Configure Channels

You can use your digital assistant in various channels, such as Oracle Web, Twilio, and Microsoft Teams. You can configure these channels to associate them with your digital assistant.

This table lists the different skills and the supported channels.



Channels Supported


You use this skill to do your day-to-day expenses-related tasks.

  • Oracle Web

  • Microsoft Teams

  • Twilio SMS

Project Time Entry

You use this skill to record your project-based time entries and submit time cards.

  • Microsoft Teams

  • Twilio SMS

Project Management

You use this skill to do your project management activities, such as view and update tasks, deliverables, issues, and action items. You can also check the project progress and financial status.

  • Microsoft Teams

  • Twilio SMS

CX Sales

You use this skill to do your day-to-day sales-related tasks.

  • Microsoft Teams

Internal Candidate Experience

You use this skill to help your employees to search for jobs, check their application status, and withdraw their application.

  • Oracle Web

  • Microsoft Teams

  • Twilio SMS


You use this skill to help your recruiters and the hiring team to check requisition status and candidate status and review any pending offers.

  • Oracle Web

  • Microsoft Teams

  • Twilio SMS


You use this skill to initiate manager self-service transactions and to clarify your employment-related questions.

  • Oracle Web

HCM Knowledge You use this skill to support user queries on knowledge base content available to Classic HR Help Desk customers.
  • Oracle Web

Candidate Experience V2 You use this skill to search for jobs, check their application status, and withdraw their application.
  • Oracle Web

Help Desk

You use this skill to clarify the queries of your employees.

  • Oracle Web

Configure Oracle Web Channel

You can use the Oracle Digital Assistant application to configure Oracle Web channel.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Digital Assistant.

  2. Click Navigator > Development > Channels.

  3. Click Add Channel.

  4. In the Create Channel dialog box, do these tasks:

    1. Enter the name and description of your channel.

    2. From the Channel Type list, select Oracle Web.

    3. In the Allowed Domains field, enter * or the URL of your application.

      Note: Enter an asterisk to allow unrestricted access to the channel from any domain. If you want the channel to communicate only with specific sites, you can enter one or more domains as a comma-separated list.
    4. Turn off Client Authentication Enabled option for unrestricted access.

    5. Optionally, set the availability duration for the Oracle Web channel. The default value is 1440 minutes.

      You use the Session Expiration field to set the timeout for inactive user sessions. The default value is one day (1440 minutes). When the session expires, the conversation is terminated, and a message is sent to notify the user.

    6. Click Create.

  5. To associate this channel with FADigitalAssistant, click the Route To drop-down list, search, and select the latest version of FADigitalAssistant.

  6. Turn on Channel Enabled and click Reset Sessions.

  7. Copy the channel ID or make a note of it.

    You will need this channel ID while enabling your digital assistant.

Configure Digital Assistant to Work with Oracle Web Channel

After you configured the Oracle Web channel, set up the digital assistant to work with the Oracle Web channel and add the digital assistant in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications. You can also enable attachment sharing for your users. After you enable it, users can share attachments, such as images, while interacting with the digital assistants.
  1. Enable the digital assistant for Fusion Applications.

    1. Sign in to Fusion Applications.

    2. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance.

    3. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task:
      • Offering: Sales
      • Functional Area: Sales Foundations
    4. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for and select the profile option - Profile option to enable digital assistant (FA_ENABLE_DIGITAL_ASSISTANT).

    5. In the FA_ENABLE_DIGITAL_ASSISTANT: Profile Values section, click the New icon.

    6. From the Profile Level list, select Site.

    7. In the Profile Value field, enter Y.

    8. Click Save and Close.

  2. Add the digital assistant to Fusion Applications.

    1. Activate a sandbox that has the HCM Experience Design Studio tool in it.

    2. On the Tools menu, select HCM Experience Design Studio.

    3. On the HCM Experience Design Studio page, click Digital Assistant Configuration tab.

    4. In the Network Configuration section, enter values in these fields.

      This image displays the HCM Experience Design Studio
      • In the Server URL of the ODA Instance field, enter the server URL of your digital assistant instance where the Oracle Web channel is configured. For example,

        Note: When you enter the server ODA URL, make sure it doesn't contain https:// or a trailing slash.
      • In the Web Channel ID field, enter the web channel ID, which you got when you configured Oracle Web channel for your digital assistant.

        Note: When you enter the web channel ID, make sure it doesn't contain any spaces.
    5. In the Features and Functionality Configuration section, specify other web channel preferences, such as enable attachment sharing.

      This table describes the various features and functionality configurations available for the digital assistant.

      Features and Functionality Configuration


      Display action buttons as pills

      Select this check box to display the action buttons as pill buttons outside the message bubble.

      Share attachment in chat window

      Select this check box to share the attachment in a chat window.
      Note: As standard features, you can share attachments only for the Expenses and Help Desk skills. For other skills, you need to design a custom task to share attachments.
      Bot responses in audio

      Select this check box to enable the skill's utterances to be read aloud using the web speech synthesis API.

      Show clear message button on chat window header

      Select this check box to display the Clear Message button in the chat widget header.

      Open chat window when page is loaded

      Select this check box to open the chat widget when the application is loaded.

      Displays chat bubble icon when user is waiting for the bot to respond

      Select this check box to display an animated chat bubble icon in the conversation pane when waiting for a response.

