8 Prebuilt


This chapter provides information on all the prebuilt business metrics, dashboards, and analyses that are shipped as the standard offering along with the product.



Prebuilt Analyses are the functional analyses defined using the data visualization functionality in Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC). These tables show the summary of predefined analyses available for each module.

To access prebuilt data visualizations, go to Shared Folders, click Oracle, click Fusion HCM, and then click Detail Dashboards.


Prebuilt Analyses

Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
Absence Provides details of absences, duration and workers that have availed leave during the specific period. HCM - Workforce Absence Management
Absence Provides details of absences, duration and workers that have availed leave during the specific period. HCM - Workforce Absence Management
Absence Analysis Summary of various absence statuses like approved, withdrawn, rejected. Enables organizations to plot biases in absences approval/rejection for any of the minority groups, if any. HCM - Workforce Absence Management
Absences - Diversity Overview Summary of various absence statuses like approved, withdrawn, rejected. Enables organizations to plot biases in absences approval/rejection for any of the minority groups, if any. HCM - Workforce Absence Management

Global Human Resources

Prebuilt Analyses

Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
Diversity Analysis The diversity analysis detailed page provides an analysis of key metrics like headcount, promotion counts, terminations, hire counts by diverse factors like employee gender, grades and ethnicities, tenure band, age band, countries and so on. This helps in understanding the workforce composition by various such diversity elements. This in turn helps the organizations in achieving targets related to diversified employee staffing. HCM - Workforce Core
Diversity Analysis The diversity analysis detailed page provides an analysis of key metrics like headcount, promotion counts, terminations, hire counts by diverse factors like employee gender, grades and ethnicities, tenure band, age band, countries and so on. This helps in understanding the workforce composition by various such diversity elements. This in turn helps the organizations in achieving targets related to diversified employee staffing. HCM - Workforce Core
Hires and Leavers The hires and leavers detailed page provides the metric details related to the hires and terminations in the organization. It provides important analysis related to hiring trends over the last few quarters, hiring by various business units, locations and job families, the diverse hiring patterns by elements like gender, ethnicity etc HCM - Workforce Core
Team Effectiveness The team effectivenss detailed page provides a health check of the organization by various important aspects related to the workforce. This Provides a comparison of teams measured with key metrics like span of control, gender ratio, compa ratio, employee retention, promotions and average years of service. HCM - Workforce Core
Talent Retention The talent retention detailed page provides an analysis of the performance and potential ratings of the workers. It provides the details of the workers that have been identified as top talent in the organization and are retained. A 9-box analysis of the employee retention by their talent ratings is available through this page. HCM - Workforce Core
Workforce Composition The workforce composition detailed page answers the fundamental questions on the composition of an organization's workforce. This provides an analysis of the headcount by job families, average tenure of the workers, the percentage of workers that are rated as top talent, and the distribution of the workforce across various locations. It also provides a trend of headcount by various dimensions like age band, quarters, and so on. HCM - Workforce Core
Turnover The turnover detailed page provides information on the organization turnover. The turnover by various worker specific data like performance, compa ratio are available. Also, it provides an analysis of the turnover by various demographics like race, ethnicity, age band, supervisors, etc. Voluntary vs Involuntary turnover analysis is another aspect related to turnover that is available through this page. HCM - Workforce Core
Span of Control The span of control detailed page provides an analysis of a key metric span of control by various dimensions like business unit, job family, country and so on. It provides an answer to how the average span of control by a supervisor compares to the organization average span of control. Similarly how the span of control has changed over the last few quarters are also available. HCM - Workforce Core
Compa Ratio The compa ratio detailed page provides details related to the worker compa ratios. It provides an analysis of the average compa ratio of the organization along with the other dimensions like job family, grade and so on. Additionally the compa ratio analysis of the top talent, the terminated workers are available. It also provides the compa ratio analysis by various dimensions like location, and tenure band. HCM - Workforce Core
Workforce Information Provides details related to worker headcount, gender distribution, and details of other employment information. HCM - Workforce Core
Workforce Gains and losses overview Provides summary of internal mobility across various dimensions like business units, deprtaments, managers, and so on. Also provides a likely career path in an organization based on historical data. HCM - Workforce Gains and Losses
Workforce Gains and losses overview Provides summary of internal mobility across various dimensions like business units, deprtaments, managers, and so on. Also provides a likely career path in an organization based on historical data. HCM - Workforce Gains and Losses
Top Talent Retention - Person Count The talent retention detailed page provides an analysis of the performance and potential ratings of the workers. It provides the details of the workers that have been identified as top talent in the organisation and are retained. A 9-box analysis of the employee retention by their talent ratings is available through this page. HCM - Workforce Core
Workforce Composition - Person Count The workforce composition detailed page answers the fundamental questions on the composition of an organisation's workforce. This provides an analysis of the Worker count by job families, average tenure of the workers, the percentage of workers that are rated as top talent, and the distribution of the workforce across various locations. It also provides a trend of headcount by various dimensions like age band, quarters, and so on. HCM - Workforce Core
Turnover Analysis - Person Count The turnover detailed page provides information on the organisation turnover. The turnover by various worker specific data like performance, compa ratio are available. Also, it provides an analysis of the turnover by various demographics like race, ethnicity, age band, supervisors, etc. Voluntary vs Involuntary turnover analysis is another aspect related to turnover that is available through this page. HCM - Workforce Core
Team Effectiveness - Person Count The team effectiveness detailed page provides a health check of the organisation by various important aspects related to the workforce. This Provides a comparison of teams measured with key metrics like span of control, gender ratio, compa ratio, employee retention, promotions and average years of service. HCM - Workforce Core
Diversity Analysis - Person Count The diversity analysis detailed page provides an analysis of key metrics like Worker counts, promotion counts, terminations, hire counts by diverse factors like employee gender, grades and ethnicities, tenure band, age band, countries, and so on. This helps in understanding the workforce composition by various such diversity elements. This in turn helps the organisations in achieving targets related to diversified employee staffing. HCM - Workforce Core
Hires and Leavers - Person Count The hires and leavers detailed page provides the metric details related to the hires and terminations in the organisation. It provides important analysis related to hiring trends over the last few quarters, hiring by various business units, locations and job families, the diverse hiring patterns by elements like gender, ethnicity etc. HCM - Workforce Core
Hires Terminations and Internal Mobility This dv provides an overview of current year headcount , terminations across various business unit , job families , monthly trends on hires & terminations & predications of headcounts & terminations for next 3 months. This also gives managers insights into internal mobility. 1. HCM - Workforce Core 2. HCM - Workforce Gains & Losses
Team Composition Overview This analysis gives insights to manager on current headcount , average years of services , gender distribution in current headcount , Headcount distribution via Country & Job families & twelve month trailing headcount & forecast of next 6 months for current year of their organizations. HCM - Workforce Core
My Organization Provides an overview of the count of workers, hires, terminations, reasons for terminations etc. This also gives managers insights into internal mobility of the workers. HCM- Workforce Core
Journeys Provides insights into the journeys and tasks that are assigned to the workers HCM - Journeys
Health and Safety Provides insights into the events, investigations and actions related to the safety incidents HCM - Health and Safety


