How You Use Assigned Tasks to Enter Setup Data

If you're assigned setup tasks from an implementation project, then a consolidated list is presented with all tasks assigned to you. Use each task from the list to enter setup data that the task represents.

If you have a long list of assigned tasks, you can filter the list by due date, task status, or implementation project name to find a task more easily. In addition, you can search for a specific task in the list by the task name.

Note: You must have the proper security privileges to perform a task.

Tasks with Scope

If any setup data is segmented by a specific attribute or scope, you may need to perform the task iteratively. If so, you must select a qualifying scope value prior to performing the task. You can pick a scope value that was previously selected, select a new scope value, or create a new scope value and then select it. The selected value is a qualifying attribute of the setup data and therefore, different setup data can be entered for the different scope values.

Predecessor Tasks

Some setup tasks may represent setup data that are a prerequisite for other setup data. These setup tasks are known as the predecessor tasks.

Your assigned task list will indicate if any of the tasks has dependency on a predecessor task and will provide the following information:

  • Which tasks are the predecessors of a given task.

  • What are the present statuses of the predecessor tasks.

  • What statuses are recommended for each of the predecessor task before entering setup data.

Setting Task Status

By default the status of all assigned tasks are set to Not Started. When you start to enter data for a task, you can change the task status to In Progress and when you finish entering data you can change it to Completed. Although status of a task doesn't determine whether or not you can continue to enter setup data for the task or whether you can export and import the data, it helps the implementation manager monitor the progress of the assignments.

Adding Notes

You can add a file, URL, or free-format text as notes to your assigned tasks. These notes are accessible not only to you, but also to the implementation manager and other assignees if multiple users are assigned to the same task. This helps you communicate and collaborate with others assignees.