Create the Project Plan

As a project manager, create the project plan with clearly defined project milestones.

Communicate these milestones to the implementation team to enable the team to understand and plan for interdependencies of external IT systems within the organization landscape. Ensure that each of the milestones have a clear breakdown of tasks. Map the activities to specific resource ownership to effectively track the execution and progress of implementation activities.

Align the project implementation plan activities with the phased approach tasks. See Phased Approach. Ensure that the project timelines include additional time to cover pipeline activations, initial data loads, and any issues found. Plan for contingencies during the testing cycles and go-live preparation.

You may choose to create plans for quick or standard implementations based on your business requirements. Quick implementation is limited in scope, users, and may not involve customizations whereas a standard implementation goes through the entire implementation lifecycle.

❇ Quick Implementation Plan

The following table explains the initial phase of a quick implementation plan:
Category Task
Order and Activation
Ordering tasks in this category are:
  1. Create a draft order with Oracle Sales.
  2. If no Universal Credits (UCC) subscription exists in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications cloud account, then add a Pay-as-you-Go (PAYGO) UCC subscription to the order.
  3. Add Fusion Data Intelligence to the order.
  4. Place the order.
  5. Watch for welcome emails to the administrator's email address.
Activation tasks in this category are:
  1. Verify the prerequisites for order activation.
  2. If you ordered PAYGO UCC:
    1. Activate it first into the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications cloud account.
    2. Wait until you receive an activation confirmation email for UCC.
  3. Activate Fusion Data Intelligence into the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications cloud account.
Development and Production Environments
Common tasks for both environments are:
  1. Synchronize Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications users and roles and enable single sign-on.
  2. Create a Fusion Data Intelligence instance.
  3. Configure pipeline settings and activate the initial application functional area pipeline. Wait for the pipeline to complete.
  4. Configure initial reporting configurations.
  5. Configure initial security.
    1. Assign initial Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications business users to the license groups.
    2. Create user credentials for the partner and Oracle resources.
    3. Assign internal, partner, and Oracle resources to system groups.
    4. Assign initial business users to appropriate security context values from the initial security context.
  6. Validate the prebuilt functional area.
    1. Validate the analytic content.
    2. Validate the data content.
    3. Validate content and data security assignments.
Development Environment Tasks in this category are:
  1. Perform user acceptance testing (UAT).
  2. Perform user training.
  3. Develop support procedures.
Production Environment Tasks in this category are:
  1. Have initial business users perform sanity checks on the initial content and data.
  2. Roll out to the remaining business users.

Standard Implementation Plan

The following table explains the standard implementation plan:
Category Task
Order and Activation Tasks in this category are:
  1. Place the order.
  2. Verify the prerequisites for order activation.
  3. Activate the order.
Development Tasks in this category are:
  1. Verify the prerequisites for the Fusion Data Intelligence applications.
  2. Synchronize the identity service and enable single sign-on.
  3. Create a development instance.
  4. Set up pipeline and reporting configurations.
  5. Activate the data pipelines.
  6. Set up the security assignments for the ready-to-use content.
Non-production Testing Tasks in this category are:
  1. Conduct user testing on the subject areas and metrics.
  2. Conduct user testing on the prebuilt reports.
  3. Create reports.
  4. Document the testing feedback.
  5. Create and configure the additional testing instance (if purchased).
  6. Secure user acceptance testing sign off.
  7. Sign off for production connection.
Production Tasks in this category are:
  1. Upgrade the development instance to the latest application release level.
  2. Synchronize the identity service and enable single sign-on.
  3. Create a production instance.
  4. Set up pipeline and reporting configurations.
  5. Activate the data pipelines.
  6. Set up the security assignments for the ready-to-use content.
  7. Complete the pre-go-live activities.
  8. Roll out to business users.
  9. Complete the post go live activities.

This task requires a project manager.

Use the checklist to confirm that the action items are planned for. See Create the Project Plan Checklist.