Prebuilt Analyses

Analyses Detail Analyses Description Related Subject Areas
Job Openings The Job Openings page provides count of total openings, job applications received by candidates, vacancy fill rate. It also provides the details of the job openings by various locations, vacancy fill rate by year and locations, offers extended versus actual hired. You could also review the top 10 requisitions created by job applicants on them. HCM - Talent Acquisition
Time to Hire The Time to Hire detailed page provides details of the hiring like total applicants, average time to fill, average time to roll out an offer. It also allows you to analyze time to hire by various geographies, job family and year. HCM - Talent Acquisition
Sourcing The sourcing page provides the details of the sources from which the applicants have come from. You could analyze the job applications for various job families based on the source medium, similarly top 10 sources of job applications. HCM - Talent Acquisition
Talent Acquisition Provides data related to hiring process like job applicants, sources, and progress of the job applications during a specific period. HCM - Talent Acquisition
Profiles Provides profile information related to skills, and talent ratings of workers. HCM - Talent Profile
Goals Provides details related to worker's performance and development goals. HCM - Goals and career Development
Check-Ins Manager and Worker Check-In details. HCM - Check-Ins
Talent Profile Overview This analysis provides managers with number of workers with talent profile / different competencies / languages proficiencies / previous employment etc. possessed by the workers in their supervisory organization. 1. HCM- Workforce Core 2. HCM - Talent Profile
Learning Overview This DV gives managers insights into top rated learning courses , average cost per learner , learners trends across different quarters in current year , top learning items that enhances learner profile , identify if age influences learning or not , plot enrollments vs completion rate and related trends in current year in different quarters , active learners by performance and potential ratings in their supervisory organization. HCM - Learning (Preview)
Performance Management Provides details of the performance appraisal process and outcome of it for the line managers. HCM - Performance Management
Succession Management Provides details of the succession plans, incumbents, candidates along with the key analytics that helps to find the successful plans, plans without candidates, high risk of loss candidates and so on HCM - Succession Management
Team Profile This analysis provides managers with, number of workers with talent profile, risk of loss, high performers with risk of loss, high potentials with impact of loss, workers ready for advancement now, employees with risk of loss by tenure, workers preferred job families, top competencies, top career move preferences, top license and certificates possessed by the workers in their supervisory organization. HCM - Talent Profile

