Get Started with Cards

Cards are the presentation medium for KPI data.

A dashboard is a top-level object for executive consumption containing multiple business metrics. Each dashboard typically contains as many as 8 composite visualizations that present an aggregated value for the business metric, a supplemental visualization, and with a drill down capability to Data Visualization content.
  • If you purchased Fusion Analytics Warehouse after 23.R1, you see dashboards rendered as workbooks populated with composite visualizations. These visualization are supported by business metrics modeled as key metrics.
  • If you purchased Fusion Analytics Warehouse before 23.R1, you see dashboards rendered as Oracle Analytics Cloud workbooks populated with composite visualizations modeled as key metrics. You also see the same business concepts and data rendered as legacy decks and cards, in this case underpinned by legacy key performance indicators (KPIs), to support data and content validation.
  • In a future release, everyone will see workbooks completely replace decks and cards, at which point legacy decks and cards will be deprecated and won't be available.

A KPI can be instantiated as a card. Because each card can be personalized, a single card can spawn any number of cards. Cards live on decks, and until a card is placed on a deck its status isn't tracked. Finally, when you delete a card you don't delete the underlying KPI.