2 Tables


This section provides details of tables such as key columns, data types, and table descriptions. Use the "Referred Table" and "Referred Column" information to decide on the join condition between Fact and Dimension tables.


Tables ending with the suffix _EN and those listed in Tables Without WHO Columns are for Oracle Internal use only. In addition, tables storing descriptive flexfield data (DFF tables) aren't included in the documentation

Download this ZIP file that contains available tables that apply to the current version of Oracle Fusion SCM Analytics. Once the file downloads, extract the file, open the folder, and then open the release-specific HTML file. For example, click 23R3_Fusion_SCM_Analytics_Tables.html.

Table Types

The suffixes in table names designate the table type.

  • CA, A: Aggregate
  • CF, F: Fact
  • CF_DN: Denormalized Fact
  • CG, G: General
  • D: Dimension
  • DH: Dimension Hierarchy
  • EF: Extended Fact
  • EN: Oracle internal use only
  • H: Helper
  • P: Prediction
  • TL: Translation

Tables Without WHO Columns

Objects that don't have the WHO columns are the views based on the data warehouse tables. Views based on the data warehouse tables won't have any WHO columns because they aren't tables; instead they are views joining two or more underlying data warehouse tables.

The following views based on the data warehouse tables don't have the WHO columns: