Apply Date Range Filters

Date range filters use calendar controls to adjust time or date selections. You can select a single contiguous range of dates, or use a date range filter to exclude dates within the specified range.

If your workbook doesn't have a visualization, create one. See Create a Workbook and Add Visualizations.
  1. On the Home page, select a workbook, click the Actions menu, and then select Open.
  2. In the Visualize canvas, select a filter from the filter bar or on-canvas filter to view the Calendar Date list.
  3. In Start, select the date that begins the range that you want to filter.
    Use the Previous arrow and Next arrow to move backward or forward in time, or use the drop-down lists to change the month or year.
  4. In End, select the date that ends the range that you want to filter.
  5. Optional: To remove all dates for a filter in the filter bar, right-click the filter and select Clear Filter Selections.
  6. Click outside of the filter to close the filter panel.