8 Prebuilt


This chapter provides information on all the prebuilt business metrics, dashboards, and analyses that are shipped as the standard offering along with the product.

Prebuilt Analyses

Prebuilt Analyses are the functional analysis defined using Oracle Data Visualizer on Oracle Analytics Cloud. Only analytic currency metrics are used in these analyses. These tables show the summary of predefined analyses available for each module.

To access prebuilt data visualizations, go to Shared Folders, click Oracle, click Fusion CX, and then click Detail Dashboards.

Activity Management

Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
New Activities Shows the number of activities created in the last 7 days, and provides a breakdown by different parameters such as creation date, activity type, and owner. CX - Activity
Number of Activities Shows the number of activities performed by sales resources based on activity date, activity status, and activity type. CX - Activity
Activity Duration for Completed Activities Shows how long it takes for a sales resource to complete an activity and provides a breakdown based on activity type. Summaries are included to show the metric based on activity owner, number of activities completed, activity type, date, and status. CX - Activity
Team Member Activities Rate Provides useful insights into the average number of activities being performed by a team member, and includes a breakdown based on different activity types. CX - Activity
Lead Activities Rate Shows the number of activities performed on leads, and provides a breakdown based on leads status and activity date. CX - Lead Activity
Opportunities Activities Rate Shows the number of activities performed on opportunities and provides a breakdown by opportunity outcome and status. CX - Opportunity Activity
Activity Rate - Won Opportunities Provides insights on the number of activities performed on opportunities that go on to win. This information helps businesses users understand the average number of activities needed to win an opportunity. CX - Opportunity Activity
Task Rate - Won Opportunities Provides insights on the number of tasks performed on opportunities that go on to win. This information helps businesses users understand how many tasks and which types of tasks contribute to an opportunity win. CX - Opportunity Activity

Lead Management

Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
New Leads Shows the number of leads created in the last seven days, and provides a break down by different parameters such as creation date, origin, product, and account type. CX - Leads
Number of Leads Shows the number of leads by creation date, status, product, account, and other lead-related attributes. CX - Leads
Average Lead Age Shows the average lead age by lead status and lead creation period for the current quarter. CX - Leads
Lead Qualification Rate Shows qualified leads for the current quarter, and shows a break down of converted leads by different lead attributes such as status, lead creation date, age, and by lead qualification velocity. CX - Leads
Lead Conversion Rate Shows lead conversions for the current quarter, and shows a break down of converted leads by different lead attributes such as lead channel and sales account. CX - Leads
Won Revenue by Lead Channel Provides insight on which lead channels contribute to the highest won revenue. CX - Leads
Lead to Opportunity Velocity Shows insights on how quickly leads are converting to opportunities, and allows comparison of this metric with other velocity metrics such as lead qualification to conversion velocity. CX - Leads
Accounts - Leads Lists sales resources or credit recovers with the highest number of wins and deal sizes. CX - Leads
Lead Conversion Overview Shows the summary of lead conversion and how it trends over time. CX - Leads

Marketing Campaigns

Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
Campaign Activity Overview Shows the Campaign Activity Summary and details of some of the key activities like Email, Form, Web, Landing Page, and External. CX - Campaign Activity Analysis

