Remove Prefix from Subject Lines and Titles in Workflow Notifications

By default, email and in-app workflow notifications have a prefix in the subject line or title, such as Action Required. Remove the prefix only if you have a specific requirement, for example to grab readers’ attention about special offers.

For example, Action Required: Early Payment Offer - Accelerate Payments for up to USD 1000 becomes Early Payment Offer - Accelerate Payments without the prefix. You can remove the prefix for any scenario in the Notifications subtab for a particular task. For example, you can exclude the prefix when the task status is Assigned and notifications are sent to the assignees. Your setup won't apply to FYI notifications, which will always show the prefix.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Task Configurations task in the Application Extensions functional area. Or, depending on your offering, you might use a different functional area or another approval setup task.
  2. In BPM Worklist, on the Task Configuration tab, search for the workflow task in the Tasks to be configured pane.
  3. Select the task from the search results and click the Edit task icon in the toolbar.
  4. Click the Notifications subtab.
  5. For any of the notification scenarios in the subtab, select the Exclude Notification Prefix check box.
  6. In the Tasks to be configured toolbar, click the Commit task icon when you're ready to roll out your changes.