Considerations for Enabling Social Networking on Objects

You can determine whether information about a business object, such as benefit plans or sales accounts, displays in Oracle Social Network. If you enable an object for sharing, you allow users to collaborate on the object through social networking.

You can choose whether all instances of an object are shared, or only at the user's discretion. You can also choose which attributes are shared, such as names, details, and who made the last update.

In addition to a wide range of predefined objects, you can share:

  • Objects and attributes that you created in Application Composer

  • Fields that you created in descriptive flexfields

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:

  • Functional Area: Application Extensions

  • Task: Manage Oracle Social Network Objects

After you click Enable Object, select one of the following enablement options:

  • Manual

  • Automatic

  • No


If you select this option, which is recommended, you let users decide whether to share each instance of the object with the social network. Once shared, all updates to the enabled attributes of the instance appear on the social network. If the instance is deleted, that information is also shared.

Click Enable All to enable all objects for all applications. Enable All automatically applies the Manual option, which means that the user can choose whether to share an object instance.


With this option, news about all instances of the object appears on the social network, including:

  • Every newly created instance

  • All subsequent updates to the enabled attributes

  • Deletion of any instances


With this option, which is the default value, no news about the object appears on the social network.

Note: When you click Disable Object, the enabled setting of the selected business object is automatically changed to No.

After you enable a business object, you must enable one or more attributes of the object. Only the enabled attributes are shared. The Status column in the Business Objects table indicates which enabled business objects don't yet have an enabled attribute. For these objects, only the following information appear on the social network:

  • Internal bookkeeping information, when creating or updating an instance of the object.

  • News that an instance is deleted.