Use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) web services to integrate different applications within the enterprise or expose business functions to Oracle Cloud partners and customers.

SOAP helps you submit various XML requests to extract desired data. You can run data extraction and schedule jobs using SOAP web services.Access SOAP API


Before you schedule extracts, here’s how you can access SOAP API and submit SOAP requests.

  1. WSDL Server URL : For all supported operations, use

  2. SOAP Requests: To submit SOAP requests, use

Global Extract with Given Data Stores

Let’s learn how to use the ESS web service to schedule a job for running the BI cloud extracts.

ESS web service is a SOAP web service that provides operations to submit requests and request status for the submitted jobs. Here’s what you need to do to schedule an extract:

  • Configure the data stores in BICC console.

  • Create global extract for specified data stores.

SOAP Headers Procedure
  • Add username token for authentication with username and password.

  • Add timestamp token with ‘created’ and ‘expires’ for the message time validation.

SOAP Body Provide details for the following attributes in the SOAP Body.
  • Job Name: BICloudConnectorJobDefinition

  • Package: oracle.apps.ess.biccc


  • Start Time: Provide start time in sch:requestedStartTime. If left null, the extract process will start immediately.

  • sch:application: oracle.biacm (hosting application)

  • Request Parameters

    1. SYS_className:oracle.esshost.impl.CloudAdaptorJobImpl (Classname in the hosting app running the job)

    2. EXTRACT_TYPE: Job Type of the extract. Valid values are VO_EXTRACT (Cloud Data Extract)/PRIMARY_KEY_EXTRACT (Deleted Records Extract)/VO_AND_PK_EXTRACT (Cloud Data and Deleted Records extract)

    3. Sys_application:BI Cloud Adaptor

    4. DATA_STORE_LIST: Comma separated list of data stores for which the extract will be run. If you don’t provide this list, the extracts will be run for the global data store list enabled in BICCC.

  • Optional Preferences: You can specify the following optional preferences. You can specify data type as STRING for all the parameters.

    1. STARTED_NOTIFICATION - Send notification email when the extract begins? (true/false)

    2. SUCCESS_NOTIFICATION - Send notification email when the extract succeeds? (true/false)

    3. FAILURE_NOTIFICATION - Send notification email when the extract fails? (true/false)

    4. MAIL_TO_ADDRESSES – Provide comma separated list of email addresses to send the notifications emails.

    5. FILE_EXPIRY_DAYS - Number of days after which the uploaded files will be expired.

    6. FILE_SPLIT_SIZE - Split size (GB) for the extract files.

    7. EXTRACT_COMPRESS_TYPE - Compression type for the files (zip/gzip)

Sample Request (submitRequest)

        <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1"
            <wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="TS-A2DF758C7B92C0123015204688873404">
            <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-A2DF758C7B92C0123015204688787403">
                <wsse:Password Type="">xxxxxxx</wsse:Password>
                <wsse:Nonce EncodingType="">yPFbN92Ojg6qYmGZHuKZSQ==</wsse:Nonce>
            <sch:description>Test ESS Web Service</sch:description>
                <!--0 to 1000 repetitions:-->
                    <typ:value>BI Cloud Adaptor</typ:value>

Sample Response (submitRequest) - Returns an ESS Job Id


SOAP Request to Get the Job State (getRequestState)

Pass the Request ID from the submitted job.

Sample Request

            xmlns:wsu="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
            <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-096D9A2FA5EEE63DC514744911304045">
                <wsse:Password Type="">xxxxxx</wsse:Password>
                <wsse:Nonce EncodingType="">96M4RBdl+afFA6MUufbbAQ==</wsse:Nonce>

Sample Response - Returns the Job State


SOAP Request to Get the Request Detail (getRequestDetail)

Pass the Request ID from the submitted job.

Sample Request

        <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1"
            <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-096D9A2FA5EEE63DC514744918990386">
                <wsse:Password Type="">xxxxxx</wsse:Password>
                <wsse:Nonce EncodingType="">5WwwW1fii5/6DKpgBafreQ==</wsse:Nonce>

Sample Response - Returns the Job Definition and Status

                <ns2:cause>Request in non-terminal state</ns2:cause>

Schedule a Job

Let’s look at how to submit schedules for existing jobs using ESS request. You can get the job Id from the Manage Jobs page.

SOAP Headers Procedure
  • Click the Auth tab to provide authentication information for accessing the web service.

  • Enter the username and password.

SOAP Body Provide details for the following attributes in the SOAP Body.
  • Job Name: BICloudConnectorJobDefinition

  • Package: oracle.apps.ess.biccc


  • Start Time: Provide start time in sch:requestedStartTime. If left null, the extract process will start immediately.

  • sch:application: oracle.biacm (hosting application)

  • Request Parameters.

    1. SYS_className:oracle.esshost.impl.CloudAdaptorJobImpl (Classname in the hosting app running the job)

    2. SYS_requestCategory: JobSchedule (Identifies as a schedule for a Job definition)

    3. EXTRACT_JOB_TYPE: Job Type of the extract. Valid values are VO_EXTRACT (Application Data Extract)/PRIMARY_KEY_EXTRACT Active Primary Key Extract)/VO_AND_PK_EXTRACT (Application Data and Active Primary Key extract)

    4. EXTERNAL_STORAGE_LIST: External Storages to upload the files to. You can obtain the external storage names from the BICCC UI ->Configure External Storage. You can upload files to a maximum of two external storages.

    5. JOB_ID: Job Id for which the schedule is being created.

    6. Optional Preferences: You can specify the following optional preferences. You can specify data type as STRING for all the parameters.

    7. STARTED_NOTIFICATION - Send notification email when the extract begins? (true/false).

    8. SUCCESS_NOTIFICATION – Send notification email when the extract succeeds? (true/false).

    9. FAILURE_NOTIFICATION - Should notification email be sent when the extract failed? (true/false).

    10. MAIL_TO_ADDRESSES - Comma seperated list of email addresses to whom the notification should be sent.

    11. FILE_EXPIRY_DAYS - Number of days after which the uploaded files will be expired.

    12. FILE_SPLIT_SIZE - Split size (GB) for the extract files.

    13. EXTRACT_COMPRESS_TYPE - Compression type for the files (zip/gzip).

    14. EXTERNAL_STORAGE_FILE_NAME_PREFIX - Uploaded file name prefix support for OCI Object Storage.

    15. Sys_application:BI Cloud Adaptor.

Sample Request

                       <sch:description>job schedule test 1</sch:description>
                         <!--0 to 1000 repetitions:-->
                        <typ:value>BI Cloud Adaptor</typ:value>


If the ESS web service fails and displays the error message "Security Token Is Not Valid", verify that the timestamp in the SOAP header is valid and hasn’t expired. If expired, generate a new timestamp and resubmit the request.

<wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="TS-A2DF758C7B92C0123015204688873404">