of Won Opportunity Revenue Lines
Average Age of Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines The average age of the Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines. This metric is computed as follows: sum(Lost Revenue Line Close Date - Lost Revenue Line Created Date))/# of Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines
Average Age of No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines The average age of the No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines (sum(No Sale Revenue Line Close Date - No Sale Revenue Line Created Date))/# of No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines
Average Age of Opportunity Revenue Lines The average age of the Opportunity Revenue Lines. This metric is computed as follows: sum(Won/Lost/No Sale Revenue Line Close Date - Won/Lost/No Sale Revenue Line Created Date))/# of Won+Lost+No Sale Opportunity Revenue Lines
Average # of Days Open The average number of days an Opportunity Revenue Line is Open. This metric is computed as follows: (Current Date - Open Opportunity Revenue Line Creation Date)/# of Open Opportunity Revenue Lines)
# of Raw Opportunity Revenue Lines The total Raw Opportunity Revenue Lines
Raw Opportunity Line Revenue The total Raw Opportunity Line Revenue
Weighted Open Opportunity Line Revenue The total Weighted Opportunity Line Revenue. This metric is computed as follows: Open Opportunity Revenue * Win Probability
% Change Open Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Year The % change in Open Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Year, at this time
% Change Open Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Quarter The % change in Open Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Quarter, at this time
% Change Open Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Period The % change in Open Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Period, at this time
% Change Won Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Year The % change in Won Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Year, at this time
% Change Won Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Quarter The % change in Won Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Quarter, at this time
% Change Won Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Period The % change in Won Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Period, at this time
% Change Lost Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Year The % change in Lost Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Year, at this time
% Change Lost Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Quarter The % change in Lost Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Quarter, at this time
% Change Lost Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Period The % change in Lost Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Period, at this time
% Change No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Year The % change in No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Year, at this time
% Change No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Quarter The % change in No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Quarter, at this time
% Change No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Period The % change in No Sale Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Period, at this time
% Change Weighted Open Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Year The % change in Weighted Open Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Year, at this time
% Change Weighted Open Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Quarter The % change in Weighted Open Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Quarter, at this time
% Change Weighted Open Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Period The % change in Weighted Open Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Period, at this time
% Change Average Won Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Year The % change in Average Won Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Year, at this time
% Change Average Won Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Quarter The % change in Average Won Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Quarter, at this time
% Change Average Won Opportunity Line Revenue Same Time Last Period The % change in Average Won Opportunity Line Revenue compared to the Last Period, at this time

CX Opportunity Snapshot

This table describes the Opportunity Snapshot Metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
# of Opportunities The total Opportunities
# of Open Opportunities The total Open Opportunities in the system (Opportunity Status = Open)
# of Won Opportunities The total Won Opportunities in the system (Opportunity Status = Won)
# of Lost Opportunities The total Lost Opportunities in the system (Opportunity Status = Lost)
# of No Sale Opportunities The total No Sale Opportunities in the system (Opportunity Status = No Sale)
# of Competitive Opportunities The total Opportunities with atleast one Competitor
# of Competitive Won Opportunities The total Won Opportunities with atleast one Competitor
# of Competitive Lost Opportunities The total Lost Opportunities with atleast one Competitor
# of Competitive Open Opportunities The total Open Opportunities with atleast one Competitor
# of Competitive No Sale Opportunities The total No Sale Opportunities with atleast one Competitor
# of Sales Accounts with Won Opportunities The total Sales Accounts with Won Opportunities
# of Expired Opportunities The total Expired Opportunities (Opportunity Status = Open, Current Date > Opportunity Expected Close Date)
Average # of Days to Close Average number of days to Close an Opportunity. This metric is computed as follows: Total days needed to close Opportunities/# of closed Opportunities
Average # of Days Open Average number of days the Opportunity is Open. This metric is computed as follows: Total days the Opportunity is Open/# of Open Opportunities
Average Opportunity Win Probability Average probability to Win the Opportunity. This metric is computed as follows: Total win probabilities/# of Opportunities
Average Age of Closed Opportunities Average Age of Closed Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: Total Closed Opportunities Age/# of Closed Opportunities
Average Age of Won Opportunities Average Age of Won Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: Total Won Opportunities Age/# of Won Opportunities
Average Age of Lost Opportunities Average Age of Lost Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: Total Lost Opportunities Age/# of Lost Opportunities
Average Age of No Sale Opportunities Average Age of No Sale Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: Total No Sale Opportunities Age/number of No Sale Opportunities
Win Rate Rate of Winning Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * Total Won Opportunities/Total Won and Lost Opportunities
Loss Rate Rate of Losing Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * Total Lost Opportunities/Total Won and Lost Opportunities
Conversion Rate Rate of Converting Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * Total Won Opportunities/Total Opportunities
Competitor Win Rate Rate of Winning Competitive Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * Total Competitive Won Opportunities/Total Competitive Won and Lost Opportunities
Competitive Loss Rate Rate of Losing Competitive Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * Total Competitive Lost Opportunities/Total Competitive Closed Opportunities
Competitor Conversion Rate Rate of Converting Competitive Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * Total Competitive Won Opportunities/Total Competitive Opportunities

