Activate Global Search on Objects You Created or Deactivated

Oracle activates the global search on all application objects where search is available. Use this procedure to activate search on any objects you deactivated in the past or for objects you created.

You can activate search only on the objects you created, not on their child objects.

To make an application object available for global search, you must do the following:

  1. Activate the object.

  2. Specify the frequency with which the object will be indexed.

  3. Optionally, you can modify the list and order of fields indexed in the search and displayed in the search results.

Activating an Object for Search

Let's look at a Sales object, for example. To activate an object for search, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area, and use the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Task: Manage Search View Objects

  2. Select the object you want to enable for search.

  3. Click Activate.

    The status for the object changes to Active.

    Tip: Make sure you deactivate any object that's not needed for global search to maximize system resources.

Setting the Indexing Frequency and Schedule

After you have activated the object, you must specify how frequently you want the object records indexed.

Oracle recommends that you index objects daily during off-hours. You should stagger the indexing times for the different objects to minimize performance impacts.

Specifying the fields to be indexed and displayed in the search results is optional because these are already set up for you.

  1. Select the Display Name link of the object.

    The Edit Search View Object page appears.

  2. In the Index Schedule region, select the Frequency Type and enter the number of days between index runs and the time, if appropriate. Oracle recommends staggering the indexing schedule to maximize available system resources.

  3. You can change which fields the application indexes and which fields display in search results as described in the Specifying Which Fields Are Indexed and Displayed in Search Results section.

  4. When you're done, click Save and Close

    The application returns you to the Manage Search View Objects page where you can monitor the status of the index generation for each object.

    The first time your scheduled indexing process runs or any time you modify the list of fields in the object, the application generates a complete index of all the existing records. Subsequently, the process indexes only records that have changed.

    If you end up with many inactive records in your system over time, you can improve the efficiency of your searches by periodically regenerating the full index. This can be accomplished by selecting the object and clicking Full Reindex.

Specifying Which Fields Are Indexed and Displayed in Search Results

In the Edit Search View Object page, you can also change which fields the application indexes and which fields display in search results. You must index the fields you created if you want them to be available for searches.

  • The Title and Fixed Content fields let you specify which fields are displayed in search results and in what order.

    • Title is the linked heading of each search result.

    • Fixed Content is the text which appears under the heading.

    For example, the titles starting with the word Opportunity are links which permit users to drill down to the record. The rest of the fields are the fixed content.

  • The Body field lists the fields that are indexed by the application. The most relevant fields are displayed in the search results, space permitting. While the Body field includes all of the standard fields for indexing, you must add the fields you created to the list if you want them available for searches.

To make changes, click Edit (the pencil icon) and make your changes in the Edit Search View Object window.