Define Where and How Users Can Act On Workflow Tasks

For any workflow task, you can prevent users from acting on tasks through email. Or, require them to verify their identity before updating the task outcome. You can also make comments required, optional, or not allowed.

By default, users can act on workflow tasks from email notifications, their worklist, and anywhere else they get to the task. Also, users can add comments while updating the task outcome, for example to explain why they're rejecting something.

Here's more detail about what you can configure for a workflow task:

  • Set it up so that users can act on tasks only when they're in the application, not from emails.

  • Make it required, optional, or not allowed to enter comments when approving or rejecting tasks. For example, you might require comments for auditing or regulatory purposes.

  • Require users to verify their identity before updating the task outcome from the application.

Here's how you go about it:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to Manage Task Configurations in the Application Extensions functional area. Or, depending on your offering, you might use a different functional area or another approval setup task.

  2. In BPM Worklist, on the Task Configuration tab, search for the workflow task in the Tasks to be configured pane.

  3. Select the task from the search results and click the Edit task icon in the toolbar.

  4. Open the Configuration subtab.

  5. If you want users to update tasks only from the application, not from email, select the Perform update outcome only from task form check box in the Approval Pre-conditions section.

  6. To make comments required, optional, or not allowed when users approve or reject tasks, select an option for the Approve and Reject lists. For example, select the Required option for both Approve and Reject lists to make comments required.

    • These settings apply only to new tasks that users submit after you finish these steps, not to tasks that are already in progress.

    • For in-app UIs, the validation applies right before the user approves or rejects. For example, let's say comments aren't allowed for approval. The user adds a comment and then does something else immediately to the task, like save, if such actions are available. When they then click Approve, they won't get an error. If they add a comment and then immediately click Approve, they would get an error.

  7. Click the Access tab.

  8. Select a value for the Signature Policy list to determine what users need to do or not before updating the task outcome.

    • No Signature Required: Users don't need to verify their identity.

    • Password Required: Users need to enter a password or more, depending on the task.

  9. Click the Commit task icon on the Tasks to be configured toolbar when you're ready to roll out your changes.