Configuring Depends On Fields for a Formula

The ADF framework — unlike, say, a spreadsheet program — does not automatically infer what field(s) your Groovy scripts depend on.

For example, suppose that in a OrderLineItem object, you added a formula field named LineTotal object having the following Groovy formula:

(nvl(UnitPrice_c,0) * nvl(Quantity_c,0)) * (1.00 - nvl(LineDiscountPercentage_c,0))

On its own, the ADF framework would not be able to automatically recalculate the line total when the user changed the UnitPrice, Quantity, or LineDiscountPercentage Instead, you manually configure the Depends On information for any field formulas need it. For example, the figure below shows the Depends On multi-select list configured to reflect the fields on which the LineTotal formula depends. With this information correctly configured, the LineTotal will automatically update to reflect the new value whenever any of the values of the field on which it depends is changed.

Configuring Depends On Fields for a Formula