Impersonation Audit

Users can temporarily designate other users to impersonate their profiles and perform application tasks on their behalf. Impersonation auditing is active even when auditing is disabled for an application.

At run time, the audit setup tracks and stores information about attributes, even when auditing isn't enabled for the attributes. Impersonation auditing is enabled by default so that all actions performed by the impersonator are audited. Therefore, while viewing audit history, users can retrieve the audited information, filtered by an impersonated user.

However, impersonation auditing is limited in scope and applies only to the business objects in the Manage Audit Policies task. While impersonation auditing is enabled, updates are permitted only to the business objects in the Manage Audit Policies task. The impersonator can't update business objects in other tasks. If updates to business objects in other tasks are required, the impersonation auditing must be disabled.

Caution: If impersonation auditing is disabled, impersonation information won't be audited. The activities are audited as if the actual user performed them.

Impersonation auditing is controlled through the Audit Impersonation Transaction Enabled profile option. By default it's enabled. To disable it, set the profile value to No.