Get Started with KPIs

KPIs are key performance indicators that measure an organization's performance against key business objectives.

These measurements define and track specific business goals and objectives that often roll up into larger organizational strategies that require monitoring, improvement, and evaluation. Predefined business metrics allow you to view business performance and drill into the details to understand why a value may be off-target. Only Analytic Currency metrics are used in the predefined content.

  • If you purchased Fusion Analytics Warehouse after 23.R1, you see business metrics modeled as key metrics displayed on dashboards.
  • If you purchased Fusion Analytics Warehouse before 23.R1, you see business metrics modeled as key metrics displayed on dashboards. You also see the same business concepts and data presented as legacy key performance indicators (KPIs) and decks to support data and content validation.
  • In a future release, everyone will see key metrics completely replace KPIs, at which point the legacy KPIs will be deprecated and won't be available.

Your enterprise defines key performance indicators to manage and improve performance. Key performance indicators (KPIs) measure the progress towards your organization's goals. KPIs are comprised of a measure and a target and usually analyzed by dimensions such as organization, customer, product, and geography. KPIs can help organizations quickly focus on activities that have the greatest impact on business performance.

In Oracle Fusion Analytics Warehouse, you display KPI data on a card. You organize multiple cards into a deck. You can move, remove, or duplicate cards as the data changes, and create as many cards and decks as needed to present the KPI data clearly. You can have as many as eight cards per deck. Each card gets updated based on changes in the KPI data.