More Setup for Workflow Email Notifications

The More section on the Notifications subtab has other setup options for email notifications. In general, you would leave the default settings in this section for every workflow task, but here are some setup options you should know about.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Task Configurations task in the Application Extensions functional area. Or, depending on your offering, you might use a different functional area or another approval setup task.
  2. In BPM Worklist, on the Task Configuration tab, search for the workflow task in the Tasks to be configured pane.

  3. Select the task from the search results and click the Edit task icon in the toolbar.

  4. Click the Notifications subtab.

  5. Expand the More section.

    Here's what happens if these check boxes in the More section are selected:

    • Make notification secure (exclude details): Exclude business transaction details in email notifications.

    • Hide End User Web URL in notifications: Remove the default first line in the email body, which is: Access this task in the Workspace Application or take direct action using the links in this email. This line includes a link that opens BPM Worklist. It's recommended to select this check box.

    • Make notification actionable: Include links in email notifications that users can click to directly take action, for example to approve or reject.

    • Send task attachments with email notifications: Include files attached to the task as attachments in the email notifications.

  6. If you do make any changes, click the Commit task icon in the Tasks to be configured toolbar when you're ready to roll out your changes.