Connect to Oracle Business Intelligence

To connect to Oracle Business Intelligence:

  1. Sign into Oracle Applications Cloud as an implementation consultant.
  2. On the home page, click the Tools tab and then click the quick action AI Apps Administration.
  3. On the AI Apps Administration page, click the Suggested Input row.
  4. On the welcome page, click Add Data Source.
  5. On the Add Data Source page, enter these values:
    Field Value
    Service Endpoint URL

    The URL to your Oracle Business Intelligence instance. For example, https://<fusion-instance>

    User Name AIAPPS_BIP (the Oracle Business Intelligence user you created earlier).
    Password The password associated with that user name.

    Important: If you change the Oracle Business Intelligence password later, you must also update it here. The passwords must match.

  6. Click Add.

What to do next

If you’re importing a large dataset, the tenant activation will take some time. You can now change the prediction settings as required.