Business Metrics


These measurements define and track specific business goals and objectives that often roll up into larger organizational strategies that require monitoring, improvement, and evaluation. Predefined business metrics allow you to view business performance and drill into the details to understand why a value may be off-target. Only Analytic Currency metrics are used in the predefined content.


Key metrics have replaced key performance indicators (KPIs) in release 24R1.


Business Metric Name Business Metric Description Related Subject Areas
Approved Absences Provides the approved absence transaction of a worker. HCM - Workforce Absence Management
Male Gender Ratio Unavailable Provides the ratio of male workers with approved leaves. HCM - Workforce Absence Management
Female Gender Ratio unavailable Provides the ratio of female workers with approved absences. HCM - Workforce Absence Management

Global Human Resources

Business Metric Name Business Metric Description Related Subject Areas
Headcount Provides the headcount of the workforce. HCM - Workforce Core
Average Headcount Provides the average headcount of the workforce which is basically the average of start and end time period. HCM - Workforce Core
FTE Provides the FTE value. HCM - Workforce Core
Span of Control Provides the average number of workers by manager, department, business unit etc. HCM - Workforce Core
Hires Provides the count of hires in the organization. HCM - Workforce Core
Promotion Count Provides the count of workers that have had a promotion event. HCM - Workforce Core
Promotion Rate .Provides the ratio of workers that have had a promotion event against the total workforce HCM - Workforce Core
Compa Ratio Provides the average compa ratio of the workers. HCM - Workforce Core
% Compa Ratio Change Provides the average change in compa ratio of the workers compared to the previous year. HCM - Workforce Core
Female Gender Ratio Provides the percentage of female employees. HCM - Workforce Core
Average Worker Age Provides the average age of the workforce. HCM - Workforce Core
Average Tenure Provides the average tenure of the workforce. HCM - Workforce Core
Distinct Worker Nationalities Provides the distinct count of different nationals in the workforce. HCM - Workforce Core
Distinct Worker Ethnicities Provides the distinct count of different ethnicities in the workforce. HCM - Workforce Core
Percentage of workers hired above 60 Provides the percentage of workers whose age is above 60 as of the date of hire. HCM - Workforce Core
Terminations Provides the count of all terminations. HCM - Workforce Core
Terminations Voluntary Provides the count of voluntary terminations. HCM - Workforce Core
Termination by New Hire Provides the count of terminations that are hired less than a year ago. HCM - Workforce Core
Turnover Provides the ratio of terminations against the total headcount. HCM - Workforce Core
Turnover Voluntary Provides the ratio of voluntary terminations against the total headcount. HCM - Workforce Core
Turnover Involuntary Provides the ratio of involuntary terminations against the total headcount. HCM - Workforce Core
Turnover by FTE Provides the ratio of FTE terminations against the total headcount. HCM - Workforce Core
Turnover by New Hire Provides the ratio of new hire terminations against the total headcount. HCM - Workforce Core
Total Retention Provides the ratio of workers that are retained. HCM - Workforce Core
Retention Voluntary Provides the ratio of workers that are retained voluntarily. HCM - Workforce Core
Retention by FTE Provides the ratio of FTE retention. HCM - Workforce Core
Retention by New Hire Provides the ratio of new hire retention. HCM - Workforce Core
Terminations by FTE Provides the count of terminations that are full time employees. HCM - Workforce Core
Terminations by High Performer Provides the count of terminations that are rated high in performance. HCM - Workforce Core
Terminations by Top Talent Provides the count of terminations that are rated high in performance and potential. HCM - Workforce Core
Turnover by High Performer Provides the ratio of high performer terminations against the total headcount. HCM - Workforce Core
Turnover by Top Talent Provides the ratio of high performer and potential terminations against the total headcount. HCM - Workforce Core
Retention by Talent Provides the retention percentage by each talent 9 box based on performance and potential. HCM - Workforce Core
Top Talent Ratio Provides the ratio of workers with high performance and potential values against the total workforce. HCM - Workforce Core
Low Talent Ratio Provides the ratio of workers with low performance and potential values against the total workforce. HCM - Workforce Core


