Create Oracle Business Intelligence User and Role

The AIAPPS_BIP_ROLE role is required in Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) to extract users’ profile data from Oracle Applications Cloud. It's best practice to create a dedicated user. However, you may prefer to create and add this role to an existing user.

To create the Business Intelligence user and role in Oracle Applications Cloud:
  1. Sign in to Oracle Applications Cloud as a user with the IT Security Manager role.
  2. In the Navigator, under Tools, click Security Console. You may need to click More to expose the Tools options.
  3. Create the AIAPPS_BIP_ROLE:
    1. On the Roles page, click Create Role.
    2. Enter these values:
      Field Value
      Role Name AIAPPS_BIP_ROLE
      Role Code AIAPPS_BIP_ROLE
      Role Category BI - Abstract Roles
    3. Click Next on the next three stops.
    4. On the Role Hierarchy stop, click Add Role.
    5. In the Add Role Membership window, search for and select BIAuthor, then click Add Role Membership.
    6. Search for and select BIPDataModelDeveloper, then click Add Role Membership.
    7. Click Cancel to close the window.
    8. Click Next on the next two stops.
    9. Click Save and Close, and then click OK.
  4. Create a user account named AIAPPS_BIP with the AIAPPS_BIP_ROLE and the predefined Adaptive Intelligence Applications Integration with HCM role:
    1. Click Users.
    2. On the User Accounts page, click Add User Account.
    3. In the User Information section, enter values for all the required fields.
    4. Rename the User Name value to AIAPPS_BIP.
    5. Click Add Role.
    6. In the Add Role Membership window, search for and select AIAPPS_BIP_ROLE, then click Add Role Membership.
    7. In the Add Role Membership window, search for and select Adaptive Intelligence Applications Integration with HCM, then click Add Role Membership.
    8. Click Done to close the window.
    9. Click Save and Close.
  5. Schedule a process to import the user and role security data as follows:
    1. In the Navigator, under Tools, select Scheduled Processes. You may need to click More to expose the Tools options.
    2. Click Schedule New Process and select the values shown here:
      Field Value
      Type Job
      Name Import User and Role Application Security Data
    3. Click OK.
    4. In the Process Details window, click Submit.
    5. Make a note of the process ID, and then click OK.
    6. Click Refresh until the status of the process ID you noted shows as succeeded.

    The process takes a while to complete. You can't set up prediction services until the status shows succeeded.