Accessibility Features

You can use assistive technology products, such as screen readers, while you work in the application.

Certain components render differently in the screen reader mode. For example, date fields in the default mode have a date picker. You can either use the date picker to choose a date, or manually enter the date as text. In screen reader mode, you only enter information as text because date pickers aren't available.

You can also use a keyboard instead of a mouse. Here are some accessibility features:

  • Skip navigation links

  • Additional role and state labels

  • Isolated display

  • Content change announcements

  • Alternatives actions to drag and drop

Skip Navigation Links

When you access a page and press the Tab key, the Skip to main content link appears. Use this link to skip the global header and navigate directly to the filmstrip, which is the row of page entry icons before the page title.

Additional Role and State Labels

When you access a page in screen reader mode, the screen reader reads the labels of various user interface components such as menus and buttons, including the role and state labels. These additional labels identify the purpose and current state of the item. In some cases, the Web Accessibility Initiative - Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) standards are leveraged for role and state information.

Isolated Display

In screen reader mode, when you open a menu or a dialog box, the display is isolated on the open component until you close it. For example, when you open the Actions menu, only the Actions Menu heading and menu items are displayed. In addition to the menu item names, the isolated display provides contextual information for each item. For example, each item has Menu Item or Menu as a suffix, with the latter identifying submenus that you can open. For dialog boxes, the isolated display also provides additional information, for example to identify fields with invalid data entry.

Content Change Announcements

In screen reader mode, WAI-ARIA live regions announce changes to the application. For example, when you open or close dialog boxes, you can hear the rendering of partial content, progression of progress indicators, or changes in the menu and dialog box state.

Alternatives to Drag and Drop

Pages that provide drag and drop operations also support alternative methods of operation.

In tables where you can use drag and drop to move columns, you can select Reorder Columns from the View menu, and move (or change) the order of the selected items.

Navigation Tips for Mobile Devices

After updating the fields on a page on mobile devices, to open additional action buttons such as Save or Save and Close, tap the More Actions Ellipsis.