IT Auditor (Job Role)

Individual responsible for analyzing and assessing for an organization its information technology infrastructure, policies, and operations.

Role Hierarchy

The IT Auditor job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • IT Auditor
    • Security Reporting
      • Separation of Duties Role Analysis


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the IT Auditor job role.

Duty Role Description

Security Reporting

Reviews and reports security information, including user access and role design.

Separation of Duties Role Analysis

Allows user to analyze separation of duty violations on a new or existing role in security.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the IT Auditor job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

IT Auditor

Individual responsible for analyzing and assessing for an organization its information technology infrastructure, policies, and operations.

View Sensitive Data Access Audit

Security Reporting

Reviews and reports security information, including user access and role design.

Analyze Security

Security Reporting

Reviews and reports security information, including user access and role design.

Import User Login History

Security Reporting

Reviews and reports security information, including user access and role design.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Security Reporting

Reviews and reports security information, including user access and role design.

Manage Reports and Analytics

Security Reporting

Reviews and reports security information, including user access and role design.

Manage Scheduled Processes

Security Reporting

Reviews and reports security information, including user access and role design.

Run Inactive Users Report

Security Reporting

Reviews and reports security information, including user access and role design.

Run Privilege Discoverer Report

Security Reporting

Reviews and reports security information, including user access and role design.

Run Role Hierarchy Optimization Report

Security Reporting

Reviews and reports security information, including user access and role design.

Run User Access Audit Report

Security Reporting

Reviews and reports security information, including user access and role design.

Run User Password Changes Audit Report

Security Reporting

Reviews and reports security information, including user access and role design.

Run User Role Membership Report

Security Reporting

Reviews and reports security information, including user access and role design.

View Role

Security Reporting

Reviews and reports security information, including user access and role design.

View User Account

Separation of Duties Role Analysis

Allows user to analyze separation of duty violations on a new or existing role in security.

Use REST Service for Advanced Access Control Role Analysis

Separation of Duties Role Analysis

Allows user to analyze separation of duty violations on a new or existing role in security.

Use REST Service for GRC Server Status

Separation of Duties Role Analysis

Allows user to analyze separation of duty violations on a new or existing role in security.

View Access Provisioning Rules