How You Use and Personalize Infolets in Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM and Procurement

Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM) and Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement infolets are visual, actionable, and personalized information cards summarizing critical data about specific objects.

These infolet cards are combined in a SCM or Procurement home experience or work area home page to make key performance indicators easy to view, understand, and act upon.

You can do these with infolet cards:

  • Flip or expand the card to view additional details about the object featured in the infolet card.

  • Drill down to more details by navigating to relevant manage pages from the infolet view.

  • Change the context of the card either at page level or at view level.

  • Hide infolet cards.

  • Reorder infolet cards.

Flip and Expand Card

Some infolet cards have a back view or an expanded view that provides additional information relevant to specific aspects of the object being featured in the infolet card. The back and expanded views of the infolet card display additional levels of detail and expose useful information relevant to the object. Based on how the infolets have been configured, you can then navigate to either the back view or the expanded view.

To see different views of the infolet card, do the following:

  • Click the Back View icon present on the infolet card to see the back view with additional information about the object.

    • To return to the front view, click the Front View icon present on the infolet card.

  • The expanded view is available from either the front view or the back view. Click the Expanded View icon to see useful information about the objects. Click the Front View or Back View icon to return to the view you started with.

Additional Pages

Click the number or an element like a segment on the pie chart of the infolet card to navigate to relevant manage pages with additional, in-context information. Drill down to view additional relevant information on related objects that will help you to act on the latest and critical data points. For example, suppose you've an infolet card that displays draft orders with errors. Each number or the segment of the graphical element represents the different error conditions such as pricing errors, processing constraint errors, and so on. Click the segment that represents draft orders in pricing errors to see the names and additional details of all the draft orders with pricing error.

Context Selector

To view different perspectives of the same data, use context selectors. Two types of context selectors are available: at the page level, and at the view level. Only some of the infolet cards have the view-level context selectors, while only some pages with infolet cards have page-level context selectors. Context selectors aren't present on all infolet cards and pages. If you change the context of the card on any view of the card, these changes may not necessarily reflect on the alternate views of the infolet card.

  • Each view of the infolet card may have a view-level context selector located after the title of the card. Select from the list of available contexts and the view is updated based on that context. The view-level context can be different on each view of the card.

    For example, you may have an infolet card that displays information about fulfilled orders for different time periods. Use the context selector to see information about orders that were fulfilled in the last three months.

  • The page-level context selector is available on a tool bar of the page. The page-level context selector is similar to the view-level context selector, except that all the cards on the page will display data as per the filters set in the page-level context list. Click the View By icon on the tool bar of the page. Select the contexts from the two available lists in the Page Context dialog box.

    Examples include updating all of the cards to show data only for the last week, or only for a particular business unit.

Hide Card

Click the Actions icon present on the infolet card, and select Hide. The selected card is hidden. You can also hide cards by clicking the My Infolets icon present on the page. A list of infolet cards is displayed. Deselect the check box of the infolet card that you want to hide.

Rearrange Cards

The infolet cards can be moved around and can be rearranged or re-ordered on the page in any way you want.