Database Connection Options

When you specify connection details using the Create Connection dialog or Inspect dialog, some database types have extra configuration options.

General Options

  • When you create connections to Oracle Databases, you can connect in two ways using the Connection Type option:
    • Basic - Specify the Host, Port, and Service Name of the database.
    • Advanced - In the Connection String field specify the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) ID of databases running in a RAC cluster. For example: =(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS_LIST= (LOAD_BALANCE=on)(FAILOVER=ON) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=

  • Enable Bulk Replication - If you’re loading a dataset for a workbook, then this option should be turned off and you can ignore it. This option is reserved for data analysts and advanced users for replicating data from one database to another database.

Authentication Options

  • Always use these credentials - Oracle Analytics always uses the login name and password you provide for the connection. Users aren’t prompted to log in.
  • Require users to enter their own credentials - Oracle Analytics prompts users to enter their own user name and password for the data source. Users can only access the data for which they have the permissions, privileges, and role assignments.
  • (Displayed if Oracle Analytics supports impersonation for this database type) Use the active user’s credentials - Oracle Analytics doesn't prompt users to sign in to access the data. The same credentials they used to sign in to Oracle Analytics are also used to access this data source.

System connection

Data modelers can connect to some data sources by copying connection details from Oracle Analytics Cloud into Model Administration Tool. To find out which data sources support this, look for System Connection in the Connectivity Options in the Use in Semantic Models column in Supported Data Sources.

Select System connection to make a data connection's details available to business modelers who build semantic models in Model Administration Tool. Click Copy, to copy the connection's Object ID. Business modelers can paste in the Object ID to identify and use a data connection in the Model Administration Tool (Connection Pool dialog). If you don't click System Connection when you intially create the connection, if you later want data modelers to use the connection details, then you have to create a new connection and select System connection. In other words, you can't edit the connection later and select this option.