Add a Job

You can create jobs, specify and manage their data stores, and schedule and run them using refresh metadata at the job level, isolating them from global refresh dates and allowing for overlapping extracts of the same data stores.

  1. Click the Manage Jobs panel tab and click the Manage Jobs link.

  2. On the Manage Jobs page, click the Add button.

  3. On the Add Jobs page, enter these details to create a new job and manage its refresh metadata.

    Field Name How to Use
    Name Enter the name of the job.
    Description Enter a description of the job.
    Offerings From the list, select the offering that contains the data stores you want to include in the job.
    Enabled for Extract Select the check box for the data store that you want to enable for extract.
  4. Click Save. The job is added and the page navigates to the Manage Jobs page.

If you want to modify the job details, click the job name. The Job Details page appears where you can do the following:
  • To edit details of the job, click the Edit button. On the Edit Job page, you can modify the job details. For more information on modifying the job details, refer to the topic Manage Job Data Stores.

  • To modify the data store details, click the data store name. You are taken to the page where you can modify the data store details. For more information on modifying the data store details, refer to the topic Preview and Edit Job Data Stores.

Manage Jobs

Jobs allow you to extract data from Oracle Applications Cloud to support multiple downstream integrations. All data stores' metadata is managed at the job level. Different jobs may be used for different requirements, and run on whatever schedule is needed, including running different jobs with the same data stores running at the same time.

You can use different frequencies and columns in your jobs. For example, you a Payroll Manager might run a monthly job on a larger set of columns, while a payroll team member might run a more limited weekly extract. If there's a single downstream target for the extracted data, use Manage Extract Schedules.

In this example, there are four columns, A, B, C, and D. The monthly job extracts B, C, and D, while the weekly job extracts A and B. This can be done in two ways, with different query impacts on Oracle Applications Cloud that should be considered when planning jobs. It's important to consider the costs of multiple extacts on Oracle Applications Cloud.
  • You can extract all four columns every time and split the extracted data in the destination system without impacting Oracle Applications Cloud transactional processing.
  • If your destination system doesn't have the ability to split the data into sets of B, C, and D and A and B, then you can create two different jobs, one for each case. This approach causes two queries on Oracle Applications Cloud.

Use these options to manage the jobs you add:

Field Name How to Use
Jobs list View the extract jobs that are available for extraction. Click a job link to view the job definition and configure its data stores.
View > Columns Select columns to be displayed in the Jobs list.
View > Detach Pop out the section of the dialog box so you can see more data.
View > Reorder Columns Change the display order of the columns in the Jobs list.
View > Query By Example Enter the first few letters of the search string and press Enter.

Specify a name, description for the job, and data stores. The data store metadata definitions are copied to the new job definition.

If the data stores have been modified at the global level, the modified versions of the metadata are picked.

Delete Delete the currently selected job.
Refresh Refreshes the Jobs list.
Detach Pops out the table into a separate dialog box to provide better view of the contents.
Query By Example A shortcut button for the same feature that's available in View > Query By Example.
Actions > Copy Copy the selected job definition. Schedules for the job aren’t copied.
Actions > Reset to Full Extract Reset the last extract date so that a full data load is performed at the next load for all data stores/VOs selected for the job, instead of an incremental load.
Actions > Reset Last Extract Date

Rest the last extract date for all the data stores within the job.

Actions > Manage Initial Extract Date Specify the initial extract date for all the data stores in the job that have at least one creation date column.
Actions > Manage Batch Mode Preferences Specify whether to run the job in batch mode. By default, all data stores defined in a job definition have the Silent Error flag enabled. To turn off the Silent Error flag for all job data stores, set the job to batch mode.
Actions > Manage Extract Mode Select BI Broker extract mode to apply it to the job. This changes the extract mode of all the data stores in the job.
Note: When you change a job to BI Broker mode, all of its data stores use that mode. This allows you to set the mode for multiple data stores, but BICC won't validate the mode using this option. The implementer has to validate the status after the job is updated. BI Broker mode doesn't support all data stores. It's strongly recommended that you set the mode at the the data store level and test before implementing the mode for all data stores in a job.

Manage Job Schedules

Use these options to view and manage your job schedules:

Field Name How to Use
Search Use the Job list to filter for specific jobs and the Submission Time After field to decrease the submission time window displayed in the Schedules and Schedule Requests lists. The schedules for the last 24 hours are displayed by default.
Schedules list This list shows currently defined schedules. Use the Add option to set up a one-time or recurring data extract job schedules. Use the Edit option to update the details of the currently selected schedule. To delete a schedule, cancel it and then use the Delete option to delete it.
Schedule Requests This list shows the details of data extract processes for the Schedule that's currently selected in the Schedules list. A row in this table corresponds to an ESS request. For a recurring schedule, there will be multiple rows. For each row, you can click the State of the request to download the ESS log. Select the View All Runs checkbox to view all the ESS requests corresponding to the schedule.

Use the Delete option to delete the details of the currently selected request. If you delete a schedule job from this list, then this doesn't remove the BI Cloud data that's been extracted and loaded by that job
