Create a New or Edit an Existing Data Extract Schedule

In the Manage Extract Schedules dialog, click Add or Edit to create a new Cloud data extract or edit an existing one. For example, you might want to extract data from your Cloud data source once per day at midnight.

For a once-only data extract, use the Simple option in the Recurrence list. You can only create a schedule if there isn't an active schedule for the selected job type (for example, Cloud Data Extract, Deleted Record Extract, or Data and Delete Record Extract). Click Next to specify the data stores for extract for an offering in the Data Store List page.

Schedule Details

Field Name or Option How to Use
Job Type

To extract data, select Application Data Extract. Application Data Extract supports incremental extracts after the last successful extract. To manage deleted records, select Active Primary Key Extract, which extracts all primary key values to identify deleted records. To combine both Application Data Extract and Primary Key Extract into one job, select Application Data and Active Primary Key Extract.

To purge expired files from Universal Content Management (UCM), select Delete Expired UCM Files. When a file is extracted and uploaded to UCM, it has a default expiration of 90 days. Expired files are soft deleted from UCM and may eventually require purging to preserve space. The job deletes only expired files from the OBIAImport security group.

Ensure you don’t use UCM as a repository to archive all the extracts. If you don’t delete the files periodically, the UCM storage can experience space management issues. Deleting files over longer period does not scale in UCM.

You must have a workflow to purge the files in UCM after you’ve downloaded them. You can use BICC job Delete Expired UCM Files for this action.

To delete all of the files uploaded to one or more selected external storages, select Delete Files in Storage. For a storage service, this job deletes all files from the container associated with the external storage. For UCM, it deletes all file uploaded to the OBIAImport security group.

Name Specify a short name to identify the schedule in the Schedules list.
Description Specify a brief description to identify the schedule, which is only displayed on the Edit Schedule dialog.
Global Data Store List Accept the default of No to select data stores for extraction. Select Yes to use the Global Data Store.
Recurrence Specify how often you want the extract to be performed. To create a once-only data extract, select Simple.
Hourly Interval

Specify the number of hours to perform hourly interval extracts by (if you select Hourly in the Recurrence list).

Use hourly extracts with caution. The total extract time depends on the selected datastore design and must be tested by the implementer. Hourly extract adds load on Fusion database and is not recommended.

Date and Time Specify the date and time to perform a once-only extract (if you select Simple in the Recurrence list).
Time Specify the time to start an extract, in the format HH:MM:SS AM|PM. For example, 3:00:00 AM.
Day For weekly schedules, select the check box next to each day on which you want to extract data. For Monthly or Yearly extracts, select the day of the month on which you want to extract data.
Month For Yearly (annual) schedules, select the month in which you want to extract data.

Data Store List

Field Name or Option How to Use
Offering Select an offering to extract.
Data Store List Lists the data stores for a selected offering.
Enabled for Extract Select to enable a data store for extract.
Query By Example Filter the displayed results by entering the first few letters of a name.
Detach Pop out the section of the dialog box so you can see more data.

External Storage

For seamless integration, you can configure a schedule to use application-specific storage service containers, allowing you to schedule extracts for multiple integrations.

Note: To optimize the extraction flow and force reuse of the extracted data files across integrations, it’s preferable that separate storage containers be used when there's no overlap on the data stores required for each integration. Runtime metadata, including the last extract date, is managed across all storage locations, so configuring the same data store in multiple schedules with different external storage configurations results in loss of incremental data. If an overlap on the data stores is required, you can enable advanced extract options for extract jobs to upload the same data files to two separate external storage locations. To do this, select the Upload to Multiple External Storage option in the Extract Preferences dialog box.
Field Name or Option How to Use
External Storage

For extracts, select a data store to upload the extract to. By default, you can select one. If the Upload to Multiple External Storage option is selected in your extract preferences, you can select two data stores if an overlap of the data stores is required.

If you’re deleting expired UCM files, the UCM external storage is selected. If you’re deleting files in storage, select one or more from the list of external storages to delete.

Notification Select one of the following options: Use Global Extract Notification to use the global settings defined in the Extract Preferences dialog box; Define Notification to set notifications for the schedule and override the global settings; or None. the notifications you want upon extract start, success, or failure. In the Mail To Addresses, enter email addresses, separated by commas, to which you want notifications sent.
Notify On If you have selected Define Notification for the schedule, select the notifications you want upon extract start, success, or failure.
Mail to Addresses Enter email addresses, separated by commas, to which you want notifications sent.
Use Global File Parameters Select Yes to you use the global file parameter settings defined in the Extract Preferences dialog box. Select No to set parameters for the schedule and override the global settings.
Compression Type Select the type of compression you’d like to use for the schedule.
Split file size (GB) Specify the file size by which extracted CSV files are divided for a single VO for the schedule. The default is 1 GB. You can set the file size from one to five GB.
Uploaded file expiry (Days) Enter the number of days you’d like the extract files to persist for the scheduled extract.