Opportunity Management

Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
Sales Pipeline - Pipeline Shape Provides a visual breakdown of open opportunity pipeline revenue by different sales stages and trend of the open opportunity pipeline revenue from last six enterprise periods. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line Snapshot
Sales Pipeline - Pipeline Review Provides a visual summary of open opportunities and their revenue numbers by close date and sales stage. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Sales Pipeline - Pipeline Trend YoY Shows historical trends of open opportunity revenue based on historical snapshots. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line Snapshot
Sales Pipeline Velocity Shows the sales pipeline velocity for different quarters and the number of days spent in stage by opportunities, broken down by opportunity status and opportunity owner. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line Snapshot, CX - Opportunity Stage Progression
Sales Stage Progression Shows the movement of opportunities through the sales stages in terms of total amounts and percentages. CX - Opportunity Stage Progression
Sales Cycle Analysis Provides insights into bottle necks in the sales cycle, and in which stages opportunities are spending the most amount of time. CX - Opportunity Stage Progression
Stalled Opportunities Provides a list of stalled opportunities in the system broken down by sales stage. Only those opportunities with a more than 50% win probability are considered in the visualization. CX - Opportunity Stage Progression
Sales Stage Velocity Provides insights into how quickly opportunities are moving through the sales funnel, as well as insights relative to their outcomes (won or lost). CX - Opportunity Stage Progression
Sales Funnel Leakage Shows the sales stage from which opportunities are moving to closed from lost and how they compare to those that are moving from closed to won. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Top Deals At Risk Provides an overview of top opportunities (in terms of revenue and win probability > 50%) that are at risk of not closing. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Weighted Pipeline - Detail Compares the open pipeline with the weighted pipeline by sales stage and closing quarter. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Weighted Pipeline - Trend Shows trends of the weighted pipeline based on the snapshot period, and also a projection over the next 3 months. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Won Sales Shows key metrics related to won sales such as won opportunity line revenue and number of won opportunity revenue lines, win rate, and conversion rate. It also shows how won opportunities compares to open and lost opportunities during the same time period. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line Snapshot, CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Win - Loss Analysis Shows won and lost revenue by different quarters and a historical trend over the last 6 quarters. It alsoo shows the won revenue by top 10 territories and products. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line Snapshot, CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Lost Sales Shows lost opportunity revenue lines by amount and by lost quarter. It also includes key conversion metrics such as revenue line loss rate percentage. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line Snapshot, CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Average Deal Size Provides a breakdown of average deal size by sales stage, opportunity owner, territory owner, and product/group. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Average Deal Size - Trend Analysis Shows the trend of average deal size by territory and by product, and how the metric has evolved historically. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line Snapshot
Win Rate and Conversion Rate Analysis Shows the revenue line win rate and conversion rate percentages and sales stage. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Win Rate and Conversion Rate Trend Shows the historical trend of revenue line win rate and conversion rate by sales stage. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line Snapshot
Top 20 Accounts Shows the top 20 accounts based on open and won revenue It also provides a breakdown of won revenue by account and product, as well as account and territory. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Team All - Stars Lists sales resources or credit recovers with the highest number of wins and deal sizes. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Converted Opportunity Pipeline Shows a summary of the converted opportunities (converted from leads) such as converted opportunity line revenue, average won line revenue, and converted revenue over time. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Opportunity Days to Close Shows how long it takes to close opportunities, and compares them with the converted opportunities closure time and rates. CX - Opportunity
Converted Opportunity Revenue Shows the pipeline contributed by converted opportunities. CX - Opportunity
Opportunity Stage Progression Shows the details on the stages that Opportunities have progressed through. CX-Opportunity Stage Progression
Renewal Sales Dashboard Shows the summary of opportunities created as part of the renewal selling. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line

Quote and Order Capture

Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
Opportunity Quotes Shows the summary of the opportunity quotes raised, statuses by their owners, quotes raised over time period, etc. CX - Opportunity Quote
Quote Cycle Time Provides insight into the time it takes when an opportunity moves to quote, quote to order placed, and contract start time. CX - Opportunity Quote
Quote Contract Value Shows a summary of the quote contract value and details such as contract value by owner, by opportunity name, etc. CX - Opportunity Quote
Quote Revenue Shows the summary of the quote revenue and how it's split into recurring, non-recurring, usage based revenue, and related details. CX - Opportunity Quote
Opportunity Quote Lines Shows the summary of opportunity quote lines, the contract value, and the discount offered. CX - Opportunity Quote Line
Opportunity Quotes - Trends Shows the trend of quote generation, won quote line, discount percentage, and the cycle time. CX - Opportunity Quote

