Refresh Intervals for Watchlist Items

All Watchlist items have a predefined refresh interval, which controls how often the query that calculates the count for a Watchlist item can run. You can use the Set Watchlist Options page to edit the interval values.

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:

  • Functional Area: Application Extensions

  • Task: Set Watchlist Options

How the Refresh Works

The count for any Watchlist item gets refreshed as follows.

  • When users open the Watchlist in the global header for the first time after signing in, the item is refreshed if five minutes have passed since its last refresh in an earlier session.

  • When users open the Watchlist again, the item is refreshed only if the time since its last refresh is equal to or greater than the refresh interval.

User-Created Saved Search Watchlist Items

What you enter as the refresh interval for a Watchlist item of type User-Created Saved Search applies to all Watchlist items based on saved searches that users create for that item. For example, you set the refresh interval for the Corporate Card Transactions item to five minutes. Multiple users create saved searches for corporate card transactions and use those saved searches as Watchlist items in their own Watchlist. All of these Watchlist items would have a refresh interval of five minutes.