CX Opportunity Stage Progression

This table describes the Opportunity Stage Progression Metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
# of Opportunities The total Opportunities
# of Opportunities Across Stages The total Opportunities across Stages
# of Progressed Opportunities The total Progressed Opportunities
% Progressed The Progressed Opportunity Percentage. This metric is computed as follows: # of Progressed Opportunities/# of Opportunities Across Stages
% Opportunities by Stage The % of Opportunities in a stage of the total Opportunities
Average # of Days in Stage The average number of days in a Sales stage. This metric is computed as follows: sum of days in stage/# of Opportunities
Average # of Days Stalled in Stage The average number of stalled days in a Sales stage. This metric is computed as follows: sum of stalled days/# of Opportunities
Win Rate The rate of winning Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Won opportunities/# of Won+Lost Opportunities
Loss Rate The rate of losing Opportunities.This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Lost opportunities/# of Won+Lost Opportunities
Conversion Rate The rate of converting Opportunities.This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Won Opportunities/# of Opportunities

CX Sales Opportunity

This table describes the Sales Opportunity Metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
# of Converted Opportunities  The total Opportunities which were created by converting the Leads.
# of Converted Open Opportunities  The total Open Opportunities which were created by converting the Leads.
# of Converted Won Opportunities  The total Won Opportunities which were created by converting the Leads.
# of Converted Lost Opportunities  The total Lost Opportunities which were created by converting the Leads.
# of Unconverted Opportunities  The total Opportunities which were not created by converting the Leads.
# of Unconverted Closed Opportunities  The total Closed Opportunities which were not created by converting the Leads.
# of Unconverted Won Opportunities  The total Won Opportunities which were not created by converting the Leads.
Average Age of Converted Opportunity Average Age of Converted Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: sum(Opportunity Close Date - Opportunity Creation Date)/# of Converted Closed Opportunities
Average Age of Converted Won Opportunity Average Age of Converted Won Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: sum(Opportunity Close Date - Opportunity Creation Date)/# of Converted Won Opportunities
Average Age of Unconverted Opportunity Average Age of Uncoverted Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: sum(Opportunity Close Date - Opportunity Creation Date)/# of Unconverted Closed Opportunities
Average Age of Unconverted Won Opportunity Average Age of Uncoverted Won Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: sum(Opportunity Close Date - Opportunity Creation Date)/# of Unconverted Won Opportunities
Ratio of # of lost Opportunities (unconverted) to Converted Lost Opportunities The ratio of Uncoverted Lost Opportunities to Converted Lost Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: (# of Lost Opportunities - # of Converted Lost Opportunities) /# of Converted Lost Opportunities
Converted Lead Contribution to Opportunities % The ratio of Converted Opportunities (created from Leads) in all the Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: (#of Converted Opportunities/# of Opportunities)*100
Converted Lead Contribution to Won Opportunities % The ratio of Converted Won Opportunities (created from Leads) in all the Won Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: (#of Converted Won Opportunities/# of Won Opportunities)*100
Converted Lead Contribution to Closed Opportunities % The ratio of Converted Closed Opportunities (created from Leads) in all the Closed Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: (#of Converted Closed Opportunities/# of Closed Opportunities)*100
Converted Lead Contribution to Lost Opportunities % The ratio of Converted Lost Opportunities (created from Leads) in all the Lost Opportunities. This metric is computed as follows: (#of Converted Lost Opportunities/# of Lost Opportunities)*100

