
Use the checklists to confirm that the action items for each implementation task are completed. The checklists summarize and gather the information needed in subsequent sections and ensures that the implementation runs smoothly. Each checklist contains tasks and a checkbox to record their response.

Define the Functional Requirements Checklist

  • □ Have all the available functional areas been reviewed?
  • □ Have all the available subject areas been reviewed?
  • □ Have all the available critical metrics been reviewed?
  • □ Are there hierarchies required that are not available out of the box?
  • □ Have security rules been confirmed?

Define the Non-Functional Requirements Checklist

  • □ Are there data residency requirements that affect region selection?
  • □ Are there additional security requirements?
  • □ Are there disaster recovery requirements?
  • □ Are there specific performance requirements?
  • □ Are there availability requirements because Fusion Analytics has a service-level objective (SLO) of 99.9%?
  • □ Are there scalability requirements?

Determine the Success Criteria Checklist

  • □ Who are the key stakeholders that need to weigh in?
  • □ What is the project budget?
  • □ Has the schedule been determined?
  • □ What is the project scope?

Create the Project Plan Checklist

  • □ Is the project plan ready?
  • □ Is resource planning completed?
  • □ Is the project plan scheduled by activity?
  • □ Do you have a contingency plan?
  • □ Do you have approval from the project stakeholders?

Set Up the Support Process Checklist

  • □ Do you have a Customer Support Identifier, and can you see Fusion Analytics in the product list?

Manage Application Updates Checklist

  • □ Have you read and do you understand the Fusion Analytics update activities?
  • □ Have you established a communication and scheduling plan for the updates?

Cloud Accounts Checklist

  • □ Are you planning to follow the recommendation and use a single cloud account for Fusion Analytics and Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications?
  • □ What is the name of the cloud account that contains the primary Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications subscriptions?

Regions Checklist

  • □ What region is the paired Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications environment in?
  • □ Is it a generation 1 or a generation 2 region?
  • □ If it is generation 2, is it a supported Fusion Analytics region?
  • □ If it is a generation 1 region or a generation 2 region that isn'tt supported, what is the supported generation 2 region you plan to use?

Identity Services Checklist

  • □ Does the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications cloud account use Oracle Identity Cloud Service or identity domains?
  • □ If using two accounts, does the Fusion Analytics cloud account use Oracle Identity Cloud Service or identity domains?

Fusion Analytics Environments Checklist

  • □ Have you subscribed to an additional test environment?

Environments Pairing Checklist

  • □ What is the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications environment paired with the additional test environment, if subscribed?
  • □ What is the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications environment paired with the development environment?

Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Environments Checklist

  • □ What is the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications cloud account name?
  • □ What is the name of an Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications environment used for the Fusion Analytics development or test environment?
  • □ If subscribed, what is the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications environment paired with the additional test environment?
  • □ What is the name of the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications production environment?

Compartments Checklist

  • □ What compartment is used for the Fusion Analytics development instance?
  • □ What compartment is used for the Fusion Analytics additional test instance if subscribed?
  • □ What compartment is used for the Fusion Analytics production instance?

Groups Checklist

  • □ What group contains the Fusion Analytics development administrators?
  • □ What group contains the Fusion Analytics additional test environment administrators, if subscribed?
  • □ What group contains the Fusion Analytics production administrators?

Policies Checklist

  • □ Have you implemented the recommended rule for each Fusion Analytics environment?

Establish Environment Implementation Sequence Checklist

  • □ Have you determined the resources needed for performing individual tasks from the implementation workflow?
  • □ Have you determined an individual administrator for each of your environments?
  • □ Do you have additional test environments?
  • □ Have administrators prepared a migration handoff plan for migrations from development or test and additional test environments to production?

Prepare for Implementation Checklist

  • □ Has the Fusion Analytics subscription been activated in the recommended Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications cloud account?
  • □ If not, what is the name of the cloud account where it is activated?
  • □ Does an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure administrator have the activation welcome email?
  • □ Based on the documentation, what user synchronization scenario number or method must be utilized?
  • □ If Oracle Identity Cloud Service is being used, does the administrator setting up user synchronization have the FA_GSI_ADMINISTRATOR and the IDCS Identity Domain Administrator roles?
  • □ Are existing virtual cloud networking components used for deploying Fusion Analytics with private endpoints?
    • □ If so, do the components adhere to the requirements listed in the references? Is the virtual cloud network preparation complete?
  • □ Is the virtual cloud network preparation complete?