Business Metric Name Business Metric Description Related Subject Areas
Drop Off Rate Provides the percentage of Job Applications that were withdrawn. HCM - Talent Acquisition
Recruitment Pipeline Provides the number of Job Applications in various phases at a given point in time. HCM - Talent Acquisition
Job Offers to Openings % Provides the percentage of Job Offers extended against the Total number of Openings HCM - Talent Acquisition
Offers Diversity Provides the diversity of the Offers that were extended HCM - Talent Acquisition
Talent Yield Provides the percentage of workers hired against the total number of applications for a requisition. HCM - Talent Acquisition
Hires to Goal Rate provides the total rate hires against the total openings HCM - Talent Acquisition
Internal Hires Provides the total number of hires where the candidates are existing workers in the organization HCM - Talent Acquisition
Active Applications Provides the total number of active applications in the hiring process at a given point in time. HCM - Talent Acquisition
Referral Hires Provides the total number of Hires who were referred by existing workers HCM - Talent Acquisition
Applications Diversity Provides the count of applications that can be used to display the diversity like male vs female, veterans vs non-veterans etc HCM - Talent Acquisition
Job Requisitions with no Internal Applicants % Provides the percentage of Job Requisitions which did not attract any Internal Applicants HCM - Talent Acquisition
Offer Acceptance Rate Provides the percentage of offers accepted against total number of offers extended HCM - Talent Acquisition
Offer Extended to Hire % Provides the percentage of Hires against the number of Offers that were extended HCM - Talent Acquisition
Candidate Total Applications Provides the Total number of Job Applications created HCM - Talent Acquisition
Candidate Hires Provides the total hire count HCM - Talent Acquisition
Job Requisitions Not Open % Provides the percentage of Job Requisitions that were created but never reached the Opened phase. HCM - Talent Acquisition
Average Time to Fill Provides the average number of days it takes for a job requisition to reach the filled status HCM - Talent Acquisition
Total Job Requisitions Provides the total number of active Job Requisitions at the end of a specific time period. HCM - Talent Acquisition
Requisition Fill Rate Provides the percentage Job Requisitions filled against total job requisitions. HCM - Talent Acquisition
Average Requisitions Per Recruiter Provides the average number of Job Requisitions owned by a Recruiter. HCM - Talent Acquisition
Open Requisitions Provides the number of Job Requisitions that are in open phase at the end of a specific time period. HCM - Talent Acquisition

Salary Basis

KPI Name KPI Description Related Subject Areas
Average Annualized Salary Provides Average Annualized Salary of Workers. HCM - Workforce Rewards - Salary Basis
High Performer Salary Change Percentage Provides Salary Change percentages for High performers. HCM - Workforce Rewards - Salary Basis
Low Performer Salary Change Percentage Provides Salary Change Percentage for Low Performers. HCM - Workforce Rewards - Salary Basis
New Hire Salary Cost Provides Salary amount of a new hire worker. HCM - Workforce Rewards - Salary Basis
Workforce Salary Distribution Provides salary distribution for Workers. HCM - Workforce Rewards - Salary Basis
Workforce With Salary Amount - Below Range Provides count of workers with Salary Amount below Maximum value of salary Range (Quartile = Below Range). HCM - Workforce Rewards - Salary Basis
Workforce With Salary Amount- Above Salary Range Provides count of workers with Salary Amount above Maximum value of salary Range (Quartile = Above Range). HCM - Workforce Rewards - Salary Basis