CX Service Request

This table describes the Service Request Metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
# of SRs The total number of SRs
# of Critical SRs The total number of Critical SRs
# of In Progress SRs The total number of in progress SRs (status = In Progress)
# of In Progress Critical SRs The total number of Critical SRs that are In Progress status
# of New SRs The total number of new SRs (status = New)
# of New Critical SRs The total number of Critical SRs that are in New status
# of Open SRs The total number of Open SRs (status = In Progress, New and Waiting)
# of Open Critical SRs The total number of Critical SRs that are Open (status = In Progress, New and Waiting)
# of SRs Pending Agent Action The total number of SRs assigned to an Agent having status as In Progress or New
# of Unassigned SRs The total number of SRs that have not been assigned
# of Waiting SRs The total number of SRs that are in Queue and waiting to be assigned (status = Waiting)
# of Waiting Critical SRs The total number of Critical SRs that are in Queue and waiting to be assigned (status = Waiting)
# of Closed SRs The total number of Closed SRs (status = Closed)
# of Closed Critical SRs The total number of Critical SRs that are in Closed status (status = Closed)
# of Resolved SRs The total number of SRs that are Resolved (status = Resolved)
# of Resolved Critical SRs The total number of Critical SRs that are Resolved (status = Resolved)
# of Reopened SRs The total number of SRs that are Reopened
# of Low Severity SRs The total number of Low severity SRs (severity = Low)
# of Medium Severity SRs The total number of Medium severity SRs (severity = Medium)
# of High Severity SRs The total number of High severity SRs (severity = High)
# of Open High Severity Critical SRs The total number of Critical SRs that are High severity and Open (status = In Progress, New and Waiting)
# of SRs Resolved in under 24 hrs The total number of SRs that were resolved in under 24 hours after they were opened
# of SRs Resolved in 24-48 hrs The total number of SRs that were resolved in between 24-48 hours after they were opened
# of Initial Resource Assigned SRs The total number of assigned SRs
# of Internal Resolved Closed SRs The total number of SRs with Resolved or Closed status
% Reopened SRs The % of now Closed SRs that were Reopened in SR lifecycle. This metric is computed as follows: (# of Reopened SRs that are in Closed state/# of Closed SRs)*100
SR Resolution Rate The SRs Resolution rate. This metric is computed as follows: 100 * # of Resolved + Closed SRs/# of SRs
SR Resolution Rate (monthly) The monthly SR resolution Rate
Month Ago SR Resolution Rate (Monthly) The SR Resolution rate of the previous month
SR Resolution Velocity Rate (Monthly) The change in Velocity of SRs resolution. This metric is computed as follows: (SR resolution rate Current month - SR resolution rate Previous month)/SR resolution rate Previous month) *100
Open SR Age (Days) # of days since the SR was reported (doesn't apply for Closed/Resolved SRs)
Average Open SR Age (Days) The average number of days a SRs is Open
Total Time to Assign to Resource(Days) The total number of days to assign a resource to SRs
Total Time to Assign to Resource(Hours) The total number of hours to assign a resource to SRs
Total Time to Assign to Resource(Mins) The total number of minutes to assign a resource to SRs
Total Time to Assign to Queue (Days) The total number of days to assign a SRs to a Queue
Total Time to Assign to Queue (Hours) The total number of hours to assign a SRs to a Queue
Total Time to Assign to Queue (Mins) The total number of minutes to assign a SRs to a Queue
Total Time to Close (Days) The total number of days to close the SRs
Total Time to Close (Hours) The total number of hours to close the SRs
Total Time to Close (Mins) The total number of minutes to close the SRs
Total Time to Resolve (Days) The total number of days to resolve a SRs
Total Time to Resolve (Hours) The total number of hours to resolve a SRs
Total Time to Resolve (Mins) The total number of minutes to resolve a SRs
Average Time to Assign to Resource (Days) The average number of days to assign a resource to the SRs
Average Time to Assign to Resource (Hours) The average number of hours to assign a resource to the SRs
Average Time to Assign to Resource (Mins) The average number of minutes to assign a resource to the SRs
Average Time to Close (Days) The average days to close the SRs
Average Time to Close (Hours) The average hours to close the SRs
Average Time to Close (Mins) The average minutes to close the SRs
Average Time to Resolve (Days) The average days to resolve the SRs
Average Time to Resolve (Hours) The average hours to resolve the SRs
Average Time to Resolve (Mins) The average minutes to resolve the SRs
# of Raw SRs The total SRs in the sytem including the deleted ones (delete flag = Y)