Prepare Your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Checklist

  • □ List the necessary configuration modifications and confirm whether the modifications are complete.
  • □ List the network components requiring modification and confirm whether the modifications are complete.
  • □ Have you configured the JSON Web Token-based authentication in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications?

Create Fusion Analytics Instance Checklist

  • □ What identity stripe or domain are you provisioning into?
  • □ Is this the identity stripe or domain you signed into?
  • □ What region are you provisioning into?
  • □ What compartment are you provisioning into?
  • □ What is the instance display name?
  • □ What is the instance name?
  • □ What is the type of environment (intended use)?
  • □ What is the name of the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications environment?
  • □ What is the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications URL?
  • □ Are the JWT public-key certificate and private key available?
  • □ What is the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse administrator password you plan to use?
  • □ What is the notification email address for provisioning status updates?

Create Fusion Analytics Instance with Private IP Addresses (Optional)

  • □ What is the compartment hosting the virtual could network?
  • □ What is the compartment hosting the private subnet?
  • □ What is the compartment hosting the network security group?
  • □ What is the virtual could network name?
  • □ What is the private subnet name?
  • □ What is the network security group name?

Customize Checklist

  • □ Have you decided which application roles are used to secure read and write access to custom reports?
  • □ Have you created custom folders with appropriate permissions for each domain or set of users?
  • □ Have you explained how to use their folder and the shared folder structure to authors?
  • □ Have you reviewed the options to select the best solution for each additional data type that Fusion Analytics needs to include?
  • □ Did you enable the descriptive flex field columns needed in the custom data application?
  • □ Is your data coming from a source supported in data augmentation?
  • □ Do you need to transform your additional data significantly before loading it into Fusion Analytics?
  • □ Can data augmentation be used to modify your semantic model?
  • □ Did you define the overall model design required for your external data for new dimensions and facts?
  • □ Did you combine your custom facts with the ready-to-use dimensions for cross-subject area analysis?
  • □ Did you review the ready-to-use security configurations available?
  • □ Do you need to create security assignments for each user or not?

Test Checklist

  • □ Are the focus areas (data, visualizations) for testing identified?
  • □ Are testing objectives defined?
  • □ Have you defined the development and review process for approval?
  • □ Are functional, user, and data volume testing approaches in place?
  • □ Do you have a plan for test data creation?
  • □ Are defect tracking and resolution processes defined?
  • □ Did you complete the stakeholder assessment on the testing strategy?
  • □ Did you run through functional scenarios?
  • □ Did you run through functional use cases?
  • □ Is functional validation aligned with operating business processes defined?
  • □ Are functional security roles restricting access to Fusion Analytics content, as required?
  • □ Are functional filters and prompts working correctly and returning the expected data?
  • □ Are cross application functional scenarios captured for testing?
  • □ Are functional content extensions adequately tested?
  • □ How many concurrent users load is expected?
  • □ List the data augmentations that were reviewed.
  • □ List the number of descriptive flex fields in the custom data application that were reviewed.
  • □ Did you use "low service" while connecting to the autonomous data warehouse schema?
  • □ Have you benchmarked the performance of the ready-to-use subject areas?
  • □ Do you have customizations?
  • □ Do you have custom schema development driven by external extraction tools?
  • □ Have you followed semantic model best practices?
  • □ Have you followed data augmentation best practices?
  • □ Is the performance of the Fusion Analytics application degraded when multiple users access it simultaneously?
  • □ Do you use any artificial intelligence and machine learning use cases as part of functional preview features?
    • □ If yes, then are these features tested for performance benchmarks?
  • □ Is the performance of transactional grain reports tested to ensure they load promptly?
  • □ How many business users are testing?
  • □ Is the scope of user acceptance training defined?
  • □ Are the users and roles identified for user acceptance training?
  • □ Is the preparation of the test scenarios complete?
  • □ Is the execution of test cases complete?
  • □ Is testing cycle feedback collected from the begin date to the end date of user acceptance training?
  • □ Is the scope and approach of the testing signed off?

