
This topic explains geocoding and how to enable this option in the application.

Geocoding is the process of finding latitude and longitude coordinates from geographic data such as street addresses or postal codes. Once these coordinates are available, you can use the spatial services feature to identify points of interest, such as customer and contact addresses, in the vicinity. The application integrates the Geocoding feature with eLocation (, which is a Geocoding service provided by Oracle.
Note: Geocoding for Hong Kong isn't supported.

By default, the Geocoding option is turned off in the application. You can enable the Geocoding option by going to the Setup and Maintenance work area and performing the following:

  • Offering: Customer Data Management

  • Functional Area: Enterprise Profile

  • Task: Manage Geographies

If the Geocoding feature is enabled, the feature can be scheduled to run at regular time intervals. This ensures that newly created or updated locations are picked up and geocoded whenever you create or update an address using the user interface, web services, bulk import, or using import management.