Add a Datastore for an Offering

You can add a data store and specify its details for an offering.

  1. On the Data Stores for Offering page, click the Add button.

  2. On the Data Store Settings page, enter these details to specify a new data store for the selected offering.

    Field Name How to Use
    Data Store Key Enter a key for the data store. This is a mandatory field and is used in the validation process.
    Query Filter Enter a filter to restrict the returned data when you run the query. All column references should follow the format underscore ( _ )underscore ( _ ) DATASTORE underscore ( _ ) underscore ( _ )dot(.)>BI VO Column Name>, for example select __DATASTORE__.ViewApplicationId=0 where ViewApplicationId is the column name in the BI VO and of data type number. Similarly, to filter results based on timestamp, you can follow the format __DATASTORE__.CostDistributionLinesEOLastUpdateDate >= TIMESTAMP '2019-01-15 07:45:00' where the results are filtered as per the given parameter TIMESTAMP '2019-01-15 07:45:00'. You can use the appropriate operators such as = or >= to get the expected results.
    If you don't enter Query Filter, the field displays "(none)" after you save the details.
    Note: Filters up to 4,000 characters are supported.
    Data Store Options
    • Silent Error: When selected, errors on a data store that occur during the extract are ignored. Deselect it if you want to display the errors during the extract process.
      Note: The last extract date is set on a datastore only when a datastore extract is successful. When Silent Error is enabled and if the scheduled BICC extract fails, the files already extracted for the data stores where extraction was successful are preserved in spite of the extraction failure of other data stores marked with silent error. But if this option is not selected and the extract fails, the already extracted files are removed for all data stores.
    • Disable Effective date filter: Select this option to extract all historical records, and not use the date filter. Note that console allows setting this option on all datastores and is not restricted to effective dated datastore. So, set this option only after confirming the nature of the data.
    • Extract Data Store Metadata: This option is selected by default. When selected, this option generates an .mdcsv file with the data extract.
    • Use UNION ALL for incremental extract: Enable this if you schedule incremental extracts.
  3. In the Associate Offerings section, from the Available Offerings list, select the offerings you want to associate with the data store. Click the Move button to move the selected items to the Selected Offerings list.
    Tip: You may double-click an offering in the Available Offerings list to move it to the Selected Offerings list. Double-click an offering in the Selected Offerings list to reverse the selection.
  4. Click Save. The details of the newly added data store appear.

    To modify details of the newly added data store, click Edit Data Store Details. To define columns for extraction, click Select Columns. The column definitions are retrieved from the BI repository.

For more information, refer to the topic Preview and Edit a Data Store for an Offering.