Service Request Management

Prebuilt Analyses

Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
SR Overview Shows a summary of service requests such as total SRs, critical SRs, SRs pending agent action, SRs by time, etc. CX - Service Request
Critical SRs Shows the summary information for critical SRs such as critical SRs in various statuses, by assignee and customers, etc. CX - Service Request
Critical SR Details Provides details of critical SRs by sales account and related details. CX - Service Request
Agent Performance Details Provides insights into how the service agents performance is, such as the resolved SRs, average time to resolve, etc. CX - Service Request
SR Resolution Shows a summary of resolved SRs, the time it took to resolve them by month and by severity, etc. CX - Service Request
SRs by Channel Shows a summary of SRs by different channels that were used for the SRs. CX - Service Request
SRs by Service Category Shows a summary of SRs by service category for which the SRs were raised. CX - Service Request

Subscription Management

Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
Subscription Overview Shows the summary of the existing Subscription metrics (Active MRR, Active Customers, ARPU, Active TCV etc.) and shows Renewals, Upgrades, Downgrades over a period of time. CX - Subscriptions
Subscription Trends Shows the trend of Active MRR, Active Customer, Active TCV, ARPU, Churn Rate, Renewal Rate, etc. over a period of time. CX - Subscription Historical Trend
Subscription AR Overview Summarizes the Subscription AR transactions, and shows the overdue invoices and the credit memos raised for Subscription invoices. Financials - AR Revenue* * This report is enabled for customers using CX+ERP sku

Marketing Campaigns

Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
Campaign Attributed Leads Shows the number of leads generated from each campaign that was created in the current quarter. CX - Campaign Members
Campaign Attributed Opportunities Shows the number of opportunities generated from each campaign that was created in the current quarter. This analysis uses the last touch attribution model. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Campaign Attributed Pipeline Shows the pipeline contribution from the opportunities attributable to the campaign. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Campaign ROI Shows the ROI from each campaign and the attributable won revenue. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Cost Per Opportunity Revenue Line Provides insight on the average campaign cost incurred on generating a single opportunity revenue line. It also provides a comparison based on different campaigns. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Cost Per Won Revenue Shows the average campaign cost for every earning. It also provides a comparison of this metric with different campaigns and products. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Top Campaigns Shows the best performing campaigns based on different parameters such as ROI, number of wins, revenue generated, etc. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Campaign Targeted Accounts Shows which accounts were targeted by different campaigns and the result based on ROI, opportunity outcome, and revenue generated. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue

Prebuilt Business Metrics


These are measurements that define and track specific business goals and objectives that often roll up into larger organizational strategies that require monitoring, improvement, and evaluation.

Predefined business metrics allow a user to view business performance and drill into the details to understand why a value may be off the target. Only Analytic Currency metrics are used in the predefined content.


Key metrics have replaced key performance indicators (KPIs) in release 24R1.

Activity Management

Business Metric Name Business Metric Description Related Subject Areas
Number of Activities Shows the number of activities. CX - Activity
New Activities  Shows activities created in the last seven days. CX - Activity
Activity Rate - Won Opportunities Shows the average number of activities for won opportunities. CX - Opportunity Activity
Task Rate - Won Opportunities Shows the average number of tasks created for won opportunities. CX - Opportunity Activity
Appointment Rate - Won Opportunities Shows the average number of appointments created for won opportunities. CX - Opportunity Activity
Meeting Rate for Won Opportunities Shows the average number of meetings for won opportunities CX - Opportunity Activity
Demo Rate Won Opportunities Shows the average number of demos for won opportunities. CX - Opportunity Activity
Average Number of Activities Per Team Member For Won Opportunities Shows the average number of activities per team member for won opportunities. CX - Opportunity Activity
Average Number of Activities Per Team Member For Lost Opportunities Shows the average number of activities per team member for lost opportunities. CX - Opportunity Activity
Activity Rate for Open Opportunities Shows the average number of activities for currently open opportunities. CX - Opportunity Activity
Number of Customer-facing Tasks for Won Opportunities Shows the number of tasks by type (call, chat, demo, meeting, or email) for won opportunities. CX - Opportunity Activity
Number of Customer facing tasks for Lost Opportunities Shows the number of tasks by type (call, chat, demo, meeting, or email) for lost opportunities. CX - Opportunity Activity
Activity Duration For Completed Activities Shows the average activity duration for completed activities. CX - Activity
Opportunity Activities Rate Shows the average number of complete activities per opportunity. CX - Opportunity Activity
Lead Activities Rate Shows the average number of completed activities per lead. CX - Lead Activity
Team Member Activity Rate Shows the average number of activities per team member. CX - Activity

