Recommendations for the Planning Stage

Carefully consider and apply these recommendations when planning your implementation.

Review the phased approach and limit the scope of the phase

In this task, evaluate and ensure that:
  • You've used the phased approach for prebuilt and customization phases.
  • The scope of the customization phase is limited as much as possible to a subset of functional areas.
  • The scope of the customization phase is limited to a single Fusion Analytics application such as Fusion ERP Analytics.
  • A previous phase, containing only prebuilt content with the same scope, was rolled out successfully into the production environment.
  • The prebuilt phase content is a baseline for developing custom functional and non-functional requirements.

Review the functional requirements

In this task, evaluate and ensure that:
  • All functional requirements are satisfied.
  • Data validations confirm prebuilt Fusion Analytics metrics return the same results as Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI).
  • The same customizations exist in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications and the custom metrics return the same results as OTBI.
  • Custom queries return accurate results for users with prebuilt and custom security profiles.
  • Prebuilt and custom privileges secure the semantic model, catalog, and report content according to group assignments; for example, Modelers, Authors, and Consumers.
  • Where applicable, users have the same object and data privileges that they have in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications.

Review the non-functional requirements

In this task, evaluate and ensure that:
  • All non-functional requirements are satisfied.
  • A full data load is completed in the required time frame using prebuilt and custom data pipelines.
  • Incremental data loads, using prebuilt and customized data pipelines, complete in the required time frame.
  • SQL queries using custom security predicates respond in the required time frame.
  • Network latency times satisfy requirements.

Review the support procedures

My Oracle Support is the initial point of contact for all product support needs.

In this task, evaluate and ensure that:
  • A support process exists for users to report issues, and that appropriate mitigation actions are taken.
  • Administrators understand the process of creating a service request.
  • Outstanding customization issues are within allowable severity limits.
  • If there are open severity-one service requests related to customizations, then specify and share:
    • The Fusion Analytics OCID (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identifier), the number of concurrent users, and the number of Oracle compute units (OCPUs) for Autonomous Data Warehouse and Analytics Cloud.
    • A document summarizing the customizations.
    • Any recent environmental changes, such as patching, upgrade, test to production move in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications, that might have contributed to the issue.
    • For dashboard issues:
      • Affected workbooks, canvases, visualizations, analyses, and key metrics.
      • Workbook and analysis session logs containing logical and physical SQL queries.
      • Exports of workbooks and archives of analyses.

Review the release management procedures

Fusion Analytics provides quarterly application updates with the control and flexibility to choose when to apply the update. Oracle applies critical security patches automatically with zero downtime.

In this task, evaluate and ensure that:
  • Administrators can apply the Fusion Analytics releases.
  • You've planned, applied, and communicated releases and patches appropriately within your organization.
  • You've ensured that all environments are on the same release and patch level.
  • You've applied the appropriate release or patch to the customized environment.
  • Your existing customizations work as expected after applying the latest releases and patches.