Perform Advanced Extract Configuration

You can set advanced extract configurations when you run full extracts. You can use advanced extract configuration settings when you extract numeric or CLOB data types.

  1. On the Data Store for Offering page, use Actions > Advanced Extract Configuration for a data store to open Advanced Extract Configuration.

  2. In the Advanced Extract Configuration page, you can set advanced extract configurations for a selected data store. For full extracts, you can enable chunking by creation date or by primary key.

Filter and/or Chunk By Creation Date Columns

Field Name How to Use
Initial Extract Date Optionally, specify the initial date from which the full extract should be performed. This option requires selection of the Is Creation Date option for a column or columns in the column list, which represent the Creation Date.
Support chunking Optionally, select By Creation Date to chunk by to specify a number of days by which to extract date range batches or chunks of data. This option requires selection of the Is Creation Date option for a column or columns in the column list, which represent the Creation Date.
Number of Days If you selected to support chunking by creation date, specify the number of days, for example 365, by which to chunk extracts.
Columns View the columns that are available for designation as creation date. Select the Is Creation Date option for the appropriate column.

Chunk By Primary Key Column

Field Name or Option How to Use
Support chunking Support chunking by numeric primary key. This option requires a single numeric primary key column for the data store.
Number of Rows Specify a number of rows to chunk extracts by.

Extract as String

In the Extract as String tab, you can select columns that are of numeric or CLOB data types for conversion. Select the Cast to String checkbox to extract numeric columns with more than 15 digits and CLOB data types. This setting trims the CLOB data to the character string limits supported by VARCHAR datatype. This isn't a data transformation. Data transformations, including data format customizations, aren't supported by BICC.