Lead Management

Business Metric Name Business Metric Description Related Subject Areas
Number of Leads Shows the number of leads created in the reporting period. CX - Leads
Lead Qualification Rate (%) Shows the number of leads qualified, expressed as a percentage of the total number of leads created. CX - Leads
Lead Conversion Rate (%) Shows the number of leads converted, expressed as a percentage of the total number of leads created. CX - Leads
Lead Rejection Rate (%) Shows the number of leads rejected, expressed as a percentage of the total number of leads created. CX - Leads
Average Lead Age Shows the average number of days the lead is open before it's converted, rejected or retired. CX - Leads
Lead Qualification to Conversion Velocity Shows the average number of days before the qualified lead is converted. CX - Leads
Number of Qualified Expired Leads Shows the number of qualified expired leads. CX - Leads
Won Revenue By Lead Channel Shows the won opportunity revenue generated from leads based on their lead channel. CX - Leads
Accounts - Leads Shows the accounts with the highest number of open leads. CX - Leads
Opportunity Pipeline Split - Sales vs Marketing Shows the number of open opportunities by sales stage for opportunities generated from sales vs marketing. CX - Leads
New Leads  Shows new leads created based on the lead creation date. CX - Leads
Lead to Opportunity Velocity Shows the average number of days a lead has taken from the day the lead is created to the day its converted. CX - Leads

Marketing Campaigns

Business Metric Name Business Metric Description Related Subject Areas
Campaign Attributed Leads Shows the number of leads generated from marketing campaigns. CX - Campaign Members
Campaign Attributed Opportunities Shows the number of opportunities generated from marketing campaigns (using the last touch model). CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Campaign Attributed Pipeline Shows pipeline revenue contributions from campaign-attributable opportunities (using the last touch model). CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Campaign Attributed Won Revenue Shows the total revenue attributed to a campaign for all opportunities with a closed-won status. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Campaign ROI Shows a campaign return on investment based on campaign actual cost and campaign attributable revenue. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Campaign Responses Shows the number of responses for each campaign. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Campaign Actual Vs Budgeted Cost Shows the ratio of actual cost / budgeted cost for every campaign. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Campaign Attributed Won Opportunity Revenue Lines Shows the number of won opportunity revenue lines from opportunities attributable to a campaign. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Campaign Attributed Lost Opportunity Revenue Lines Shows the number of lost opportunity revenue lines from opportunities attributable to a campaign. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Campaign Attributed Open Opportunity Revenue Lines Shows the number of open opportunity revenue lines from opportunities attributable to a campaign. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Cost Per Opportunity Revenue Line Shows the ratio of campaign actual cost and the number of opportunity revenue lines. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Cost Per Won Opportunity Revenue Line Shows the ratio of campaign actual cost and the number of won opportunity revenue lines. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Cost Per Won Revenue Shows the ratio of campaign actual cost and won opportunity line revenue. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Cost Per Attributed Revenue Shows the ratio of campaign actual cost and total attributable opportunity line revenue. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Top Campaigns  Shows the top campaigns with the highest won revenue. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Campaign Engaged Contacts Shows the number of contacts targeted by campaigns. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue
Campaign Targeted Accounts Shows the number of accounts targeted by campaigns. CX - Campaign Opportunity Revenue

