Automatically Create the Best Visualization

You can automatically create the best visualization on the canvas based on a set of data elements.

  1. On the Home page, select a workbook, click the Actions menu, and then select Open.
  2. To automatically create a visualization on the canvas, do one of the following:
    • Drag data elements from the Data Panel and drop them directly onto the canvas.
    • Right-click data elements on the Data Panel and click Create Best Visualization.
    • Double-click data elements to add them to the canvas.
    A visualization is automatically created on the canvas, and the best visualization type is selected based on the preconfigured logic. The selected data element is also positioned on a specific area of the Grammar Panel. For example, if you add a revenue measure to the canvas, the data element is placed in the Values area of the Grammar Panel, and Tile is selected as the visualization type.
  3. Continue adding data elements directly to the canvas to build your visualization.

The visualization type and the position of the data elements on the Grammar Panel might change when you add more data elements to the canvas.

You turn off the mode to automatically create visualizations when you perform actions such as:

  • Changing the visualization properties such as type.
  • Adding or removing analyses from the Analytics tab in the Data Panel.
  • Dropping a data element onto a specific area of the Grammar Panel or Assignments Pane.
  • Changing the filter setting.

When the automatically create visualization mode is turned off, you can select the wizard icon or Auto Visualization in the visualization type list to turn on the automatically create mode.