Create a User to Validate the Extracted Data

Data validation in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse uses basic authentication and you must provide credentials of a user who has the appropriate privileges to validate the extracted data.

After you create this user in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications, you must provide this user's credentials in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse for data validation. See Prerequisites for Data Validation.

Ensure that the password for this user doesn't contain any special characters.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications and in the Navigator, click Tools, and then click Security Console.
  2. In the Console, click the Users tab and create a user that you want to use to validate the extracted data; for example, MyFAWValidationUser.
  3. Click the Roles tab and search for the custom data BI - Abstract Role that was created for data validation; for example, FAW_CUSTOM_DATA_VALIDATION_ROLE. See Create a Custom BI Abstract Role.
  4. On the Users page, click Add User.
  5. In the Add User dialog, search for and select the user to whom you want to assign this role; for example, MyFAWValidationUser. Click Add Selected Users, close the Add User dialog, and click Next.
  6. Review the summary and click Save and Close.