Prepare Your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications

Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications is the primary source of Fusion Analytics data. As the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications cloud administrator and functional administrator, ensure you configure the functional and non-functional components of Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications.

Review these configurations and modify, if required:
  • Functional configurations - Examples of functional configurations that can increase the value of your analytics are:
    • Enterprise Calendar across all the Fusion Analytics applications.
    • Exchange rates from Enterprise Resource Planning.
    • Age bands from Human Captial Management.
    • Opportunity and revenue snapshots from Customer Experience.
    This task requires:
    • Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Administrator
    • Fusion Analytics Functional Administrator
  • Network preparation - As an Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications cloud network administrator, prepare the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications networking components such as the access control lists and location-based access control to allow Fusion Analytics to connect to Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications and extract data. See Overview of Location-Based Access Control and Verify LBAC Setting.

    This task requires an Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications cloud network administrator.

  • Authentication preparation - As the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications security administrator, prepare Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications to authenticate Fusion Analytics to orchestrate data pipeline extractions and perform health checks. Authentication is possible through a JSON web token-based public key certificate and associated private key, or through a service account and password. Oracle recommends using the JSON web token-based authentication method because it increases security and decreases password administration. See JWT-based documentation and JWT-based blog post to create the X.509 components and upload the public key certificate to Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications. Develop a certificate maintenance schedule to replace the certificate before it expires. An expired certificate impacts the data refresh processes and health checks.

    This task requires an Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications security administrator.

Use the checklist to confirm that the action items are planned for. See Prepare Your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Checklist.