Opportunity Management

Business Metric Name Business Metric Description Related Subject Areas
Won Sales Describes the total sales revenue for the period where opportunity status category = won. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Lost Sales Describes the total sales revenue for the period where opportunity status category = lost. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Sales Pipeline Describes the total revenue of opportunity revenue lines with an open status category. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Weighted Pipeline Describes the weighted pipeline measures sales revenue based on the opportunity win probablity percentages assigned to the open opportunities in the current pipeline. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Sales Pipeline Velocity Shows how quickly deals move through the pipeline and generate revenue. CX - Opportunity Stage Progression
Sales Stage Velocity Shows the average time spent in a stage before opportunities move to closed - won or closed - lost. CX - Opportunity Stage Progression
Sales Funnel Leakage Also known as stage drop off rates, the sales funnel leakage tells you where prospects drop out of your funnel at the greatest rates. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Sales Stage Progression Shows how quickly opportunities are moving through the sales stages. CX - Opportunity Stage Progression
Average Deal Size Describes the closed opportunity line revenue averaged over the number of revenue lines. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Win Rate % Describes the rate in which opportunity revenue lines are being closed - won. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Deals At Risk Describes the top 'N' open opportunities (by revenue) with a win probablity of <= 50%. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Revenue From Accounts Lists the top accounts by won revenue for the reporting period. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Team All-Stars Displays details of primary resources with the top 10 wins by revenue for the time period. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Opportunity Line Type Shows opportunity revenue lines by type. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Revenue Type Shows renewal revenue by type (recurring, non-recurring, or usage). CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Renewal Pipeline Shows all of the open renewal opportunities. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Renewal Revenue Shows the renewal pipeline amount. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Renewal Pipeline % Shows the renewal pipeline revenue of the total opportunity revenue. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Won Renewal Revenue Shows the won renewal pipeline revenue. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Renewal Opportunities Win Rate Shows the rate of winning renewal opportunities. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Lost Renewal Revenue Shows the renewal pipeline revenue that is lost. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Lead Conversion Shows the number of won and lost opportunities from converted leads. CX - Opportunity 
Opportunities from Leads (%) Shows the percentage of opportunities of the total number of converted leads. CX - Opportunity 
Average Converted Opportunity Line Revenue  Shows the average opportunity line revenue of the opportunities converted from leads. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Line Revenue from Converted Leads Shows the open opportunities line revenue from converted leads. CX - Opportunity Revenue Line
Lead Generated Pipeline Shows the number of open opportunities by sales stage for opportunities generated from leads vs from non-leads. CX - Opportunity 
Days to Close Converted Leads Shows the average of (opportunity close date  - opportunity creation date) for opportunities converted from leads. CX - Opportunity 

Subscription Management

Business Metric Name Business Metric Description Related Subject Areas
Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) Shows the total MRR for subscription lines CX - Subscription Historical Trend
Product Net price (TCV) Shows the total Subscription Net Amount CX - Subscription Historical Trend
Active Customers Shows the total number of customers with an active subscription at the start or end of a given period CX - Subscription Historical Trend
Average Revenue per User (ARPU) Shows the total MRR divided by the total number of active customers at the start or end of a given period CX - Subscription Historical Trend
Churned Customers Shows the total number of customers churned in a given period CX - Subscription Historical Trend
MRR Churn Rate Shows the rate at which MRR is lost from churned subscriptions. CX - Subscription Historical Trend
Customer Churn Rate Shows the proportion of active customers that became inactive during the given period. A customer is active if they have a currently active subscription CX - Subscription Historical Trend
MRR Renewal Rate Shows the rate of MRR renewal calculated as activated renewal MRR divided by the MRR due for renewal in a given period. CX - Subscription Historical Trend

