Examples of Global Search Configurations Set as Enabled or Default

Each global search configuration contains settings for the global search, and a configuration can apply to specific pages or applications.

Use the Manage Global Search Configurations page to enable or disable configurations, and select the one to use as the default. The following scenarios explain which configurations actually apply to the global search, depending on the configurations that you enable or set as default.

Predefined Default

The predefined Default configuration is always enabled and set as a default. This configuration is the working default unless a custom global search configuration is also set as a default. In this scenario, you don't enable any other configuration, so this Default configuration applies to the global search on all pages, in all applications.

Custom Default

You create a global search configuration that applies to page A and application B. Later, you set your configuration as the default. Only this configuration and the predefined Default configuration are enabled. Both are set as default.

The result is that:

  • Your configuration overrides the predefined Default one and becomes the working default.

  • Even though you defined your configuration to apply to page A and application B, it now actually applies to all pages and all applications. This is because your configuration is the working default, and no other configuration is enabled.

Specific Pages or Applications

You're using either the predefined Default configuration or a custom configuration as the default. You also enable:

  • Configuration 1: Applies to application A

  • Configuration 2: Applies to application B and a few pages in application A

The result is that:

  • Configuration 1 applies to all pages in application A, except the few pages that use configuration 2.

  • Configuration 2 applies to all pages in application B, plus the few pages in application A.

  • The default configuration applies to all other applications and pages.