Business Metric Name Business Metric Description Related Subject Areas
Incomplete Performance Appraisals Provides a count of  incomplete performance appraisal documents. HCM - Performance Management
High Performers Provides the percentage of workers that have been rated high in the performance appraisal. HCM - Performance Management
Delayed performance tasks Provides a list of performance tasks that are delayed beyond the due date but eventually completed. HCM - Performance Management
Performance Rating Distribution Provides the performance ratings actual distribution by various rating levels. HCM - Performance Management
Workers with performance goals but not completed Provides a percentage of workers who have an incomplete performance goal. HCM - Performance Management
Performance goals completion Provides the Percentage of workers with completed goals. HCM - Performance Management
Workers with long pending development goals Provides the percentage of workers whose development goals are incomplete HCM - Performance Management
Percentage of workers by next career move timing Provides the percentage of workers based on their preference of next career move timings HCM - Talent Profile
Percentage of Workers with Active Profiles Provides the percentage of workers that have active profiles HCM - Talent Profile
Number of Workers with improved performance ratings Provides a count of workers that had a performance rating improvement in the talent review meeting HCM - Talent Review Meetings
Number of Workers with reduced risk of loss ratings Provides a count of workers that had a rating change in risk of loss in the talent review meeting HCM - Talent Review Meetings
Number of High Risk of Loss Workers Terminated within 1 year of Talent Review Meeting Provides the count of workers rated as high risk of loss in the talent review meeting that terminated within 1 year of Talent Review Meeting HCM - Talent Review Meetings
Number of Workers with reduced impact of loss ratings Provides a count of workers that had a rating change in impact of loss in the talent review meeting HCM - Talent Review Meetings
Number of Workers with improved potential ratings Provides a count of workers that had a potential rating improvement in the talent review meeting HCM - Talent Review Meetings
Number of Low Risk of Loss Workers Terminated within 1 year of Talent Review Meeting Provides the count of workers that terminated within 1 year of Talent Review Meeting HCM - Talent Review Meetings
Number of Low Performers Terminated within 1 year of Talent Review Meeting Provides the count of workers rated as low performers in the talent review meeting that terminated within 1 year of Talent Review Meeting HCM - Talent Review Meetings
Number of High Performers Terminated within 1 year of Talent Review Meeting Provides the count of workers rated as high performers in the talent review meeting that terminated within 1 year of Talent Review Meeting HCM - Talent Review Meetings
Top Talent at High Risk of Loss Provides the count of workers rated as high performers and high potential in the talent review meeting that are at high risk of loss HCM - Talent Review Meetings
High Risk of Loss Incumbent Plans Success Count Count of succession plans in which one or more incumbents were at high risk of loss and the candidate replaced them HCM - Succession Management
Incumbents replaced by high risk candidates Count of Succession Plans in which the candidates with high risk of loss replaced the incumbents HCM - Succession Management
Percentage of External candidates Percentage of external candidates versus total candidates in a succession plan HCM - Succession Management
Succession Plan Success Count Count of plans in which the candidate was chosen to fill the incumbent/job/position and the plan was closed HCM - Succession Management
Percentage of Internal candidates Succession Percentage of internal candidates versus total candidates in a succession plan HCM - Succession Management
Percentage of High Risk Incumbents Percentage of incumbents that are rated high risk of loss HCM - Succession Management
Percentage of High Impact Incumbents Percentage of incumbents that are rated high impact of loss HCM - Succession Management

Workforce Compensation

Business Metric Name Business Metric Description Related Subject Areas
Average Allocation Percentage Provides the average percentage of the amount allocated to a worker. HCM - Workforce Rewards - Workforce Compensation
Compensation Variance Provides the variance amount of the allocated amount from the target compensation amount for a worker. HCM - Workforce Rewards - Workforce Compensation
Compensation Amount Provides the amount allocated to a worker. HCM - Workforce Rewards - Workforce Compensation



A dashboard is a top-level object for executive consumption containing multiple business metrics. Each dashboard typically contains as many as 8 composite visualizations that present an aggregated value for the business metric, a supplemental visualization, and with a drill down capability to data visualization content.

To access prebuilt data visualizations, go to Shared Folders, click Oracle, click Fusion HCM, and then click Overview Dashboards. All prebuilt decks are migrated to workbooks in Oracle Analytics Cloud, and you can find these in the Overview Dashboards folder, located within the parent application folder.


Workbooks have replaced decks and visualizations have replaced cards in release 24R1.

Prebuilt Dashboards

Dashboard Name Dashboard Description
Workforce Management Provides an overview of various business metrics related to headcount, assignment events, diversity, and compensation.
Talent Acquisition Provides an overview of various business metrics related to talent acquisition like hires, time to fill job openings, diversity in offers extended and requisition per recruiter.