Quote and Order Capture

Business Metric Name Business Metric Description Related Subject Areas
Active Quotes Shows the number of active quotes created. CX - Opportunity Quote
Average Quotes for Won Opportunities  Shows the average number of quotes for won opportunities. CX - Opportunity Quote
Quote Cycle Time Shows the total elapsed time from quote-to-order. CX - Opportunity Quote
Quote Conversion Rate Shows the number of closed quotes as a percentage of active quotes. CX - Opportunity Quote
Average Contract Value Shows the average contract value. CX - Opportunity Quote
Opportunity to Quote Velocity Shows the opportunity to quote cycle time. CX - Opportunity Quote
Average Recurring Revenue Shows the average recurring revenue. CX - Opportunity Quote
Active Quote Win Rate Shows the number of won quotes as a percentage of closed quotes. CX - Opportunity Quote
Number of Quotes Lines Shows the number of quote lines created. CX - Opportunity  Quote Line
Number of Active Quotes with Lines Shows the number of active quotes with quote lines. CX - Opportunity  Quote Line
Contract Line Value Shows the total contract line value for active quotes. CX - Opportunity  Quote Line
Average Contract Line Value Shows the average contract quote line value. CX - Opportunity  Quote Line
Quote Line Conversion Rate Shows the number of quote lines converted. CX - Opportunity  Quote Line
Average Quote Line Cycle Time Shows the average elapsed time from quote line to order. CX - Opportunity  Quote Line
Number of Quoted Opportunities Shows the number of quoted opportunities. CX - Opportunity

Service Request Management

Business Metric Name Business Metric Description Related Subject Areas
Service Requests by Status Shows the number of CX service requests by their status. CX - Service Request
SR Backlog Rate (%) Shows the percentage of open SRs relative to the total SRs by age category. CX - Service Request
Escalation (Critical SR's) Shows the number of SRs that are marked critical. CX - Service Request
SR Resolution (%) Shows the number of SRs in resolved status. CX - Service Request
Agent Performance Shows the average time (days) to resolve issues by service agents. CX - Service Request
SRs by Service Category Shows the number of open SRs by service category. CX - Service Request
SRs by Channel Shows the number of open SRs by channel. CX - Service Request
Top 10 Customers  (With Active SRs) Shows the top 10 customers with the most active open SRs. CX - Service Request

Prebuilt Dashboards


A dashboard is a top-level object containing multiple business metrics.

Each dashboard typically contains as many as 8 composite visualizations. These present an aggregated value for the business metric, a supplemental visualization and with a drill down capability to Data Visualization content.

To access prebuilt data visualizations, go to Shared Folders, click Oracle, click Fusion CX, and then click Overview Dashboards. All prebuilt decks are migrated to workbooks in Oracle Analytics Cloud, and you can find these in the Overview Dashboards folder, located within the parent application folder.


Workbooks have replaced decks and visualizations have replaced cards in release 24R1.

Prebuilt Dashboards

Workbook Name Workbook Description
Sales Pipeline Includes Business Metrics for measuring the overall health of the sales pipeline.
Win-Loss Analysis Includes Business Metrics that provide insights and metrics on opportunity outcomes (won and lost) and the related opportunity revenue figures.
Sales Activity Includes Business Metrics that provides insights on sales activities performed in the current quarter and how they relate to opportunity outcomes (won and lost).
Leads Provides Business Metrics for tracking important lead metrics including those related to lead conversions and lead qualifications.
Campaign Effectiveness Includes Business Metrics that help marketing and sales users measure campaign ROI metrics, and important conversion metrics as part of the campaign to opportunity process flow.
Opportunity Quotes Includes Business Metrics that help sales users gain insight into the quotes created in the system, and the contract value and cycle times associated with those quotes.
SR Management Includes Business Metrics to help service managers and reps to get an overview of the SRs raised in the system, and what's the rate, escalations, and how they're being handled by the agents.
Lead Conversion Includes Business Metrics that provide insight into the leads that are getting converted to opportunities, the rate of conversion, their contribution to overall opportunities, and their performance in terms of revenue closure and time to close the opportunities.
Renewal Sales Includes Business Metrics that provide insights and metrics on the renewal opportunity pipeline, the related revenue figures, and their won rate.
Subscriptions Includes Business Metrics that provide insight and metrics on Subscription MRR and TCV, along with additional details about Customers and their Churn.