Connect to Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud

You can create a connection to Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud and use the connection to access data.

  1. On the Home page, click Create and then click Connection.
  2. Click Oracle Talent Acquisition to display the fields for the connection.
  3. Enter the connection details.
  4. For Host, enter the URL for the Oracle Talent Acquisition data source.
    For example, if the Oracle Talent Acquisition URL is, then the connection URL that you must enter is .
  5. Select an Authentication option.
    • Select Always use these credentials, so that the login name and password you provide for the connection are always used and users aren’t prompted to log in.
    • Select Require users to enter their own credentials when you want to prompt users to enter their user name and password to use the data from the Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud data source. Users are required to log in see only the data that they have the permissions, privileges, and role assignments to see.
  6. Click Save.