Automatic Data Provisioning and Deprovisioning

The process of automatic data provisioning and deprovisioning is very similar to automatic role provisioning and deprovisioning.

Automatic Data Provisioning

Users acquire a data assignment automatically when at least one of their work assignments satisfies the conditions in the relevant data provisioning rule and the corresponding role in the applicable data assignment is also automatically provisioned. For example, if a worker is hired into the Finance Department of the Seattle office, the worker acquires the relevant data assignments automatically if an appropriate role provisioning rule exists for Finance Department or Seattle office or for both, provided that at least one of the affected roles in the role provisioning rule is also automatically provisioned to the user. Provisioning occurs when you create or update worker assignments. All changes to work assignments cause review and update of a worker's automatically provisioned roles as well as data assignments.

Data Deprovisioning

Users lose automatically provisioned data assignments when they no longer satisfy the data provisioning conditions. For example, if a worker is relocated from the Seattle office to another office, data assignments that were automatically provisioned for workers working at the Seattle office will be lost automatically. You can also manually deprovision automatically provisioned data assignments at any time.

Data Assignments at Termination

When you terminate a work relationship, the user automatically loses all automatically provisioned data assignments, similar to how the user would automatically lose all automatically provisioned roles.

Autoprovision Roles for All Users Process

The Autoprovision Roles for All Users process handles both automatic role provisioning and automatic data provisioning. The process compares all current user assignments with all current role mappings and data provisioning rules. Users with at least one work assignment that matches the conditions in a data provisioning rule and acquire those data assignments as long as the corresponding role is automatically provisioned. Users who currently have the data assignments but no longer satisfy the associated data provisioning rule conditions lose those data assignments. Users who currently have the data assignments but no longer satisfy the associated data provisioning rule conditions lose those data assignments.