About Files for Datasets

You can create datasets from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (XLSX and XLS), CSV files, and TXT files. The maximum file size you can upload is 250 MB and the data column limit for a single file is 250 columns.

You can upload and use files from your computer, or from Dropbox or Google Drive data source connections.

When you upload a file, you can use it only in the dataset that you uploaded it to. Because Oracle Analytics doesn't store an uploaded file, you must upload the file again to include it in another dataset.

Formatting Rules for Excel Spreadsheet Files

  • Tables start in Row 1 and Column 1 of the Excel file.
  • Tables have a regular layout with no gaps, repeated column names, or inline headings. An example of an inline heading is one that's repeated on every page of a printed report.
  • Row 1 contains the unique names of the columns in the table.
  • Row 2 and greater contain the data for the table.
  • Data in a column is of the same type. For example, don't use a phone number column to hold email addresses.
  • Data is at the same granularity.

Character Set Encoding Rules for CSV and TXT Files

  • Encode source files using UTF-8.
  • Before you edit your files, configure your text editor to use the appropriate font and script (or subset).