      Time stamp mode
      Select this check box to display the date and time as absolute or relative on each conversation.
      • The absolute value displays the exact time of the conversation.
      • The relative value displays the number of moments, minutes, hours, days, months, or years ago the previous message was received. For example, '5 seconds ago' or ‘3 minutes ago’.
      Auto play audio

      Select this check box to enable the skill's utterances to be read aloud as they're received using the web speech synthesis API.

      Auto play video Select this check box to enable video autoplay.
      Enable speech

      Select this check box to enable the voice recognition service so that the user can converse with the skill using voice messages. The voice input gets converted to text messages.

      Enable speech auto send Select this check box to enable the user's speech response to be automatically sent to the chat server (and displayed as a sent message in the chat widget). When this option is deselected, the user's speech response is rendered in the message text field before it's sent to the chat server so that the user can modify it before sending it manually or deleting the message.
      Enable auto suggestions
      Select this check box to give users autocomplete suggestions for building their utterances and selecting the appropriate entity values. Autocomplete suggestions must be included in the skill's intents. When a user types a character into the chat input field, the autocomplete suggestions for the intents then show up in a dialog box to suggest the proper format, thereby reducing user errors.
      Note: The autocomplete suggestions for an intent must not be a comprehensive word dictionary, but they give better guidance to the user.

      Enable launch button dragging

      Select this check box to enable users to drag the Launch button out of the way when it's blocking content on the web page. This feature also works for Android and iOS Safari browsers.
      Note: For Redwood applications, this check box isn't available.
      Enable local conversation history Select this check box to enable loading the previous conversation linked with a given user Id in a browser after the widget is initialized.
      Initialize bot audio muted
      Select this check box to initialize the skill message utterance in muted mode.
      Note: This check box is applicable only when the Bot responses in audio check box are selected.
      Open links in new window

      Select this check box to override the user's browser preference by opening links in a new window. This setting applies to all links present in the conversation, including action buttons, fallback links for attachments, and card links. It’s not recommended for Fusion Applications deep links.

      Disable previous action buttons to prevent users from selecting them again Select Yes from the drop-down list to disable action buttons in a skill message after the user has used it.
      Message automatically sent to bot to initiate the conversation

      Enter a message to be automatically sent to the bot to initiate the conversation.

      Available locale Enter the language that will be used in the chat widget's multilingual skills.
      Default locale Enter the default language for the widget's text strings. The locale given during initialization takes precedence over the browser locales of the users. If there isn’t an exact match, the closest language will be displayed. For example, if the locale is 'da-dk' but only 'da' translations are available, the 'da' translation is used. In the absence of translations for the given locale, translations for the browser locales are searched and applied. If none of them have translations, the default locale, 'en,' is used for translations.
      End conversation Select this check box to add a Close button to the chat header that allows the user to end the current conversation session. Clicking the Close button disconnects the instance from the skill, closes the chat widget, and deletes the conversation history of the current user.
    6. Click Save and Close.

    7. Test the configuration in the chat window and publish your sandbox.

Configure Microsoft Teams Channel

You can configure a Microsoft Teams channel so that your users can chat with the digital assistant in Microsoft Teams. But before you start, create an app using App Studio in Microsoft Teams, and add a bot to the app.

Here's how you can configure Microsoft Teams channel.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Digital Assistant.

  2. Click Navigator > Development > Channels.

  3. Click Channel.

  4. In the Create Channel dialog box, do these tasks:

    1. Enter the name and description of your channel.

    2. From the Channel Type list, select Microsoft Teams.

    3. Enter the Microsoft application ID and password.

      Note: You get the ID and password after you add an app in Microsoft Teams.
    4. Optionally, set the availability duration for the Microsoft Teams channel. The default value is 60 minutes.

  5. Click Create.

  6. To associate this channel with FADigitalAssistant, click the drop-down button for the Route To list, search for the latest version of FADigitalAssistant, and select it.

  7. Turn on Channel Enabled and click Reset Session.

  8. Copy the Webhook URL or make a note of it.

    You need this URL while configuring Webhook URL for Microsoft Teams.

Note: After you create the Microsoft Teams channel, you must configure Webhook URL for Microsoft Teams, enable apps in your Office 365 tenant, and test your assistant in Microsoft Teams. For more information about configuring Microsoft Teams channel, see Microsoft Teams.

Configure Twilio SMS Channel

Before you configure the Twilio SMS channel, make sure that you have a Twilio account. You must make a note of the account SID, authentication token, and phone number from your Twilio account.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Digital Assistant.

  2. Click Navigator > Development > Channels.

  3. Click Channel.

  4. In the Create Channel dialog box, do these tasks:

    1. Enter the name and description of your channel.

    2. From the Channel Type list, select Twilio SMS.

    3. Specify your account SID, authentication token, and phone number.

    4. Click Create.

  5. To associate this channel with FADigitalAssistant, click the drop-down button for the Route To list, search for the latest version of FADigitalAssistant, and select it.

  6. Copy the Webhook URL or make a note of it.

    You need this URL while configuring Webhook URL for Twilio SMS.

  7. Sign in to Twilio application.

  8. Click Navigator > Phone Numbers > Active Numbers.

  9. On the Active Numbers page, click a Twilio number.

    Note: You must have the Twilio phone number. When you buy the Twilio account, you receive the phone number.
  10. Click the Configure tab.

  11. In the A Message Comes In field in the Messaging section, paste the webhook URL.

  12. Click Save.