Migrate Checklist

  • □ Are all the required functional areas activated in the source and the target Fusion Analytics environment?
  • □ Are all the required descriptive flexfields in the Fusion Analytics source environment enabled in the Fusion Analytics target environment?
  • □ Does the user performing bundle migration belong to the Fusion Analytics service administrator group?
  • □ Are the Fusion Analytics source and target environments on the same release version?

Go Live Checklist

  • □ Is the production environment up-to-date with the latest release?
  • □ Are the bundles, if required, migrated to production?
  • □ Is the production environment configured?
  • □ Are the pipelines activated and executed?
  • □ Are users, groups, and data security contexts in place?
  • □ Are all communication templates and distribution lists in place for issue resolution and mitigation?
  • □ Do users understand the scope of the Fusion Analytics solution?
  • □ Are the business user and power-user training complete?
  • □ Are the administrators trained to handle the post-go live issues?
  • □ Is the go live date communicated to users?
  • □ Is there a communication plan with implementation stakeholders?
  • □ Is there a business sign-off on the solution? Is there a change control process in place?
  • □ Is there a plan to align external dependencies?
  • □ Are post-go live standard operating procedures in place?
  • □ Is there a plan for user training and adoption?
  • □ Is there a plan to mitigate accessibility needs?
  • □ Is there a plan to track the completion of all pre-go live change management activities?
  • □ Have you examined the audit reports for any changes to security settings?
  • □ Have you examined the Security Activity log?
  • □ Have you examined the Request History log?
  • □ Have you examined the Console Audit log?
  • □ Have you examined the Upload Activity log?
  • □ Have you examined the bundle activity log?
  • □ Have you examined the Semantic Model Extensions activity log?
  • □ Have you examined the Enable Features activity log?

Engage with Support Checklist

  • □ Does the service request provide information about the impact on your business or the risk to your implementation plans?
  • □ Is the severity level of the service request appropriate?
  • □ If there is a workaround or suggestion, is it practical and appropriate?
  • □ Is the calendar date specified in the service request after a business milestone or implementation milestone?
  • □ Is the problem statement accurately described in the service request?

User Assistance Checklist

  • □ Is the implementation team aware of any known issues?
  • □ Has the implementation team reviewed Oracle Help Center?

Trainings Checklist

  • □ Have the business users undergone training?
  • □ Are processes developed for communicating available training?
  • □ Have users completed the introductory training?
  • □ Has the implementation team reviewed administrator training and best practices?
  • □ Has the implementation partner completed the specialized training?
  • □ Have you set targets for business users to complete the training?
  • □ Has the team subscribed to Fusion Analytics Events?

Community Checklist

  • □ Is the implementation team aware of the Fusion Analytics Community?
  • □ Does the implementation team have permission to post in the Community?
  • □ Do you have knowledge of Cloud Customer Connect?
  • □ Do you have access to Cloud Customer Connect?
  • □ Have you been informed of the Oracle Idea Lab, a forum-based feedback channel for submitting new ideas, commenting on existing ideas, voting for favorites, and seeing which requests have been implemented by Oracle?
  • □ Have you signed up for Fusion Analytics events?
  • □ Does the implementation team have access to Cloud Customer Connect?

Implement a Governance Plan Checklist

  • □ Have you defined the scope and goals of the Fusion Analytics data governance program?
  • □ Which data governance tool are you using?
  • □ Have you established a Fusion Analytics data governance framework?
  • □ Have you determined what Fusion Analytics data needs to be governed?
  • □ Have you implemented processes to ensure Fusion Analytics data governance compliance?
  • □ Have you developed plans to continuously improve the Fusion Analytics data governance program?

Update Fusion Analytics Checklist

  • □ Have you read and do you understand the Fusion Analytics update activities?
  • □ Have you established a communication and scheduling plan for the updates?
  • □ How many Fusion Analytics user licenses do you have currently?
  • □ What is the new number of Fusion Analytics user licenses?
  • □ List the current application subscriptions.
  • □ What are the new application subscriptions?