Message Types

All messages must be associated with a message type. You can select the message type based on the message severity.

The available message types are:

  • Error

  • Warning

  • Information

  • UI String

Error Messages

Use the Error message to inform users about, for example, entering incorrect data or performing actions that trigger validation. Error messages also inform users how to correct the situation so that they can continue with their task.

For example: You can't specify a task without specifying the project.

Error messages also tell users about any serious problem with the application or process, and when they must seek assistance from the help desk. Some error messages trigger incidents or logs and have a mechanism to notify the help desk automatically.

Warning Messages

Use the Warning message type to inform users about an application condition or a situation that might require their decision before they can continue.

Warning messages:

  • Describe the reason for the warning and potential consequence of the selected or intended user action.

  • Can be either a question or a statement.

For example: You delete the primary user. Do you want to continue?

The message is usually followed by Yes and No buttons.

Information Messages

The Information message type tells users about changes in the application, a page, or a business object. These messages aren't triggered by users, and they don't have to take any immediate action in response.

For example: No events have been started or processed for this employee.

Use the Information message type to communicate information that's neither an error nor a warning.

UI String Messages

Use the UI string message type to store shorter messages such as UI prompts, titles, or translated text, in the message dictionary.