About Key Metrics

Key metrics are a logical relationship of a measure and the semantics of that measure to create a key performance indicator (KPI) in a dataset or subject area.

Key metrics are associated with and follow the dataset or subject area so they're available to all users of that data. You can apply key metric expressions to the reference columns in a dataset or single subject area. You can drag and drop measures from the Data Panel to the calculation area to build the key metric, and add related columns of measures, dimensions, or attributes based on the key metric to glean details about the key metric itself. When you apply a key metric, it behaves just like any other measure.

Key metrics provide useful insights to your data that dynamically update as the data changes. By using key metrics, you can study details around KPIs to more definitively determine how to adjust business practices and achieve your business goals.

When you add conditional formatting to key metrics, you can visually highlight the changes in your measures in your analytic visualizations. You can apply conditional formatting to any columns within the key metric, or you can apply conditional formatting to the dataset or subject area the key metric is attached to. If you have a group of related subject areas, each subject area can have its own set of key metrics. Because the conditional formatting is applied to the key metric itself, you always see consistent and up-to-date visualizations of your business goals.

You can search for key metrics just like subject area measures or columns, however you can't search for the related columns key metrics.

Key Metrics Limitations

  • Key metrics can include other key metrics in expressions when they're within the same top-level key metric. For example, a related column can refer to the top-level key metric, and the top-level key metric can refer to the child metric, but they can't rely on each other to provide the data.
  • Key metrics are secured at the dataset level. For subject areas, key metrics are secured at the same level as the column level as defined in the RPD.
  • Key metrics aren't attached to a workbook and can't use workbook calculations.
  • Key metrics converted from existing KPIs don't have the following attributes:
    • Owner
    • Tags
    • Target goals
    • Trend goals
    • Data blending
    • Diff view
    • Site-level personalization of KPIs