CX - Subscriptions

This table describes the Subscription Metrics.

Metric Metric Definition
# of Subscriptions The total Subscriptions
'# of Active Subscriptions The total Active Subscriptions
'# of New Active Subscriptions The total new Subscriptions that are Active (started in a period and which aren't a result of an amendment, suspension, or renewal of existing subscriptions)
# of Active Subscriptions Added - Last 30 days The total Subscriptions Added in the last 30 days that are Active
'# of Expired Subscriptions The total Expired Subscriptions
# of Subscriptions Expired - Last 30 days The total Subscriptions Expired in the last 30 days
# of Active Subscriptions Expiring - Next 30 days The total Active Subscriptions Expiring in the next 30 days 
'# Renewed Active Subscriptions The total Renewed Subscriptions that are Active
'# Renewed Subscriptions The total Renewed Subscriptions
'# of Terminated Subscriptions The total terminated subscriptions
# of Evergreen Subscriptions The total Evergreen Subscriptions (no end date)
'# of Expansion Active Subscriptions The total Expansion Subscriptions (Target subscription MRR > Source Subscription MRR) that are Active
'# of Expansion Subscriptions The total Expansion Subscriptions (Target subscription MRR > Source Subscription MRR)
# of Active Subscription Upgrades The total Upgraded Subscriptions (amend reason = ORA_UPGRADE) that are Active
# of Subscription Upgrades The total Upgraded Subscriptions (amend reason = ORA_UPGRADE)
# of Active Subscription Downgrades The total Downgraded Subscriptions (amend reason = ORA_DOWNGRADE) that are Active
# of Subscription Downgrades  The total Downgraded Subscriptions (amend reason = ORA_DOWNGRADE)
# of Customers The total Customers
# of Customers with Active Subscriptions The total customers with at least one Active Subscription
# of Products The total Products
# of Products with Active Subscriptions The total Products that have Active Subscriptions
Subscription Total Contract Value (TCV) The total Subscription Contract Value
Subscription Invoiced Amount The total Subscription Invoiced Amount
Subscription Credited Amount The total Subscription Credited Amount
Subscription Closed Amount The total Subscription Closed Amount
Subscription Cancelled Amount The total Subscription Cancelled Amount
Subscription MRR The total Monthly Recurring Revenue
Active Subscription MRR The total Monthly Recurring Revenue for Active Subscription
First Active MRR The total new MRR of Active subscriptions (which aren't a result of an amendment, suspension, or renewal of existing subscriptions)
Expansion Active MRR The total Expansion MRR for Active Subscriptions (The difference in MRR between a target and source of an amendment relationship where the target MRR > Source MRR and the target start date falls within this period and not in Draft/Cancelled)
Contraction Active MRR The total Contraction MRR for Active Subscription(The difference in MRR between a target and source of an amendment relationship where the target MRR < Source MRR and the target start date falls within this period and not in Draft/Cancelled)
Activated Renewal MRR The total Activated Renewal MRR (Active Subscriptions that were renewed from existing subscriptions)
Average Revenue per Customer (ARPU) The Total Average Revenue per Customer (ARPU). This metric is computed as follows: Total Active MRR/Total number of Active Customers
Early Termination Fee Early Termination Fee