Configure Extract Preferences

Click Actions > Extract Preferences to open the Extract Preferences dialog, where you can specify preferences for extracts.


In the Preferred Extract Language field, select the language you'd prefer extracts be made in.

Prune Time in Minutes

To ensure data dependencies across objects are maintained during incremental extracts, you can set a prune time that determines how long before the last extract date to extract data from. The default, 1,440 minutes or 24 hours, ensures a look-back that works best for extracts with daily or higher reoccurrence. You should adjust prune time to a smaller window if your extracts are scheduled more frequently or if any downstream system can handle objects extracted in any order. In general, use prune time in accordance with the frequency of your extracts. If you run extracts hourly, set the prune time to 60 minutes. If you run daily, leave it as the default of 1,440 minutes. If you don't need overlapping data to manage early or late dependencies across data stores, you can set the prune time to zero.

  • With Pruning Time set to the default of 1440 minutes or 24 hours, a daily extract has 48 hours of data because it includes data from 24 hours before the last extract date.
    1. An extract runs on 7/28, so the last extract date is updated to 7/28.

    2. Another extract runs 24 hours later on 7/29. It would filter for data from 7/27 forward, representing the last extract date of 7/28 minus prune time of 24 hours. The extract would have data for 7/27 - 7/29, or 48 hours.

  • If Pruning Time is set to zero, a daily extract has 24 hours of data.
    1. An extract runs on 7/28, so the last extract date is updated to 7/28.

    2. Another extract runs 24 hours later on 7/29. It would filter for data from 7/28 forward, representing the last extract date of 7/28 minus prune time of zero hours. The extract would have data for 7/28 - 7/29, or 24 hours.

Job Settings

In the Timeout in Hours field, enter the number of hours before a job times out. The default is 10. By default, the job fails on timeout. Deselect Timeout Force Fail if you prefer that timed out jobs not be failed.
Note: If timed out jobs aren't failed, all data files for all data stores that were successful before the timeout are uploaded to external storage.

File Parameters

In the Compression type field, select the type of compression you’d like to use. In the Split file size (GB) field, specify the file size by which extracted CSV files are divided for a single VO. The default is 1 GB. You can set the file size from one to five GB.

In the Uploaded file expiry (Days) field, enter the number of days you’d like the extract files to persist.

File Parameters settings can be overridden at the schedule level when creating schedules and assigning external storages to them.

External Storage

Select the Upload to Multiple External Storage option to increase the number of external storages that can be selected in the External Storage list when creating or editing schedules. The default is one storage, and the maximum is two.

Retry Parameters

During extraction, connections to the BI Server or queries may fail, causing retries. In the Analytic server connection retry limit field, specify the number of connection attempts made to complete the extraction. In the Analytic server query retry limit field, specify the number of times a query is resubmitted.

The Analytic server connection retry limit setting can be overridden at the schedule level when creating schedules and assigning external storages to them.

Global Extract Schedule Notification

To send notifications when scheduled extract events occur, select the notifications you want upon extract start, success, or failure. In the Mail To Addresses, enter email addresses, separated by commas, to which you want notifications sent.

Global Extract Schedule Notification settings can be overridden at the schedule level when creating schedules and assigning external storages to them.