Recommendations for the Performing Stage

Carefully consider and apply these recommendations when planning your implementation.

Review your data augmentation process

In this task, evaluate and ensure that:
  • You've followed the recommendations for data augmentation.
  • The implementation team has Fusion Analytics data augmentation training and experience.
  • You've leveraged the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications data augmentations.
  • You've consulted the relevant documentation, such as the implementation guide, administration guide, and application reference guides and selected the best solution for each augmentation.
  • You've leveraged the prebuilt Fusion Analytics components such as custom data configurations, dimension aliases, connectors, and security configuration pipelines.
  • You've used the custom prefixes when naming the custom data objects.
  • You've joined the custom fact tables to the relevant dimension tables.
  • You've joined the custom dimension tables to the relevant fact tables.
  • The custom primary key column values are populated and don't contain null values.
  • The customer-managed data loads are synchronized with the Fusion Analytics pipelines.

Review your semantic model extensions process

In this task, evaluate and ensure that:
  • The implementation team has the training and experience of working with the Fusion Analytics semantic model.
  • You've secured the custom semantic model objects using the Fusion Analytics object permissions.
  • You've developed the custom semantic model objects according to the recommendations and prebuilt design principles.
  • You've used the custom prefixes when naming the custom semantic model objects.

Review your security extensions process

In this task, evaluate and ensure that:
  • The implementation team has training and experience of security in Fusion Analytics.
  • You've developed the custom security extensions according to the recommendations and prebuilt design principles.
  • You've leveraged the prebuilt security configurations as much as possible (especially regarding Fusion HCM Analytics).
  • You've leveraged the Upload option on the Console to upload security assignments into the prebuilt security context tables.
  • The custom security assignments secure access to custom subject areas, reporting content, and data.
  • The security assignments for custom attributes are loaded into a custom warehouse table.
  • You've assigned users to the custom security assignments.
  • You've granted appropriate permissions to the custom user groups.
  • You've used the network access control and security lists to secure access to the custom data.
  • You've performed the network threat testing and all services are protected from unauthorized access.

Review the custom report content creation process

In this task, evaluate and ensure that:
  • The implementation team has the training and experience to create reports and visualizations.
  • You've developed the custom visualizations and reports according to the recommendations and prebuilt design principles.
  • You've stored the custom report content in custom shared folders in the catalog.
  • You've used the custom prefixes when naming the custom shared folders.
  • You've modeled the custom hierarchical shared folder tree structure after the prebuilt Oracle shared folder structure.
  • The custom shared folder tree uses inheritance to pass permissions to lower levels.
  • The Fusion Analytics service administrator has exclusive read-write access to the root folder and inherits read-write privileges to the entire tree through inheritance.
  • You've leveraged the prebuilt groups and application duty roles as much as possible.
  • The custom application roles follow the prebuilt recommendations such as usage of duty roles.
  • You've assigned users to the prebuilt and custom groups that contain prebuilt and custom duty roles.
  • You've granted authors and consumers appropriate access to first-level pillar folders, such as ERP, through duty roles.
  • You've used the prebuilt metrics wherever possible instead of creating custom calculations.
  • You've review the latest reference guides to get an overview of the tables, subject areas, and prebuilt analytics to use the most appropriate objects and methods when you customize. See Reference Guides.
  • You've review the report authoring tips explained in each subject area and follow the recommendations in the workbooks.

Applicable to Fusion HCM Analytics

Always filter on specific dates when using Headcounts or Person counts facts.Within Fusion HCM Analytics, when selecting the metric Headcount, the value returned is always the value as on the last day of the selected period. There is a snapshot for each day, but only the last snapshot of the selected period is useful.

For instance, instead of filtering on a year, filter on the last day of that year. When you display the result by month, filter on the last day of each month. To get the current values filter on Date = To_DateTime(VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.CURRENT_GREGORIAN_DAY), 'DD-Mon-YY') to select the day of the last pipeline refresh. With these filters, the query reads only a few days instead of reading all the days of the selected period.