Top FAQs for Customization and Data Augmentation

The top FAQs for Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse customization and data augmentation are identified in this topic.

Can I customize the ready-to-use Oracle content?

Yes, you can customize the ready-to-use Oracle content through semantic model customization.

Does Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse extract all data from Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications?

Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse comes with a base semantic model with ready-to-use metadata. Data pipelines extract data and load the ready-to-use tables for all the activated functional areas. Data augmentation enables you to bring any custom data into Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse.

Where can I find the semantic model customization best practices?

See About Best Practices and Tips to Extend the Semantic Model.

Can I extend Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse with custom public view objects (PVOs)?

Yes, you can extend Fusion Analytics with custom PVOs. Refer to Fusion Analytics Extension with Custom PVOs for additional details.

Can I create custom data models with the semantic model framework?

Yes, you can create custom data models using the semantic model framework. Refer to Custom Data Model Use Case for additional details.

Does Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse provide all descriptive flex fields (DFFs)?

Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse data pipelines don't bring in all DFFs for performance reasons. Ensure that you configure the DFF mapper that provides the ability to select only the DFFs and attributes that are required for reporting purposes. See Enabling Descriptive Flexfields in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse for more information on configuring the DFF mapper.

When I use the DFF mapper, do I get custom DFFs too?

Yes, you get custom DFFs as long as they are BI Enabled as outlined in Enabling Descriptive Flexfields in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse.

Do I get access to the repository file?

The semantic model in Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse doesn’t expose the repository file. However, you can use the Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse Console to define the external connections to the repository file.

Why are the column changes not reflected immediately after updating an existing augmentation?

Changes are visible after the next incremental run.

Why am I seeing the message “There Are Pending System Requests"" while publishing a model after activating all the modules successfully?

You're seeing this message because after every module activation, the customization steps are reapplied. Since the last module activation completed recently, the publishing request is in queue. Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse processes the pending requests shortly.